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1、4,飞行原理(1)How can the stability of the atmosphere be determined? AAmbient temperature lapse rate. BAtmospheric pressure at various levels. CSurface temperature/dewpoint spread. 正确答案:A (2)_ prevents air flowing directly from the high pressure area to low pressure area when air moves in a level directi

2、on. AFriction force. BInertial centrifugal force. CCoriolis deflecting force. 正确答案:C (3)One purpose of high-lift devices is to Aincrease the load factor. Bdelay stall. Cincrease airspeed. 正确答案:B (4)The primary purpose of high-lift devices is to increase the AL/Dmax. BLift at low speeds. CDrag and re

3、duce airspeed.正确答案:B (5)Airflow separation over the wing can be delayed by using vortex generators Adirecting high pressure air over the top of the wing or flap through slots and making the wing surface smooth. Bdirecting a suction over the top of the wing or flap through slots and making the wing s

4、urface smooth. Cmaking the wing surface rough and/or directing high pressure air over the top of the wing or flap through slots. 正确答案:C (6)Describe dynamic longitudinal stability. AMotion about the longitudinal. BMotion about the lateral axis. CMotion about the vertical axis. 正确答案:B (7)Identify the

5、type stability if the aircraft attitude remains in new position after the controls have been neutralized. ANegative longitudinal static stability BNeutral longitudinal dynamic stability CNeutral longitudinal static stability 正确答案:C (8)Identify the type stability if the aircraft attitude tends to mov

6、e farther from its original position after the controls have been neutralized. ANegative static stability BPositive static stability CNegative dynamic stability 正确答案:A (9)Identify the type stability if the aircraft attitude tends to return to its original after the controls have been neutralized. AP

7、ositive dynamic stability. BPositive static stability. CNeutral dynamic stability. 正确答案:B (10)What is a characteristic of longitudinal instability? APitch oscillations becoming progressively greater. BBank oscillations becoming progressively greater. CAircraft constantly tries to pitch down. 正确答案:A

8、(11)If the airplane attitude remains in a new position after the elevator control is pressed forward and released, the airplane displays Aneutral longitudinal static stability. Bpositive longitudinal static stability. Cneutral longitudinal dynamic stability. 正确答案:A (12)Which is true regarding the fo

9、rces acting on an aircraft in a steady-state descent? AThe sum of all upward forces is less than the sum of all downward forces. BThe sum of all rearward forces is greater than the sum of all forces. CThe sum of all forward forces is equal to the sum of all rearward forces. 正确答案:C (13)What performan

10、ce is characteristic of flight at maximum L/D in a propeller-driven airplane? AMaximum range and distance glide. BBest angle of climb CMaximum endurance.正确答案:A (14)What is the effect on total drag of an aircraft if the airspeed decreases in level flight below that speed for maximum L/D? ADrag increa

11、ses because of increased induced drag. BDrag increases because of increased parasite drag. CDrag decreases because of lower induced drag. 正确答案:A (15)What is the relationship between induced and parasite drag when the gross weight is increased? Aparasite drag increases more than induced drag Binduced

12、 drag increases more than parasite drag Cboth parasite and induced drag are equally increased 正确答案:B (16)What true airspeed and angle of attack should be used to generate the same amount of lift as altitude is increased? AThe same true airspeed and angle of attack BA higher true airspeed for any giv

13、en angle of attack CA lower true airspeed and higher angle of attack 正确答案:B (17)What will be the ratio between airspeed and lift if the angle of attack and other factors remain constant and airspeed is doubled? Lift will be AThe same. BTwo times greater. CFour times greater. 正确答案:C (18)Why is it nec

14、essary to increase back elevator pressure to maintain altitude during a turn? To compensate for the Aloss of the vertical component of lift Bloss of the horizontal component of lift and the increase in centrifugal force Crudder deflection and slight opposite aileron throughout the turn 正确答案:A (19)At

15、 which speed will increasing the pitch attitude cause an airplane to climb? ALow speed. BHigh speed. CAny speed. 正确答案:B (20)If no corrective action is taken by the pilot as angle of bank is increased, how is the vertical component of lift and sink rate affected? ALift increases and the sink rate increases. BLift de



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