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1、The left bank, a cafe,左岸,有家咖啡馆,Explanation of terms,Explanation of terms,The left bank, usually refers to the French capital Paris in Seine River left part. The people of Paris will be called on the right bank of north of Seine River, there are many high-end department stores, boutiques and restaura

2、nts; and south of Seine River is called the left bank, there are many colleges and cultural and educational institutions, where mostly young people, consumption is also cheaper. The so-called Latin district that is located on the left bank of.,左岸,通常指法国首都巴黎在塞纳河左岸的部分。巴黎人将塞纳河以北称为右岸,有许多的高级百货商店、精品店及饭店;而塞

3、纳河以南称为左岸,这里有许多的学院及文化教育机构,在这里以年轻人居多,消费也较便宜。所谓的拉丁区即是位於左岸。,HISTORY,and commercial economy also on the right bank develops flourishingly up.,In Fourteenth Century, Xi Dai island residents gradually extended to both sides of the river,from the French king Charlie V to the palace to the right bank of the

4、Place des Vosges, Le Louvre Museum, Swanson castle, the centre of political power gradually move to the right bank,公元14世纪起,西岱岛上的居民逐渐向河的两岸扩展,自法国国王查理五世起将王宫迁往右岸的浮日广场、卢浮宫、万森城堡后,政治权力中心渐渐移向了右岸,随即商业经济也在右岸蓬勃发展了起来。,Left apart from a few isolated residents, mainly built in three university: Thor the Universit

5、y ( later renamed Paris University ), three - University ( later renamed the University ), Shikoku Gakuin ( later renamed the College France ).,Because at that time, college students have to learn Latin, and wrote in Latin, conversation, so this area is also known as the Latin District, which is on

6、the left bank of the first zone, a region of the intellectuals,左岸除了一些零星的居民外,主要建了三所大学:索尔本大学(后更名为巴黎大学文学院)、三语大学(后更名为法兰西大学)、四国学院(后更名为法兰西学院)。由于当时学院的师生必须学会拉丁语,并用拉丁语写作、交谈,所以这一个区域也称拉丁区,这是左岸最早的区,一个由知识分子构成的区域,By seventeenth Century, Louis Xiv moved in on the left bank of Palace of Versailles, as the only way

7、which must be passed from Paris to Palace of Versailles, then the left gained fast development gold period. At the time of the elite upstart, celebrities have come to this building residence, so slowly formed a cultural and intellectual circles as the mainstream of the middle class neighborhood, and

8、 on the right bank of the Palace House, commercial street, consisting of power and economic center in stark contrast. No wonder people humorously called “ right bank money, on the left bank of the brain“.,到了十七世纪,路易十四迁居于凡尔赛宫,左岸成了从巴黎去凡尔赛宫的必经之路,这时的左岸获得了飞快发展的黄金时期。当时的达官新贵、社会名流纷纷来此建造公馆,这样慢慢形成了以文化知识界为主流的中产

9、阶级社区,与右岸的王宫府邸、商业大街组成的权力和经济中心形成了鲜明的对照。无怪乎人们诙谐地称“右岸用钱,左岸用脑”。,Due to cultural and intellectual circles gathered in the left bank, then all sorts of bookstore, press, a small theater, art gallery, museum and gradually built up. On the social atmosphere of the coffee, beer hall also emerge as the times r

10、equire, on the left bank of knowledge culture people became the important meeting place. From close to the Seine gauche Saint-Michel, cultural celebrities and sages and had a party at cafe, bar across the street. For over 300 years, not only on the left bank of coffee with sugar, milk, but also with

11、 literature, art and philosophy of the essence, plus a hot coffee is as warm as the cultural concern. “ Left“ and therefore become a cultural heritage, a symbol, a symbol, a fashionable adjective. When you walk in to a cafe, perhaps a moment will be Hemingway sitting in the chair, Sutter writing on

12、the lamp, Picasso sent for window.,由于文化知识界聚集在左岸,于是各种书店、出版社、小剧场、美术馆、博物馆等逐渐建立了起来。围绕这种社交氛围的咖啡馆、啤酒馆也应运而生,成了左岸知识文化人士重要的聚会场所。从紧靠赛纳河左岸的圣米歇尔大街开始,文化名人和先贤们光顾和聚会过的咖啡馆、酒吧遍布各个街区。,300多年来,左岸的咖啡不但加了糖,加了奶,而且还加了文学、艺术以及哲学的精华,加了一份像热咖啡一样温暖的文化关怀。“左岸”因此而成为一笔文化遗产、一种象征、一个符号、一个时髦的形容词。 当你随便走进一家咖啡馆,也许一不留神就会坐在海明威坐过的椅子上、萨特写作过的灯下

13、、毕加索发过呆的窗口,In the most ancient Saint Germain around the church, have the earliest flo Cafe ( Cafe de Fiore, also known as the“ Cafe de Flore“ ), on the edge of the Demag restaurant ( Auy Deux Magots ) was a famous philosopher Sutter and his lover Heine Simone de Beauvoir almost every day to kill tim

14、e. Now the cafe menu is also printed with a quotation from Sutter:“ free nerve by flora road . .“. While nearby“ rip beer hall“ is Andre phantom de France“ and“ magazine writers meet regularly to explore writing experience place, and Yves Saint Laurent often in where.,在最古老的圣日耳曼教堂周围,有最早的弗洛咖啡馆(cafe de

15、 Fiore,也称“花神咖啡馆”),边上的德玛格餐厅 (Auy Deux Magots)是著名的哲学家萨特和他的情人海湟波娃几乎天天消磨时光的地方。现在咖啡馆的菜单上还印着萨特的语录:“自由之神经由花神之路”。而附近的“里普啤酒馆”是安德烈幻德及其法兰西杂志社撰稿作家们定期见面探讨写作心得的地方,也是圣罗兰经常涉足的地方。,Paris people s jokes, on the left bank walk, from your side and the rush of not the professor is college students; and on the right bank,

16、 when walking, careful not to step on someones foot - the nive out of ten is a pair of shoes on senior banker feet! Left the right bank, seems to have not only a regional difference, and more is the philosophy and symbolism of the different. A river ten meters wide river, in the heart floating, flexible smart today, can block the number of thought or behavior communication, fusion and collision? But, indeed: the left bank of the environment is rebellious, left heart is extreme,


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