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1、製程規劃,1,製程規劃的意義,指企業在其有限的內部資源及外在因素等限制條件下,從事生產過程的規劃,規劃出適合自己公司的製程技術及製程系統,俾達到以最低的成本及最有效率的方法/技術來生產出令顧客滿意的產品/服務之品質。,製程規劃,2,製程選擇與系統設計,預測,產品與 服務設計,產能規劃,設施與設備,佈置,工作設計,製程 選擇,技術變動,製程規劃,3,主要的製程決策,製程選擇(process choice) 垂直整合(vertical integration) 由廠商自己的生產系統或服務設備,操縱處理整個供應鏈的程度。 資源彈性(resource flexibility) 指員工和設備在處理多樣化

2、產品、產出水準、職責和功能的能力。 顧客參與(customer involvement) 資本密集程度(capital intensity),製程規劃,4,Processes at manufacturing organizations,High,Low,Volume,Project process Selecting location for new plant in Europe Installing ERP for a manufacturing firms business processes,Job process Machining precision metal tubes In

3、ternal consulting team at manufacturing firm,Batch process Forging process to make fittings for pressure vessels access Producing a batch of textbooks at R. R. Donnelleys plant,Line process Auto assembly King Soopers bread line,Continuous process Oil refining process Bordens pasta making process,製程規

4、劃,5,Processes at service providers,High,Low,Volume,Project process Real estate process for leasing and constructing facilities for large insurance company Student teams field project,Job process Customer service process at financial services firm General medical practice,Batch process Order fulfillm

5、ent process of importer/distributor Placing purchase orders at public relations agency,Line process Cafeteria line Teller line at bank,Continuous process Power generation plant Providing telephone line access,製程規劃,6,PROJECT BATCH MASS CONTINUOUS Product Unique Made to order Made to stock Commodity C

6、ustomer One-at-a-time Few individuals Mass market Mass market Demand Infrequent Fluctuates Stable Very stable Volume Very low Low to med High Very high No. of different Infinite Many, varied Few Very low products Production Long-term Discrete, job Repetitive, Process industry System Project assembly

7、 lines Equipment Varied General-purpose Special-purpose Highly automated Type of work Contracts Fabrication Assembly Mix, treat, refine Skills Experts, Wide range Limited range Equipment craftspeople of skills of skills monitors Advantages Custom work, Flexibility, Efficiency, Highly efficient techn

8、ology quality speed, low cost large capacity Dis- Nonrepetitive, Costly, slow, Capital investment, Difficult to advantages small customer difficult to lack of change base, expensive manage responsiveness Example Construction, Machine shops, Autos, TVs, Paint, chemicals, shipbuilding printing, bakery

9、 fast food food,Types of Processes,製程規劃,7,垂直整合的優點,規模經濟 品質較能掌控 有效利用人力資源設備和空間 提高生產效率 適合市場需求量大之公司,製程規劃,8,資源彈性,彈性勞動力(flexible work force) 能兼具原本及不同工作崗位之工作量和能力之員工。 專用設備 vs. 泛用設備,製程規劃,9,顧客參與,自助式服務(self-service) 產品選擇(買房子) 客製化程度 時間和地點 由顧客決定服務的時間和地點,製程規劃,10,資本密集程度,自動化 vs. 人工作業 自動化的優點 提高生產力 改良品質 缺點 不適合低產出量之作業,

10、其所需投資成本非常龐大。,製程規劃,11,產出量與製程決策之關聯性製造業,Less vertical integration More resource flexibility More customer involvement Less capital intensity/ automation,More vertical integration Less resource flexibility Less customer involvement More capital intensity/ automation,Low volume, make-to-order process,Hig

11、h volume, make-to-stock process,Project process Selecting location for new plant in Europe Installing ERP for a manufacturing firms business processes,Job process Machining precision metal tubes Internal consulting team at manufacturing firm,Line process Auto assembly King Soopers bread line,Continu

12、ous process Oil refining process Bordens pasta making process,Process design choices,製程規劃,12,Process design choices,Less vertical integration More resource flexibility More customer involvement Less capital intensity/ automation,More vertical integration Less resource flexibility Less customer invol

13、vement More capital intensity/ automation,Low volume, customized-service process,High volume, standardized-service process,Project process Real estate process for leasing and constructing facilities for large insurance company Student teams field project,Job process Customer service process at finan

14、cial services firm General medical practice,Batch process Order fulfillment process of importer/distributor Placing purchase orders at public relations agency,Line process Cafeteria line Teller line at bank,Continuous process Power generation plant Providing telephone line access,產出量與製程決策之關聯性服務業,製程規

15、劃,13,案例,Maxwell vs. Coffee shop,製程規劃,14,Process Selection with Break-Even Analysis,cf = fixed cost v = volume (i.e., number of units produced and sold) cv = variable cost per unit p = price per unit,Total cost = fixed cost + total variable cost TC = cf + vcv Total revenue = volume x price TR = vp Pr

16、ofit = total revenue - total cost Z = TR - TC = vp - (cf + vcv),製程規劃,15,Solving for Break-Even Volume,製程規劃,16,Break-Even Analysis,製程規劃,17,製程設計之考慮問題,木製椅 vs. 台灣涼椅 vs. 藤椅 年需求120 vs. 年需求12000 汽車製造廠是否需自製輪胎、座椅、燈具? 點焊採用機械臂或半自動化?,製程規劃,18,製程設計應考慮之因素,物料規格分析 產品分析 自製或外購分析 製程技術的選擇 設備選擇 製程規劃與分析 設備佈置規劃 成本因素分析,製程規劃,19,物料規格分析,物料之類別(type) 物料之型式(form) 尺寸、形狀 物料之物理/化學特性 所產生的廢料及下腳料(可利用度) 物料成本 物料來源 搬運之難易程度 存貨之預估 收料方式,製程規劃,20,產品分析,總產銷量 生產率 投入生產所需時間 生產方法 連續 間斷


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