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1、New Words and Phrases,globalization n. 全球化 globe n. 球,球状物; 世界; 天体; global adj. 全面的,全局的;全球的; globalize v. (使)全球化,相似构词: nationalization 国有化,民族化,同化 internationalization 国际化 modernization 现代化,D R _ word _sweep aside1,sweep aside: 扫除,清除;不理会,他们对所有的反对意见不予理睬。,They swept all the objections aside.,Globalizati

2、on is sweeping aside national borders. 全球化打破了国界。,D R _ word _ sweep aside2,Collocation:,扫清,迅速消灭,sweep away,扫掉, 清除,sweep out,眺望,环视,sweep over,打扫干净,收拾干净,sweep up,D R _ word _ asset2,asset n. 财产,资产;优势,资源;,资本/固定资产,capital / fixed assets,现金资产,cash assets,流动资产,liquid/ circulating/ current assets,净资产,net a

3、ssets,lite: lit, elit n. (法) 精英, 杰出人物;精华;精锐 (Para3, Line4),这些人构成了有决定权的精英集团。,These people form an elite who have the power to make decisions.,Collocation:,political/social/economic elite,政治/社会/经济精英,D R _ word _entitle1,entitle: vt. 1) give a title to 给题名,给取名,Full-time employees are entitled to receiv

4、e health insurance.,他们有资格享有许多优惠和特权。,They are entitled to enjoy many advantages and privileges.,2) give someone the official right to do or have sth. 给予(权利), 有资格做,He entitled the book The Secret Garden.,D R _ word _facilitate,facilitate: vt. 促进,助长;使容易;,-The new airport will facilitate the development

5、 of tourism in the city. -Zip codes are used to facilitate mail service. 邮政编码的使用方便了邮政服务,学校都建在同一校区内,以便资源共享。,Universities are located in the same campus to facilitate the sharing of resources,小事,不要紧的东西,D R _ word _at odds with,at odds with: 与不一致;与相冲突,The government decision to raise taxes was at odds

6、with their policies on inflation.,矛盾,不一致,at odds,没有关系,无关紧要,it makes no odds,占优势,take odds,odds and ends,D R _ word _be committed to,be committed to (名词/名词性短语) promise to do (sth.); be devoted to,中国承诺发展低碳经济。,China is committed to pursuing a low carbon economy.,D R _ word _accelerate,accelerate: v. (c

7、ause to) move faster or happen earlier,We must seize all opportunities to accelerate our economic development. 必须抓住一切机遇加快经济发展.,The runners accelerated smoothly round the bend. 选手们跑过弯道时平稳地加速。,D R _ word _beat a path to1,P99 Lin1-2 beat a path to/ beat down sbs door: if people beat a path to your door

8、, they are interested in sth. you are selling, a service you are providing, etc. (大批的人)争先恐后地去接触,纷纷前去找(某人),现在她已经成名, 她家门庭若市。,Now that she has become famous, all sorts of people will be beating a path to her door.,D R _ word _ beat a path to2,Pattern:,beat a path to / beat down sbs door 门庭若市 beat a big

9、 drum for / about 为鼓吹,为大肆宣传 beat a bargain 还价成交,D R _ word _remarkable1,P99 Line6 Asian nations are creating “a remarkable environment of innovation, says John Chambers. remarkable: adj. unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise 显著的,异常的,引人注目的;非凡的;,These cars are remarkable fo

10、r the quietness of their engines. 这些汽车因发动机没有噪音而不同凡响.,D R _ word _ strike a balance,strike a balance: 求得平衡,他发现平衡家庭和工作的关系是很困难的。,He found it difficult to strike a balance between his family and his work.,S R _ Reading _ word _herald,herald: vt. announce or signal the approach of,先知宣告了巴比伦的毁灭。,Halloween

11、heralds the beginning of the dark, cold half of the year.,The prophet heralded the destruction of Babylon.,A R _ Useful Expressions 1,Useful Expressions,1. 国家认同,national identity,2. 扫除,sweep aside,3. 寻找,in search of,4. 狂热信徒,a fervent believer,5. 认为,identify as,6. 毫不迟疑,without any hesitation,7. 国际商业精

12、英,international business lite,A R _ Sentence Translation 3,7.随着边界和对国家的认同变得越来越不重要,有些人将此视作威胁,甚至危险。,As borders and national identities become less important, some find that threatening and even dangerous.,5. 欧洲跨国界经营中还有太多障碍,更别提全球经营了。,There are still too many barriers to cross-border business in Europe,

13、let alone the world.,6. 这听上去也许像狭隘民族主义,但内中确大有学问。,That may sound like a narrow nationalism, yet it contains a hidden wisdom.,S R _ Reading _ S_ if one were ,If one were having a contest for the most wrongheaded prediction about the world after 9/11, the winner would be the declaration by the noted Lon

14、don School of Economics professor John Gray that 9/11 heralded the end of the era of globalization.,Translate the sentence into Chinese.,如果组织一次对9/11后的世界局势最错误的预言评选的话,冠军将会是著名的伦敦经济学院教授约翰 格雷所宣称的9/11预示着全球化时代的终结。,S R _ Reading _ word _originate,originate: v. come into being, begin to exist,所有的理论都来源于实践。,Al

15、l theories originate from practice.,His book originated from a newspaper report.,S R _ Reading _ word _globalize,globalize: v. make (sth.) become generally accepted all over the world,总经理强调,要保持全球化生产成本的竞争力。,The report paints a picture of a world of increasingly globalized education.,The General Manag

16、er stressed the need to globalize production to remain cost-competitive.,S R _ Reading _ word _namely,namely: adv. that is to say,他懂三个国家的外语,即:日语、英语和法语。,There are two ways to slide easily through life: namely, to believe everything, or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking.,He knows three foreign languages, namely Japanese, English and French.,S R _ Reading _ word _stable,stable: adj. firmly fixed; not likely to move, change or fail,慢下来, 以稳速回答问题


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