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1、快速阅读与选词填空,2010-1-29,快速阅读 Passage One,文章大意 这篇文章讲了美国高等教育机构方面的知识:包括美国大学 的教学人员、教育机构类别、招生情况、学费以及教育机构 的经费来源等五个方面。 各小题答案解析 1.问题是“在大多数大学里,头两年要求学生学习哪些课程?”,第一段第 4、5行告诉我们: In most colleges the first two years are designed to provide a broad general education, and during this time, the college student is usuall

2、y required to take courses in general areas of study 所以答案是B. 这一题不需要我们概括,可以直接在篇章中找到对应的地方。,2. 这一题属于选择填空的形式,第一段第1、2行有这样的叙述College students are called undergraduates, and their four years of study are divided into freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years 所以答案是C.这一题给第1题一样的,不需要我们概括,可以直接在篇 章中找到对应的地方。 3

3、. 这一题属于选择填空的形式,这道题考查了该文第三段的知识点,该 段第3行告诉我们答案是A:Professional schools differ widely in their requirements for admission and the lengths of their programs 4. 这道题考查了文章第4段的信息点。The departments are staffed by faculty members ranging from full professors to instructors. A full professor has tenure, which is

4、a permanent appointment with guaranteed employment at the institution until his retirement. Ranking below the full professors are the associate professors, who may or may not have tenure, depending on the policy of the particular college or university. Next are the assistant professors, who do not h

5、ave tenure. At the bottom of this academic ladder are the instructors,与前面三小题不同,文章并没有很直接明了的告诉我们该题的答案,但 我们通读该段后可以得出明白美国大学教学员工可以分为四个级别:正 教授、副教授、助理教授和助教,答案为D。 5.该题类似判断题的性质,要求选出“有关私立大学和公立大学,哪些选 项是不真实的?”该题考查了第6段信息点。选出答案可以用排除法,也 可以直接选出。该段第4、5行是选出答案的关键句The academic programs of these private and public insti

6、tutions are very similar 所以答案是C。该题A、B、D选项都可以在该段里面找到对应信息。 6.该题属于选择填空的形式,考查了第7段的信息,该段第6行A few nonresidents are admitted to state schools, but they must pay much higher tuition fees than residents of the state告诉我们答案是A。,7.该题考查了第8段的信息点,问题是“当一位学生向一所私立学校提出 申请的时候,哪个选项不在考虑该生的范围?”该段第4、5、6 行basing their judgme

7、nt on these applications, the results of the examinations, high school records, and other factors such as personal interviews with the applicants and letters of recommendation from high school teachers告诉答案是B。 8-10. 这三道题属于填空题。分别可以在第9、10、11段中找到对应 的句子。Many students at private and public colleges work w

8、hile they are attending school in order to pay their expenses(第8题) Because of steadily rising costs, many private institutions have had to raise tuition rates, reduce scholarship aid, and limit some academic programs (第9题) they have often been able to depend on state legislators for financial suppor

9、t (第10题),比较难的词汇 coeducational: adj. 男女同校的 seminar: n. 研讨会,研究 疑难句子翻译 Classes vary from seminars, or small discussion groups, of fewer than twenty to large lecture courses for hundreds of students(P5 L6-7) 上课形式多样化:从不到20人的小组讨论到数百人的课堂讲座。 文化要点 college 和 university的区别: college是学院 一般规模小,university是综合性大学,学科

10、全,比较大。,快速阅读 Passage Two,文章大意 这篇文章讲述的是向美国申请绿卡(即永久居住权)的相关知识。哪些 人可以提出申请,申请者需具备哪些条件才可以向美国申请绿卡以及申 请者的优先顺序是什么样的等等。 各小题答案解析 11. 该题问的是“下面哪些人不能够获得绿卡?”,该题考查的是文章中 第一部分 Immediate Relatives of U.S. Citizens(美国公民的直系亲属)的 信息点。该部分里有这样的条款parents of U.S. citizens, if the U.S. citizen child is at least at the age of 21

11、 根据该条款,选项A是不符合的, 所以答案是A。 该题的B、C、D选项都可以根据该部分的信息确定为是 符合条件的。,12. 这一题属于选择填空的形式,在“美国公民的直系亲属”那一部分里, 有这样的叙述An unlimited number of green cards are available for immediate relatives whose U.S. citizen relatives petition for themapplicants can get a green card as soon as they get through the paperwork and app

12、lication process 所以答案是B。这一题不需要我们概括,可以直接在篇章中找到对应的 地方。 13. 这道题考查了该文第二部分“其它家庭成员” 里的信息点,问题是“下 面哪些人将会最先取得绿卡?” Family First Preference. Unmarried adults, aged 21 or older, who have at least one U.S. citizen parent告诉我们 选项C(父亲是美国人的30岁的单身男子)符合条件的,其它A、B、D 选项的优先顺序都排在后面,所以答案是C。,14. 这道题考查了文章第三部分“优先的雇员和工人”的信息点,问题

13、是 “大多数情况下,雇员得到绿卡的前提条件是什么?”。第三部分里In most cases, a job offer is also required, and the employer must prove that it has recruited for the job and not found any willing, able, qualified U.S. citizens or residents to hire instead of the immigrant 告诉我们答案是A。 15.该题问的是“特殊的移民包括哪些?”,这道题考查了第5部分的信息 点,同时也考查了英语综合能

14、力,该题需要我们在第5部分的信息基础 上加以概括,寻找这些特殊移民的共同点。答案是A。 16.该题属于选择填空的形式,答案可以直接在第6部分第二段里找 到,该题比较简单。答案是D。 17. 该题同样考查了第6部分(特赦和特殊的农业工人地位)第二段里 的信息“现在人们不能根据“特赦”申请绿卡了,原因是?”第6部分第二段 里The deadline for filing applications has passed(填写申请的截止日期 已经过去了)因此,答案是C。,18-20. 这三道题属于填空题。分别可以在第7、8部分中找到对应 的句子。 The law allows certain peop

15、le who have lived illegally in the United States for more than ten years to request permanent residence (第18题) Youll need to show that you have good moral character and are not inadmissible (第19题) Individual members of the U.S. Congress have, on occasion, intervened for humanitarian reasons in extra

16、ordinary cases, helping someone get permanent residence even if the law would not allow it (第20题),比较难的词汇 preference: n. 优先权,优惠 miscellaneous: adj. 多才多艺的,独特的 deportation: n. 驱逐出境 consulate: n. 领事馆 疑难句子翻译 Individual members of the U.S. Congress have, on occasion, intervened for humanitarian reasons in extraordinary cases, helping someone get permanent residence even if the law would not allow it.(最后一段) 美国国会个别成员,在特殊情况下,有时会进行干预,出于人道主义原 因他们会帮助一些人获得永久居住权,即使法律


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