工商管理专业ppt英语课件unit 1 the evolution of management as a field of study

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1、1,English for Business Administration 工商管理专业英语,罗媛 ,2,Learning Objectives:,This course is designed to help the students of Business Administration improve reading comprehension of professional English and the ability to use English in business communication and negotiation. After learning of the cour

2、se, students should grasp vocabulary and terminology of professional English as much as possible, and be familiar with the structure of style, features and rhetorical skills in professional English.,3,Unit 1 The Evolution of Management as a Field of Study,4,Glossary,evolution .i:vlu:n n. 进化、发展、演变 ad

3、j. evolutional, evolutionary 发展的、进化的 n. evolutionism 进化论 e.g. Charles Darwin discovered evolution independently. 查尔斯达尔文独立地发现了进化论。,5,Glossary,generalize denrlaiz v. 概括、归纳 n. generalization 一般化、概括 n. generality 一般性、概论 e.g. They described their own experiences and tried to generalize the principles the

4、y believed could be applied in similar situations. 他们描述了他们自己的经验,并试着概括他们所相信的原理能应用于相似的情景。,6,Glossary,autobiography .:tbaigrfi n. 自传(复数形式:autobiographies) memoir memw: n. 回忆录、自传(复数形式:memoirs) e.g. A great deal of what we know about management comes from the autobiographies and memoirs of men and women

5、who are or have been practicing managers. 我们所知的大多数管理学来源于那些执业经理或曾经的执业经理们的自传或传记。,7,Glossary,extremely ikstri:mli adv. 非常、及其 e.g. Social and behavioral scientists view the management of organizations as an extremely important social phenomenon worthy of studying through scientific inquiry. 社会和行为科学家把组织管

6、理学看做是一种值得通过科学的查询来学习的极其重要的社会现象。,8,Glossary,anthropologist .nrpldist n. 人类学家 n. anthropology 人类学 e.g. They include engineers, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, lawyers, economists, accountants, mathematicians, political scientists, and philosophers. 他们包括:工程师、社会学家、心理学家、人类学家、律师、经济学家、会计、数学家、政

7、治学家和哲学家。,9,Glossary,perspective pspektiv n. 远景、看法、透视 adj. 透视的 e.g. Such differing perspectives on the same subject cannot be neatly classified. 在同一话题上的如此不同的观点不能被彻底地分类。,10,Glossary,turnover t:n.uv n. 人员变动、流动、周转 adj. 翻折的领子 e.g. A management theory that emphasizes employee satisfaction may be more help

8、ful in dealing with a high employee turnover than with delays in production. 强调员工满意度的管理学理论在处理员工的高流动方面可能比处理生产延迟更有用。,11,Glossary,approach prut n. 途径、方法 v. 靠近、接近、达到 e.g. There are many approaches to solve this problem. 解决这个问题有很多方法。 e.g. Silently we approached the enemys camp. 我们悄悄地靠近敌人的营地。,12,Glossary,

9、contingency kntindnsi n. 偶然、偶发事件 adj. contingent 可能的、意外的、取决于 e.g. The contingency approach, stresses that the correctness of a managerial practice is contingent on how it fits the particular situation in which it is applied. 权变方法强调管理实践的正确性取决于它如何适合于它所应用的特定情境。,13,Glossary,dynamic dainmik adj. 动力的、动态的、

10、有活力的 n. 动力、动力学 e.g. In solving problems, managers using the system approach must view the organization as a dynamic whole. 在解决问题时,运用系统方法的管理者必须把组织视为一个动态的整体。,14,Glossary,confrontation .knfrntein n. 对抗、冲突 v. confront 面临、遭遇、对抗 e.g. The age-old confrontation between the production objective of low costs

11、and the marketing objective of a broad product line is a good example of the interrelated nature of management problems. 这个在低成本的生产目标与扩大生产线的营销目标之间的古老冲突是一个关于管理问题的相关本质方面的很好的例子。,15,Glossary,incur ink: v. 招致、遭受、惹起、获得 e.g. To incur the lowest production costs, a firm would produce only one color and one s

12、tyle. 为了获得最低的生产成本,公司可能只生产一种颜色、一种样式。,16,Glossary,compromise kmprmaiz v. 妥协、折中、让步 n. 妥协、折中 e.g. A compromise is necessary for the overall system to achieve its objective. 折中的方法对于整个系统实现其目标是必要的。,17,Glossary,interdependent .intdipendnt adj. 相互依赖的、互助的 e.g. The systems approach forces managers to recognize

13、 that organizations are systems made up of interdependent parts. 系统方法迫使管理者认识到:组织是由互相依存的部分组成的。,18,Glossary,characteristic .kriktristik n. 特点、特性、特色 adj. 典型的、特有的 e.g. It seeks to identify the characteristics of jobs, people, and organizations, allowing managers to see the interdependence between the va

14、rious segments of an organization. 它寻求识别出工作、人员和组织的特点,从而让管理者看到组织中各个部分之间的相互依赖性。,19,Glossary,popularity .ppjulriti n. 普及、流行、受欢迎 adj. popular 大众的、普及的、流行的 e.g. The contingency approach has grown in popularity over the last two decades. 权变方法在过去的20年里日益流行。,20,Glossary,sole sul adj. 单独的、唯一的、孤独的 reliance rila

15、ins n. 信赖、依靠、信赖的人或物 adj. reliant 信赖的、依靠的 sufficient sfint adj. 足够的、充分的(反义:insufficient) e.g. Sole reliance on a classical or a behavioral or a management science approach is not sufficient for organizations. 仅仅依靠古典方法、行为方法、或管理科学方法对于组织来说是不够的。,21,Glossary,alliance lains n. 联盟、联姻、结盟 enter into (an) alli

16、ance with 与.结成联盟 make an alliance 结成联盟 e.g. Increased globalization of enterprises and the need for more government-business alliances to compete internationally. 企业日益全球化以及更多的政企结盟进行国际竞争的需要。,22,Glossary,demographic .di:mgrfik adj. 人口的、人口统计的 e.g. Changing demographics and skill requirements of the workforce. 人口统计的变化以及劳动力的技能要求。,23,Glossary,complement kmp



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