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1、Specialized English 专业英语,黄高勇 Email:,2019/1/23,2,为什么要进行专业英语的学习,专业课程学习,2019/1/23,3,课程纲要,目的:读 掌握电子、通信、铁道信号等方面的英语专业词汇; 掌握科技英语句式特点; 正确理解全文,2019/1/23,4,课程纲要,目的: 写 英语科技论文写作技巧 Skills of Scientific English writing 了解英语科技论文的构成 掌握技术文献翻译的基本技巧 能将标题、摘要和正文翻译为英文,2019/1/23,5,课程纲要,授课方式: 课上讲授+课后翻译练习 课程要求: 旷课超过学期三分之一以上

2、者,予以扣考。 评分标准: 期末翻译大作业(一篇5页以上的英文paper) 60 平時成绩 40%(课堂讨论20%+作业 10%+点名 10%),2019/1/23,6,第一章 专业英语基础,2019/1/23,7,Differences between specialized and general English Different purposes For specialized purpose to obtain the most recent information to publish the research results either by writing a paper o

3、r giving an oral presentation Different learning methods read as many English references as possible attend as much seminar as possible try to compose research papers/reports in English Different contents Special vocabularies(词汇) and terms(术语),1.1 引言(Preface),2019/1/23,8,1.2 专业英语的语法特点,专业英语的语法特点首先包含科

4、技英语的语法特点。 与日常英语、文学英语相比有许多独特之处,除了有其技术内容所决定而包含的一些数据、公式、符号、图标和程序外,在语法、修辞、词汇和文献载体等方面也有其自身的特点。 具有客观性及无人称性(Objectivity and Impersonality),2019/1/23,9,一、客观(Objectivity),因为要求客观,所以常用以下时态: 现在时(present tense) 过去时(past tense) 完成时(perfect tense)。 在语态上,多用被动语态。 有人统计专业英语中被动语态(passive voice )的句子要占1/31/2。即使用主动语态,也常常是

5、非动物主语(inanimate subject)。 示例如下,2019/1/23,10,【例1】It was started in 1969,when the U.S. Department of Defense established a nationwide network to connect a handful of universities and contractors. 【例2】Routing(路由) algorithms are also designed to be as simple as possible. 【例3】Switched Ethernet has been d

6、eveloped in order to overcome the bandwidth limitations of shared buses in LANs. 【例4】It is well known that interferences between the traction (牵引)and signaling current on the track circuits (TC) are possible because of the harmonic(谐波) currents that are injected (注入)in the line and on the rails (铁轨)

7、 by the motor drive equipment(电动机驱动设备). a handful of :少量的 contractors:签约人,订阅人,承包者,立契约者 tract circuit:轨道电路 current:电流,一、客观(Objectivity),2019/1/23,11,一、客观(Objectivity),使用被动语态原因: 一方面是由于被动语态句子比主动语态更短更简明 另一方面是因为它允许将最重要的信息放在句首,使之一下就抓住读者的注意力。 更重要的是,科技人员通常更关心的是事实和行为,而不是行为者。 以例2为例,人们不关心谁来发明路由算法。作者、读者、还是所有科技人

8、员,这些都无关紧要,采用被动语态就可避免这种不必要的考证或混乱。 正是由于这些原因,被动语态广泛地应用于表述规则、原理、过程、技术报告和说明书等等。,2019/1/23,12,一、客观(Objectivity),就时态而言,因为专业科技文献所涉及的内容(如科学定义、定理、方程式或公式、图表等)一般并没有特定的时间关系,所以在专业文献中大部分都使用一般现在时。 至于一般过去时、一般完成时也在专业英语中经常出现,如科技报告、科技新闻、科技史料等。 其他时态,如过去将来时、完成进行时等,在专业英语中很少出现。,2019/1/23,13,二、精炼(Conciseness),用尽可能少的单词来清晰地表达

9、意原。 常使用非限定动词、名词化单词或词组及其他简化形式。 (一) 动名词的运用 动名词短语可用来取代时间从句或简化时间陈述句 例如: 通常的表达式为: (1) Before it is amplified, the signal should be detected. (2) When we remove the impurities(杂质), the water can be passed back to the boiler(锅炉). (3) Switch off the main supply(电源). Remove the fuse(保险丝).,2019/1/23,14,二、精炼(C

10、onciseness),相应的精炼表达形式为: (1) Before being amplified, the signal should be detected. (2) On removing the impurities, the water can be passed back to the boiler. (3) Before removing the fuse, Switch off the main supply. 又例如: 1. Many different schemes for performing these three functions (sampling, quan

11、tizing and coding) have evolved during recent years. (gerund-动名词) 2.Consequently(因此,所以) there is an inherent advantage for overcoming noisy environment by choosing digital transmission. (gerund) evolve:演化,逐渐形成 overcome:克服, perform:执行,2019/1/23,15,二、精炼(Conciseness),(二)分词的运用 过去分词短语可以取代被动语态关系从句,现在分词可以取

12、代主动态关系从句。 例如: 通常的表达形式为: (1)In Britain electrical energy which is generated in power station is fed to the national Grid. (feed: 馈送,流入) (2)As was mentioned (3)The plane which is flying at (4),Invert:转化、使反向,2019/1/23,16,二、精炼(Conciseness),(1)In Britain electrical energy generated in power station is fe

13、d to the national Grid. (2)As mentioned above (3)The plane flying at (4) 又例如: The signal received from a satellite, located in far outer space, is very weak. (past participle过去分词),2019/1/23,17,二、精炼(Conciseness),【注】现在分词和动名词区别 现在分词是指在进行时中的动词+ing,动名词主要指在句中作名词性成分(如主语,宾语,表语等)的动词+ing形式. 例如: 现在分词: Ive been

14、 doing this work for many days. 我做这项工作很多天了. 动名词: My work is doing this. (表语) 我的工作是做这个. Answering this question is my pleasure. (主语) 回答这个问题是我的荣幸. 二者形式相同,使用范围不同,现在一般统称为ING分词,2019/1/23,18,二、精炼(Conciseness),(三)不定式的运用 不定式短语常用以替换表示目的,功能的从句。 例如: 通常的表达形式为: (1)We keep micrometers(千分尺) in boxes. Our object in

15、 doing this is to protect them from rust(锈) and dust(灰尘). (2)What does a fuse(保险丝) do? It protects a circuit. 相应的精练表示形式为: (1)We keep micrometers in boxes to protect them from rust and dust. (2)The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit.,2019/1/23,19,二、精炼(Conciseness),(四)其他简化形式 通常的表达形式为: (1)It is

16、 necessary to examine whether the new design is efficient(有效的). (2)It is doubtful how accurate the results are. (3)If it is possible, (4)As mentioned before, 精练的表示为: (1)It is necessary to examine the efficiency of the new design. (2)The accuracy of the results is doubtful. (3)If possible, (4)As before, ,2019/1/23,20,三、准确(Accuracy),专业英语中准确性主要表现为两点: 用词准确(下一节讨论) 语法结构上:使用长句子 long sentences -exceedingly informative conditional sentences - accurate descript


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