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1、1初三英语复习教学案(一)7A Unit 1一、四会单词1、年,岁(n.) 2、年级,等级(n.)3、阅读(n.) 4、兴趣小组,俱乐部(n.)5、出生,出世 6、在之后(prep.)7、长的(adj.) 8、音乐(n.)9、努力地(adv.) 10、短的(adj.)11、游泳(n.) 12、眼镜(n.)13、戴,穿(vt.) 过去式 过去分词14、喜欢(vt.) 15、排球(n.)16、足球场 17、游泳(vi.)18、吃(vt.) 过去式 过去分词19、鱼,鱼肉(n.) 20、数学(n.)21、散步(n.) 22、午餐时间(n.)23、飞,放飞(vi.) 过去式 过去分词24、每个的(ad

2、j.) 25、(一)天,(一)日(n.)26、绘画(n.) 27、总是(adv.)28、周末(n.) 29、通常(adv.)30、跑(vi.) 31、小时(n.)32、有时(adv.) 33、经常(adv.)34、正餐(n.) 35、祖父母(n.)36、餐馆(n.) 37、新闻(n.)38、运动员(n.) 39、队,组(n.)40、得分(n.)二、重点词组1、照看、照料 look after, take care of, care for2、晚上好 Good evening 3、晚安 Good night4、12 岁 12 years old a twelve-year-old girl5、喜

3、爱阅读 love reading 在读书兴趣小组 in the Reading Club6、出生于中国盐城 be born in Yancheng, China7、放学后 after school 课后 after class8、长长的黑发 long black hair 短发 have short hair9、听音乐 listen to music 10、努力学习 study / work hard11、戴着眼镜 wear glasses wear-wore-worn12、爱玩电脑游戏 enjoy playing computer games13、既有礼貌又乐于助人 be polite an

4、d helpful14、我的业余爱好 my hobby / hobbies15、擅长游泳 be good at swimming = do well in swimming = swim well(swim-swam-swum)16、在足球场上踢足球 play football on the football filed在羽毛球场打羽毛球 play badminton on the badminton court在游泳池里游泳 swim in the swimming pool17、吃鱼 eat fish (eat-ate-eaten)218、擅长数学 be good at maths Mat

5、hs is (be) difficult fo me19、步行回家 walk (vt) home = go home on foot乘公共汽车回家 take the bus home = go home on the bus / by bus(take-took-taken) (go-went-gone)20、跑步半小时 go running for half an hour21、带我的狗散步 take my dog for a walk(n.)= walk (vt.) my dog22、喜爱绘画 like drawing 23、放风筝 fly kites (fly-flew-flown)24

6、、一条体育新闻 a piece of sports news No news is (be) good news25、爱读足球方面的书 love reading books about football26、为黄河足球队踢球 play for Huanghe Football Team = be a member of Huanghe Football Team27、在午餐时间 at lunctime28、每天 every day 日常英语 everyday English29、在周末 at the weekend = at weekends30、在我祖父母的家 at my grandpare

7、nts home31、在餐馆里 in a restaurant 32、擅长得分 be good at scoring goals33、在下届世界杯踢球 play in the next World Cup34、赢得比赛 win the match win-won-won35、在比赛中踢得好 play well (adv.) in the match (match-matches)身体好的 be well (adj.) = be fine36、高而强壮 tall and strong37、借我一只橡皮 borrow me a rubber = borrow a rubber from me38、

8、对我说对不起 say sorry to me39、开始跑步 begin / start running begin our lessons begin with a song40、有许我朋友 have lots of friends = have a lot of friends = have many friends41、喜爱我所有的功课 love all my lessons42、擅长体育运动 be good at sport43、去俱乐部 go to clubs 44、听起来很棒 sound great三、句子1、这是一只电子狗。This is an e-dog.2、这就是那只我曾告诉过

9、你的电子狗。This is the e-dog that I have told you about.3、这本书很有趣,我想买一本。This book is very interesting. I want to buy one.4、这台电脑很有用,我喜欢它。This computer is useful. I love it.5、听,有人在敲门。Listen. Someone is knocking at the door.6、你正在听他所说的吗?Are you listening to what he is saying? No. I cant hear anything.7、让我们去散步

10、,好吗?Lets go for a walk, shall we?8、让我们努力学,好吗?Let us work hard, will you?9、这棵树高 8 米。This tree is eight metres tall./This is an eight-metre-tall tree.10、这首音乐听起来很优美。This piece of music sounds beautiful.311、戴眼镜的那位男子羽毛球打的好。The man wearing / with glasses is good at playing badminton./ .does well inplaying

11、 badminton / . plays badminton well.12、她每天打的回家。She takes a taxi home every day. = She goes home by taxi./in a taxi every day.13、他姐姐每天练习讲日常英语。His sister practises speaking everyday English every day.14、我能借你的尺吗?Can I borrow your ruler? = Can I borrow a ruler from you? = Can you lend me your ruler? / y

12、our ruler to me?对不起,我没有。Im sorry I dont have one.15、你能告诉我如何用英语说出这个单词吗?Can you tell me how to say the word in English? / how I can say the word inEnglish?16、你朋友们说什么了?他们说我既高又苗条。What do your friends say? They say that I am (both) tall and slim.17、吃晚饭时他们吃了许多鱼肉。They ate much /a lot of fish at lunchtime./

13、 when they had supper.18、你有钢笔吗?Do you have a pen? Yes, I do.四、知识要点梳理1. quite / very 很,非常 quite an easy question = a quite easy question = a very easy question2. look / look at; listen / listen to._! There is a dog on the desk._ the dog! Whats it doing?_! Whos singing?_ to the teacher, please.3. week

14、, weekday, weekend(1)There are seven days in a _.(2)I get up early to school on _.(3)She goes hiking at the _.4. Yao Ming is a player of the Rocket Basket Team.Yao Ming is _ the Rocket Basket Team.Yao Ming _ for the Rocket Basket Team.Yao Ming is a _ of the Rocket Basket Team.5. Excuse me / Im sorry

15、(1)_, can I borrow your pencil?(2)_ that I cant come.(3)-_. How do you say that in English? -_, I didnt know.6. sometimes, some times, sometime, some time(1) _ he goes to the cinema on Sunday.(2)He has been to Beijing for _.(3)Well take our holiday _ in August.(4)I spend _ practising speaking English every day.4初三英语复习教学案(二)7A Unit 2一、四会单词1、睡觉(vi.& n.) 2、锻炼(vi. & n.)3、家庭作业(n.) 4、晚餐(n.)5、最好(的) (adj.&adv.) 6、聊天,闲谈(vi.& n.)7、彼此,相互 8、首先;第一(的)(adj.& adv.)9、花费(金钱、时间等);度过(vt.)10、图书馆(n.) 11、星期二(n.)12、星期五



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