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1、havehas的练习及回答篇一:have与has专项练习 have 和 has的用法(专项练习) have和has与主语搭配情况: I(我)She(她) We (我们)He(他) You (你;你们)have It(它) has They (她们;他们;它们)The boy(男孩) Toby and Tim Emma 可见,主语为第三人称单数时用has,其余人称都用have。 have / has的含义及用法: 1.作“有”讲。如:I have a bag. 我有一个包。 He has a red cup. 他有一个红杯子。 2.作“吃、喝”讲。如:have breakfast (吃早饭)ha

2、ve tea(喝茶) have a biscuit (吃块饼干)have a drink (喝点水) 3.作“拿、取得、得到”讲。如:Can I have a toy? (我可以要一个玩具吗?) 下面我们做一些练习来巩固一下: 一、用have /has填空: 1.A dog four legs. A bird(鸟)2.Our schoola library. 3.We37 chairs in our classroom. 4.My sister(妹妹)a doll. Tom and his brother a big bedroom?Yes, theyhave 二、根据汉语提示完成句子,使句意

3、完整。 1. You(有) two small eyes. 2. My sister(有) three pens. 3.Come here and(吃) an apple. 4.Mummy,can I(要) a new bag? 三、下列句子均有一处错误,请圈出并改正。 1. I am have a green apple. 错: 改: 2. Peter have a banana. 错:改: 3. My brother and sister has a toy car. 错:改: 4.They has got some roses. 错:改: 四、选择题。请将正确答案的序号填在( )。 (b

4、ig eyes.A. haveB.hasC.am ( )2.Theygot five trains.A. haveB.hasC.am ()3.Shegot a big bedroom.A. haveB.hasC.is ( )4.My toy dogbig ears.A. areB.hasC.is ( dinner at seven oclock.A. haveB.hasC.are ( )6Tom and IA. haveB.hasC.are (A. haveB.hasC.is ( lunch now?A. haveB.hasC.is 关于have和has的练习其实也不是很难哦,不过上课的时候有

5、的学生还是有些马虎哦,那么希望通过以下的练习能够加深印象! 1.Ia cat. 2.He _ a dog. 3.She _ long hair. 4.We _ a big house. 5.They _ a happy family. 6.It _a short tail. 7.You _a good teacher. 8.Elva _two big eyes. 9.Tom _a red pen. 10.My mother _a beautiful nose. 11.Cats _four legs. 12.Dogs _ (have) two ears. 13.My father _ a blu

6、e car. 14.Everybody _ two hands. 15.I _apet. 16.Lily _ (have) a doll. 17.Students _ (have) many books. 18.Girls _ (have) many skirts. 19.The baby _ (have) no teeth. 20.They _ (have) some fish. have got 和 has got的用法(专项练习) 1.have got 与has got他们表示的汉语意义都是表存在的”有”。但是在不同的情形下应该使用不同的词语. 2.要想正确的来区分他们并运用,首先应该明

7、白为什么会有have与has之分呢?他们之间又有什么内在的关 联? 3. 原来, has是have都属于一家人,只不过has叫做 have的第三人称单数. 4. 虽然是一家人,可是也有区别的.那到底什么时候用have got?什么时候用has got呢? 方法其实很简单,只需牢牢记住一点哦:第三人称单数时候就用has got其他的情况下就用have got了. 5.有的同学禁不住要问了:那什么叫做第三人称单数呢? 什么样的词语又属于第三人称单数呢?那就让我们一起去看看吧. 【探究指导】 那我们一起来看看到底什么样的词语属于第三人称单数? 1. 代词she, he, it属于第三人称单数; 2.

8、单个的人名、单个的事物名称,如:Jenny, Danny, my room, a panda, the shop等都属于第三人称单数。 I_ a book. They_ a good teacher. He _ a very beautiful toy car. She _ a nice dresser. Amy _ adoll. My father _ many books. 我们的窍门就是: 第三人称单数时候就用has got其他的情况下就用have got了. 也就是说我们只要知道哪些属于第三人称单数就可以将have got 与has got区分开来,那还等什么,赶快一起来看一下上面给出

9、的例句中都有那些词语属于第三人称单数呢? 按照上面给出的概念我们可以很容易就划分开来:He/ She/ Amy/ My father都是属于第三人称单数的,所以他们的后面都应该使用has got 那I /They的后面都应该使用have got. I_ _ a book. They_ _ a good teacher. He _ _ a very beautiful toy car. She _ _ a nice dress. Amy _ _ adoll. My father _ _ many books. 篇二:have 和 has专项练习(二) have 和 has专项练习(二) 一、用h

10、ave, has填空。 1. I _ some red apples. 2. His father _ an old car. 3. You _ two big eyes. 4. Their parents _ many friends. 5. My sister _ a nice skirt. 6. The students_white clothes. 7. He and she _ some bananas. 8. Look, the boy _ some apples. 9. Our school _ twelve classroom. 10. The students _ many

11、books. 11. Her sister _a new bike. 12. Their teacher _ some nice pictures. 13. Your mother _a new bike. 14. Li Mings mother _big eyes. 15. Jenny and Danny _ two black pens. 16. The dog _ some meat(肉) in its mouth. 17. The students of Class One _ a football. 18. Mary _ a doll. 19. They _some soup for

12、 supper. 20. Our school _a big library. 二选词填空。 1.Do/Does_ he watch TV at night?Yes he does. 2.Do/Does_ you go to school everyday?No, I dont. 3.Do/Does_ Jack and Peter like apples? 4.Do/Does_ Tina go swimming on Sunday? 5.Do/Does_they play football? Yes, they _do/does 6.Do/Does_ we have a good teache

13、r? Yes, we _do/does 7.Do/Does_ they jump rope ? No, they _do not/does not. 8.Do/Does_your dog walk in the zoo? 9.Do/Does_ I have a big nose?No, you _do not/does not 10. Do/Does_ your cats eat fish? Yes, they _.do/does. 11. Do/Does_ their mothers go shopping? No, they _do not/does not. 12. I _do not/ does not speak Japanese. Do/Does _you speak Japanese? 三、 把下列句子改为否定句。 1


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