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1、1,提高研究成果的影响力 科研设计和SCI论文写作的深入探讨,2013.12.12,张伟丽 研究员 中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 国家心血管病中心 阜外心血管病医院 心血管疾病国家重点实验室,2,科学问题:,研究方向:心血管疾病遗传学,3,3,从遗传流行病学角度, 为个体化防治提供依据。,4,近5年来,第一作者或通信作者SCI论著:11 篇,总影响因子 72,平均每篇6.6分,总引用次数约250次。,5,Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) headquarters, in Philadelphia,6,Eugene Garfield,The

2、founder of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) The founding editor and publisher of The Scientist,SCI(Science Citation Index,科学引文索引),7,从Web of Science检索分析我国心血管领域发展状况,8,然而,SCI 最重要的功能是帮助科技人员获取需要 的文献信息。,要SCI,不惟SCI,重在解决科学问题,SCI 就像一个天使,拥有了SCI 文章,特别是影响因子 高的SCI文章,你就得到了“芝麻开门”的咒语。,9,科学研究不是“闭门造车”,要

3、与国际接轨,展示我们的科研成果,与感兴趣的读者交流新的信息。 科学研究有其自身的发展规律: 提出假设实验研究得出结论上升到理论高度成文发表,peer-review的学术期刊文章、会议论文、学位论文等,Wait patiently while it goes through the Review Process,10,How to evaluate a study?,1 = Excellent; 2 = Good; 3 = Fair; 4 = poor,11,1. 创新:一定要让editor, reviewer, and readers了解项目中有创新的东西 a) 新假设、新主意:包括信号通路,

4、发病机制,“老兵新传”。 b) 新方法:原研究用的方法不准确;本研究样本量大,诊断确切。 c) 尽量采用新技术:证明你的主意、设备与时代潮流同步, 成功机会大。 2. 发展性研究:克服了某一个困难,获取了新知识。 3. 验证性研究:一个有争议的题目。,成功要素,12,选题,高血压是遗传与环境共同作用的结果,遗传度约40%,全基因组关联研究(GWAS)中的遗传标记,涵盖80%的常见核基因组变异,但GWAS所找到的高血压易感基因,只能解释2%人群血压变异,单个危险等位基因仅解释 1 mmHg的收缩压、0.5 mmHg的舒张压变异。 提示其他遗传调控机制参与,高血压研究需要理论创新。,N Engl

5、J Med 2010; 363:166 Nature 2010; 466:714 J Cardiovasc Trans Res 2010;3:189 J Clin Hypertens 2010;12:350,例如:高血压的机制研究,13,4. 核小体位置,1.甲基化/羟甲基化,2.组蛋白修饰,3.非编码RNA,细胞核基因组序列变异,基本束手无策;但表观遗传机制与端粒长度有缺陷,可以调控(运动、饮食、药物),有干预的机会。,“表观遗传”调控机制,14,上海交通大学荆清教授课题组,15,河北医科大学韩梅教授课题组,16,独立科研工作的基本能力 (1)掌握信息,复习文献的能力 (2)创新思维能力 (

6、3)科学实验设计能力 (4)科学实验操作能力 (5)论文撰写发表能力 (6)科学基金申请能力,注重科研能力的培养,17,培养科学创新思维能力,从学习型到探索型思维模式 Reading after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. 过了一定年龄阶段后的学习,会太多地转移有利于创造性发挥的精力。任何一个人

7、,如果学习太多,他用大脑进行思考的机会越来越少,进而就会养成懒于思考的习惯。 (爱因斯坦),18,SCI论文写作,19,ORGANIZED follow standard format of manuscript, Title Page Abstract Text Introduction - give context of your study Materials and Methods - what you used/what you did (ONLY) Results - what you got (ONLY) Discussion - how your findings relate

8、 to others Conclusion (s) - Answers the question: “So what?” References Figures and Tables Legends,20,第一部分:领域及主题介绍(Open up the subject) 1)简明的背景介绍(providing a concise background account of the problem studied) 2)研究目的(the objective of the investigation) 3)你的工作是当前需要的吗?(Why was there a need to conduct t

9、he study?),Introduction 要让读者了解,第二部分:介绍已有的国内外相关工作(Survey past work relevant to this paper) 1)为什么与我的工作相关?(Why it is very related?) 2)虽然该工作与我的工作相关,但是它与我的工作有什么区别?(Difference to your work?),21,染色体9p21区域的遗传变异与脑中风的发病和复发风险的关系,22,Background,Example,1,2,23,Background,3,24,Specific aims,Zhang W, Chen Y, Liu P,

10、 Chen J, Song L, Tang Y, Wang Y, Liu J, Hu FB, Hui R. Variants on Chromosome 9p21.3 Correlated with ANRIL Expression Contribute to Stroke risk and Recurrence in a Large Prospective Stroke Population. Stroke, 2012;43(1):14-21.,25,Results: Chronological steps of method procedure Specific information,1

11、,26,2,3,4,27,Figure 1. Endothelial cell-specific expression and gene structure of miR-126,图和表,28,Explains background of study Places research in context of other studies Discusses how results compare with those of previous studies Emphasizes the importance of your findings,Discussion,29,Discussion要回

12、答以下几个问题: (1) 实验结果为什么会这样?(Why are they what they are?) (2) 从实验结果中,能够得出什么信息?(What meaning can you get from them?) (3) 实验结果符合理论分析吗?(Are they in consistent with biogenesis or disease pathogenesis?) (4) 实验结果支持Hypothesis吗?(Do your results support your assumptions?) (5) 实验结果是如何支持或者否定你的Hypothesis?(What do t

13、hey mean with respect to your hypothesis?),30,(6) 如何解释、处理与假设矛盾的结果?(Can you account for them?) (7) 需要补充实验或者重复实验吗?(Do your results suggest that you need to revise your experiments or repeat them?) (8) 研究结果与国内外相关工作的比较?(How do your results fit in with the work of others in the field?) (9) 本研究的特色与局限性?(Wh

14、at are the strengths and limitations in your study?) (10) 针对目前你的结果,你能够提出下一步的工作吗?(What additional work can you suggest?),31,Examples,32,33,34,CONCLUSION, Reiterates importance of study or findings May suggest need for further research,35,思考以下几个问题: 你的问题是什么?(What is the problem?) 你的工作是什么?(What is your

15、work?) 你的研究结果有什么创新?(Results of your work) 工作有什么特色和优势?(Advantages of your work),Abstract !,36,APPEARANCE “first impressions” are important to reviewers, Title page Clear, concise title Authors, affiliations clearly identified Headings be consistent (they should form an outline) Tables and Figures cle

16、ar and sufficiently labeled References - check for duplication; follow journals instructions,The last, but not the least,37,Proof and Edit,Once the paper is written, get away from it After a period of time, print a HARD COPY of it, read it with a pen in hand, making corrections as you read Once the paper is revised, read it again as a “reader” rather than the “writer”,尤其注意以下几点:not clear不清楚,not


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