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1、第3课时 说明文的写作要领,(东莞高级中学20102011学年高三下学期二模测试) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 There have been many types of ecological disasters caused to the Australian ecosystem by introducing other animals. The most famous one was the introduction of the rabbit.,The rabbits in Australia are mostly from a group of wild

2、 rabbits in south eastern Australia. These were released in the hope of starting a business selling rabbits skin. This did actually happen, but there was nothing to stop the rabbits spreading to the rest of mainland Australia. Now we have billions. They compete with the native animals, damage the ve

3、getation and severely reduce the potential carrying capacity of the land for grasseating animals like sheep and cattle.,As well as the disasters caused to the land ecosystem, there have been ones in the water. The most obvious one was the deliberate introduction of European carp(欧洲鲤鱼) to the River M

4、urray. The carp were introduced to eat the weeds growing in the river. Now they have taken over much of the rivers ecosystem and severely reduced the number of native fish.,Not all destructive introductions in Australia were of foreign species. There are several cases of native Australian animals be

5、ing taken to different places in Australia and causing destruction. Koalas were introduced to Kangaroo Island and increased to such an extent that they are killing off the Manna Gum trees.,【写作内容】 1. 以约30个词概括阅读材料的主要内容; 2. 由于人类无休止地向大自然索取,无限制地掠夺自然,造成了资源枯竭等。大自然毫不留情地对人类进行了报复。请你以约120个词谈谈你对人类和大自然和谐相处的看法,内容

6、包括: (1) 你认为人类为什么要与大自然和谐相处? (2) 举例说明人类与大自然由于不和谐相处而带来的灾害。 (3) 在日常生活中,我们应该怎样与大自然和谐相处。,【写作要求】 1. 作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子; 2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。,【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。,One possible version: The passage mainly tells us about some types of disasters caused to the Australian ecosy

7、stem by introducing other animals such as the introduction of the rabbit to the mainland and European carp to the River Murray.,The natural balance in an ecosystem must be maintained. This balance may be disturbed due to the introduction of new species, the sudden disappearance of some species and e

8、specially manmade causes. Once damaged, it will take a long time to recover.,In the early twentieth century, Roosevelt, President of the US, ordered to kill cruel wolves to protect lovely deer in one of the flourishing forests in Arizona. Therefore, the deer was protected well and its population inc

9、reased sharply. To everybodys surprise, the forest became lifeless with a great number of deer eating its limited resources. As a result, large quantities of deer died due to the food shortage.,It is vital for human beings to live in harmony with nature. It is high time that man realized he is an in

10、tegral part of the environment. We should develop ecofriendly habits, and try to stop any activities that will damage the environment.,【思路点拨】 说明文是一种实用性比较强的文体,只要抓住事物的特点,确定一个合理的写作顺序,运用恰当的说明方法,注意语言运用的准确性,就能写出一篇不错的说明文。这篇作文要求考生说明人类为什么要以及怎样和大自然和谐相处,题材既贴近生活又是社会热点。该篇作文要说明的就是人类和大自然和谐相处的道理。第一问要指出和谐相处的必要性,可以从地

11、球是人类在茫茫宇宙中不可多得的栖息地和大自然一旦遭到破坏将难以复原等角度出发展开。,第二问举例说明要求考生平时应多关注人类造成的自然灾害,可以从大气、水体、陆地三个纬度归纳一下人为灾害,详略得当,重点突出“人类造成”和“后果严重”。最后一问,可结合目前低碳、环保、绿色的主题,讲述一些如减排增效、垃圾分类和循环再用的具体做法。,一、说明文的基本知识 1. 说明文是以说明为主要表达方式来解说事物、阐明事理而给人知识的文章体裁; 2. 强调语言表达的准确性和客观性; 3. 一般采用第三人称和一般现在时。,二、说明文值得注意的几个方面 1. 一般考查的是事理说明文。事理说明文说明的是某个抽象事理。其主

12、要目的是将抽象事理的成因、关系、原理等说清楚,使读者知其然知其所以然,明白这个事理“为什么是这样”。 2. 为阐述事理,事理说明文一般用逻辑顺序。主要根据人们认识事物的规律来确定一般指由浅入深、由具体到抽象、由因及果等等。 3. 使用与说理相适应的说明方法。注意准确使用叙述、议论等方式来辅助说明,说明文就能写得有声有色,文采斐然。,One possible version: Dear Li Ping, Im glad that you trust me so much and tell me your true feelings. Now Ive read an article which s

13、ays that it is important to be friendly to yourself first and then to others, and gives a few tips, such as forgiving yourself, realizing your virtues and not comparing with others.,As is known to all, no one is perfect,and everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, so if you fall behind other

14、s in some aspect, its natural and theres nothing so serious as for you to feel frustrated. I know youre worried about your study because youve not got as good results as some of your classmates in the exams.,But thats not the most important, you have your own virtues which some others dont have. For

15、 example, you play basketball better than many other students in our school, and you also play the guitar well. How we envy you!,So never look down upon yourself since you perform better in so many aspects. As to your study, by turning to your teachers and classmates, you can adjust your learning methods and make improvements after keeping working hard. Do remember its of great significance to explore your talent and strengthen it. Then confidence can be regained in spite of failure in study. With the best wishes! Yours truly, Wang Yan,


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