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1、词语的翻译,一词多意、具体抽象、加减法,1一词多意,词是组成句子的基本单位,也是翻译的最小单位,只有把词的翻译处理好了,才有可能翻译好句子和篇章。而词意又往往是影响词语翻译的关键。我们不能望文生义,要根据实际情况来确定其具体意义。,家,家和万事兴 If the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper. 家丑不可外扬 Domestic shame should not be made public. 他家又旧又破 His house is old and broken. 城里有三家电影院 There are 3 cinemas in t

2、he city.,water,Dont water the wine. 不要往酒里加水 The smoke makes my eyes water. 烟熏得我双眼泪水汪汪 He waters when he saw the moon cake. 他看见月饼,直流口水。 It is not a good habit to water everywhere. 小孩子随地小便不是好习惯。 The land is watered by these rivers. 这片土地受这些河流灌溉。 What you said does not hold water. 你说的话没有根据。,2.词的语境意义,I a

3、m hungry: 我饿了 该下班了 该开饭了 该休息了 我想吃苹果了 ,3词的引申意义: (1)具体词抽象化,They have smiles and tears. 他们有欢乐,也有哀愁 During the war, he was only an embryo(胚胎) surgeon. 战争期间,他只是一个初出茅庐的外科医生 Application of laser in medicine is still in its infancy. 激光在医学中的应用仍处在发展的初期。,(1)具体词抽象化,He is not one to let his heart rule his head. 他

4、不是那种用感情支配理智的人。 His success has pushed his forerunners point into the background. 他的成就使其前辈们黯然失色。 That is a long story. 说来话长,(2)抽象词具体化,Behind him I saw the long gray waves of the Atlantic at work. 在他背后,我看见大西洋上灰色的巨浪,汹涌澎湃。 There are 3 steps which must be taken before we graduate from this kind of techno

5、logy. 我们要完全掌握这种工艺,必须经过三个阶段。 他对美国只是有个初步了解。 He knows ABC about America.,4词语的翻译方法和技巧,There is no mathematics without plus or minus, which holds good for translation.-Taylor (American) 没有加减就没有数学,这也适用于翻译。,(1)补充法,The Bakers are from New York city. 贝克一家来自纽约市。 There are two roads for you to choose one, conf

6、essing your crimes or refusing to confess them. 摆在你面前的路有两条:一条是坦白交待,另一条是拒不认罪。 According to American authorities, 据美国当局透露,补充法,This is the best resolution to that problem. 这是那个问题最好的解决方案 Dont take it seriously! I am just kidding. 别当真嘛!我只是开开玩笑而已! He is a famous presidential historian. 他是一位著名的研究总统的历史学家。 S

7、he is more royal than the royals. 他比较皇室成员更有皇家气质。,补充法,You must come back before 9, period! 你必须九点前回来,没什么可商量的! That little puppet has been pronounced to be uncommonly flexible in the joints, lively on the wire. 那个小木偶关节非常灵活,线一拉就活泼地手舞足蹈起来。,(2)省略法:省略冠词,A book is useful 书很有用。 Watt invented the steam machin

8、e. 瓦特发明了蒸汽机。,省略连词,I can finish the work so long as you give me time. (只要)给我时间,我就能完成工作。 There must be some people in the room, for l heard a voice. 我听见有声音,屋里准有人。,省略介词,On Sunday we have no class 星期天我们没有课。 Trees grow along both banks of the canal. 运河两岸都长着树。 Smoking is not allowed in the store house 仓库重

9、地,禁止吸烟。,省略代词,One must make painstaking efforts before one masters a foreign language. 要想学好一门外语,非要下苦工夫不可。 If your TV set does not work properly, youd better not have it repaired. Just buy a new one. 如果电视机坏了,最好别修,再去买台新的。,省略赘词,The theme of 2010 world exposition, “better city better life”, is characterized by three distinctive features: reflecting the spirit of age, being original in concepts, and having universal significance . 2010年世博会的主题“更好的城市,更好的生活”有三个与众不同的特点:反映时代精神,具有独创的理念,具有普遍的意义。 2010年世博会的主题“城市让生活更美好”体现了三个特点:时代性、独创性、普遍性。,



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