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1、电大高级英语(2)期末复习考试资料参考(一)考核目标本课程的考核目标主要体现在以下两个方面:1语言知识语法与功能:学生应能基本掌握并恰当运用所学的基本语法知识和语言功能。词汇知识:学生应能认知词汇 45005500个(含入学前认知的词汇),并能正确而熟练地运用其中的25003500个及其最基本的搭配。2语言运用学生能够读懂与文字教材中课文难度相当的短文等;能够书写常用的应用文、记叙文与议论文。(二)考核方式及计分方法本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结性考试。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占30%,课程终结性考试占70%。课程终结性考试:内容包括教学大纲规定掌握的基本语言知识和技能。

2、形式为闭卷,笔试,满分为100分。试卷分为四部分,第一部分为词汇与结构,占30分;第二部分为阅读理解,占30分;第三部分为完形填空,占10分;第四部分为写作,占30分。(三)有关课程终结性考试说明1. 考试目的终结性考试是在形成性考核的基础上,对学生学习情况和学习效果进行的一次全面检测。2. 命题原则第一,本课程的考试命题严格控制在教学大纲规定的教学内容和教学要求的范围之内。第二,考试命题覆盖本课程教材的第一到十二单元,既全面,又突出重点。第三,每份试卷所考的内容,覆盖本课程教材所学内容的80%以上。第四,试题应难易适中,一般来讲,可分为:容易、适中、较难三个程度,所占比例大致为:容易占20%

3、,适中占60%,较难占20%。12(四)课程考核的相关内容终结性考试难度按重点掌握、掌握、了解三个不同层次的要求出题。其中重点掌握的内容约占70%,掌握的内容约占20%,了解的内容约占10%。单元 / 话题考核内容及要求重点掌握掌握了解Unit 1 A fresh start1. present and past tenses2. articles: a, the, zero article3. predictions and the future1. adjectives: appearance, clothes, personality2. expressions and phrasal

4、verbs: start3. collocations: job ads and CVs1. personality types2. nonverbal communicationUnit 2What do you mean?1. future forms with future perfect and future continuous2. comparative structures: The (more) . the (more) .1. formal expressions in letters2. vocabulary of body language3. phrasal verbs

5、1.nonverbal communication2. formal letterUnit 3Bridging the gap1. present and past habits: present/past continuous, will, would, used to2.d preferand d rather1. collocations: habits2. linkers3. organizing your ideas in a text4. agreeing and disagreeing 1. habits and relationships2. personality types

6、 and traitsUnit 4Arent we amazing?1. narrative tenses with past perfect continuous2. participle clauses 1. words and expressions:brain2. suffixes3. adjectives, adverbs and dramatic verbs1. keeping your audience involved2. presentation of a famous personUnit 5Is it good for us1. gerunds and infinitiv

7、es2. verbs with gerunds or infinitives:forget, remember, try, stop, like1. words and phrases related to addictions2. make answers/questions about the visual materia 1. avoiding silences2. addictions3. stress and social lifeUnit 6Secret worlds1. modal and related verbs:bound to, allowed to, supposed

8、to, likely to, etc.2. book review1. words about secret societies2. phrasal verbs and idioms:lookandsee3. adjectives and adverb collocations1. secret societies2. book review and biographyUnit 7Express yourself1. reported speech2. reporting verb patterns1. words about the arts and music2. justifying o

9、pinions3. discussion1. Haiku2. culture and the artsUnit 8Good progress?1. the passive with passive infinitive and gerund2. linkers:although, despite, in spite of1. interpreting graphs and charts2. compounds3. linkersculture clashUnit 9Why risk it? 1.I wish/if only, I shouldve/couldve/should/d better

10、2. conditionals: 0, 1, 2, 3 and mixed conditionals 1. phrasal verbs and expressions: money, business, banking2. criticizing/showing annoyance3. summaries1.money, business, banking2. survey3. crimeUnit 10Where the heart is1. relative clauses: defining and non-defining2. description of a memorable pla

11、ce 1. animal homes and adjectives to describe them2. collocations: places1. animal homes2. homes and houses3. house rules and life skillsUnit 11Give me a clue1. past modal verbs with passive and continuous2. impersonal report structures:it is/was thought to be/have been, etc.1. words/collocations:li

12、veanddie2. problem solving1. solving riddles2. short newspaper, articles and headlinesUnit 12Newsworthy?1. quantifiers2. inversion 1. film vocabulary2. reports: typical words and phrases3. emphasis1. movie mistakes2.lecture about celebrity(五) 终结性考试试题类型及规范解答举例I.题型“高级英语(2)”终结性考试题型包括单项选择题、 阅读理解题、完型填空题和

13、写作题。部分题型题量每小题分值总分预期完成时间第一部分词汇与结构单项选择题152分30分15分钟第二部分阅读理解第一篇文章匹配题54分20分15分钟第二篇文章单项选择题、正误判断题等52分10分15分钟第三部分完形填空单项选择题52分10分10分钟第四部分写作写作题130分30分35分钟总计31 100分90分钟II试题举例(一) 单项选择题Vocabulary and GrammarChoose the best answer for each blank from the four choices given. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.(

14、2 points each,30 points in total)1. 1 was getting up when I heard a crash. This sentence means: _A. The noise woke me up. B. ld just turned the alarm clock off.C. I made loud noise. D. I witnessed a car accident.2. One day_ married.A. Im getting B. l11 get C. 1 get D. I got3. Dont _it for granted. It is totally different from what you think.A. take B. answer C. ask D. play4. _ the light, she left the room.A. Turning off B. Turned off C. To turn off D. Turn off 5. _to the dentist, he felt much better.A. Wa


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