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1、2013年高考第二轮复习英语湖北版 专题整合突破四、介词和介词短语真题试做1(2012湖北高考,25)The furniture,with its modern style and bright colors,suits modern houses and their gardens,but looks_in the garden of a traditional home.Aout of question Bout of orderCout of sight Dout of place2(2011湖北高考,30)When asked about their opinions about th

2、e schoolmaster,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _ younger men.Ain terms of Bin need ofCin favor of Din praise of3(2010湖北高考,30)It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _ favors to them.Ain preference to Bin place ofCin agreement with Din exchange for4(2009湖

3、北高考,30)His efforts to raise money for his program were_because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.Ain place Bin sight Cin effect Din vain考向分析湖北高考对介词的考查主要集中在介词短语的用法上,从近四年的湖北高考试题该部分来看,前三年都集中考查了介词in构成的介词短语的辨析,但2012年高考却考查了介词out of构成的短语的辨析,因此考生在复习备考时应注意以下几点:1注意形式很多情况下作为选项的四个介


5、It isadj.of sb.to do sth.sb.be adj.to do sth.当形容词是表示人的属性的词汇时介词用of。常见的此类形容词有:kind,good,nice,clever,stupid,foolish,considerate,polite,impolite,cruel等。如:It is kind of them to help support the poor students.They are kind to help support the poor students.他们帮忙资助贫困生真是太好了。(2)It isadj.for sb.to do sth.当形容词是

6、表示客观属性的词汇时介词用for。常见的此类形容词有:important,necessary,possible,impossible等。如:It is quite important for us to protect our environment.对我们来说,保护环境相当重要。2with的用法(1)with的复合结构with名词/代词He lay awake on the bed,with his eyes wide open.他醒着躺在床上,眼睛睁得大大的。(2)表示原因或理由She was shivering with cold.她冷得发抖。His face was red with

7、anger.他气得脸通红。(3)表示两种事物之间的相应关系或齐头并进With time passing,they have grown into big boys and girls.随着时间的流逝,他们都长成小伙子和大姑娘了。Temperatures vary with the time of the year.温度随着时令而变化。3to与情感名词连用,表示“某种行动后产生的感觉”,意为“令某人的是”toonesto theof sb.这种表达法表示结果,用作状语,放在句前、句中、句后皆可。为了强调,可在前面加much,great等。如:To my great surprise,some o

8、f my former students have suddenly come to see me today.让我大为吃惊的是,我以前的一些学生今天突然来看我。二、常考的介词短语1与介词at相关的短语at the beginning of 在的开始at the cost of 以的代价at the price of 以的价格at the end of 在的最后at the mercy of 在支配下;任由摆布at/on the point of 在时刻at the risk of 冒的险at last 最后,终于at the sight of 一看到就at length 终于,最后,详细地2

9、与介词in相搭配的短语in cash 用现金付的in need 在困难时,在贫困之中in need of 需要in want of 需要in place of 代替,取代in case(of) 以防,万一in praise of 赞扬,赞美in honor of 为纪念in memory of 为纪念in spite of 不管,不顾,尽管in favor of 支持,赞同in the name of 以的名义,凭借in the eyes of 在看来in terms of 就而言in celebration of 为庆祝in return 作为回报in short 总之,简言之in addi

10、tion to 除了之外in doubt 感到疑惑,难以确定in effect 实际上,生效in shape 处于良好状态,健康的in order 井井有条的,有序的in turn 依次,替换in store 准备着,贮藏着in public 公开地,当众in vain 徒劳,白费in the hope of 怀着的期望in charge of 管理in the charge of 在的管理下in consequence of 由于in contrast with 与相比in trouble 在困难中in comfort 舒适的in the direction of 在方向in no case

11、 绝不in no time 立刻in sight 看得见in debt 负债in difficulty 处在困难中3与介词by相关的短语by accident 偶尔by chance 偶然by design 故意地by heart 熟记by turns 轮流by no means 决不by mistake 错误地by the way 顺便说by way of 经由by means of 用的方法/方式4与介词on相搭配的短语on account of 因为on behalf of 代表on the occasion of 在时on condition that 在的条件下on show 在展出

12、on display 陈列on sale 出售on strike 在罢工on fire 着火on line 在线上on duty/guard 在值班on trial 在受审on exhibition 在展览on business 因公on foot 步行on purpose 故意地on the phone/radio 在电话/收音机中on the spot 当场,在现场on a trip/journey/tour 在旅行5与out of相关的短语out of curiosity 出于好奇out of reach 够不着out of date 过期了out of order 发生故障out of

13、 patience 失去耐心out of work 失业out of control 失控out of question 毫无疑问out of reach 够不着out of the question 不可能out of danger 脱险out of fashion 不合时尚out of luck 倒霉out of touch 联系不上out of breath 气喘吁吁out of shape 变形out of sight 看不见out of balance 失衡out of range 超出范围out of trouble 摆脱困难6其他常考介词短语和短语介词for the sake o

14、f 为了,为了的利益according to 根据apart from 除之外because of 由于instead of 代替,而不是owing to 由于due to 由于regardless of 不理会,不顾far from 远非,完全不是next to 其次,紧接着for one thing 一方面as a matter of fact 事实上as well as 也,还except for 除之外as a result 结果as a consequence 结果on the contrary 相反as for 至于as to 关于beyond recognition 无法辨认beyond description 无法描述beyond doubt 不用怀疑beyond question 无可争辩beyond reach 够不到误区警示1“介词短语辨析”易错点Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request _ a question.Ain search of Bin the form ofCin need of Din the direct



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