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1、1英语预习指导(先完成课文预习的相应练习再进行课文跟读,读至熟练)指导一:Date: _ Title: A. Lets learn (第四页)1、我们在三年级学了几个关于交通工具的单词,先读一读这些单词,再写出相应的中文。boat ( )car ( ) plane ( ) bus ( ) bike ( )taxi ( ) jeep ( )2、乘公共汽车用英文表达_, 步行是用脚 foot,那么应该是 by foot 还是 on foot? _ 为什么?_train 和 subway 的主要区别在哪里?_3、 人在囧途:How do Li Chenggong and Niu Geng go to

2、 Changsha? They go by 飞机( ),by 火车( ),by 公共汽车( ),by 拖拉机( tractor ),by 公共汽车( ),by 渡船( ferry ),by 面包车( van ) ,by 小货车 ( truck ). At last 最后,they get to Changsha.4、你去哪些地方旅游过?是乘坐什么交通方式去的?请想一想,填一填。Where do you go on your holiday? I go to _.How do you go there? I go _. 指导二:Date: _ Title: A. Lets talk (第五页)1

3、、读一读并写出中文,并且按顺序标好序号。often ( ) usually ( ) sometimes ( ) always 总是,一直2、想一想,填一填。My home is _ (near/ far). I _ (always/ usually) go to school _. Sometimes I go _.指导三:Date: _ Title: A. Lets read (第 6 页)1、猜猜这些是什么地方?(有些可以从课本对话中找一找。 )a. students, teachers ( ) b. flowers, trees, children play( ) c. people g

4、et on/ off the bus ( ) d. letters (信件) ( )2、读课文,在下图上画出 Zhang Peng 和 Sarah 去的路线图,以及每一段路线所使用的交通工具。其中 5= No.5 bus 3、不看课文,根据以上画出的路线图,填一填。Zhang Peng and Sarah go to the _.First(首先),_ goes to _s home. Next(接着), they can go to _.Then(然后) , they go to_. At last(最后), they are in the park.4、阅读短文,回答问题。 (可以简单回答

5、,从对话中找到关键词。 )a.How do they go to the bus stop? _b. Which floor is Zhang Pengs home? Which room? _c. What time do they meet (见面 ) ? _5、假设:你和你的朋友一起去萧山,你们在学校里碰头,想一想你们的路线。_and I go to Xiaoshan this weekend. First, I go to school _. He/She goes to school_. Next we go to the bus stop _. Then we go to Xiao

6、shan _. At last, we can play in Xiaoshan.指导四:Date: _ Title: B. Lets learn (第 7 页)1、考考你:你对我国的交通灯和交通规则了解多少?a. 交通灯有几盏?( )b. 交通灯有哪几种颜色?请你用彩色笔按顺序画出来。颜色对应的英文单词是什么?_ _ _c. 交通灯分别对应的交通规则是什么?(中文)_2、你能读懂路上的交通标志吗?完成第 12 页上看一看,选一选。3、想一想,根据常识和课本内容填一填,每空一词:Look! Three eyes are watching us. Red, yellow and green. T

7、hey are _ _ .Why do they have three colours? Because there are _ _. What should you do? _at a green light._at a yellow light. _ at a red light.指导五:Date: _ Title: B. Lets talk (第 8 页)1、你知道这些单词表示公共场所中的什么地方吗?从词汇表中找一找。post office ( ) library ( )hospital ( )bank( )bookstore( ) cinema ( ) fast food shop (

8、 )supermarket ( )2、仔细观察第 8 页对话下面的图片:The boy is at school. He wants to go to Zhongshan Park. Howcan he go? He can go _(理由是:_)3、注意 Zhongshan Park 和 by the No.15 bus.的书写,自己抄写一遍,想一想要注意的地方。_4、读一读,完成对话。A: Excuse me. _ get to Xiaoshan?B: Let me see. You can go there _ (738/728/737 公交车).文化路 5市 心 路 park人民路 5

9、 5 5 5育 才 路2A: Can I go by bike? B: Oh, you cant. Its very far.指导六:Date: _ Title: B. Lets read / C. Pronunciation(第 9 页,第 11 页)1、 读一读,填一填。In China, there are _(three/ four/ five) traffic lights. They are _, _ and _. Red means (意思是 ) _. _ means wait.Green means _. We must know the traffic _.2、 看一看,选一

10、选,填一填。仔细观察 P9 页上的图片,第一幅图行人和司机是靠路的_行进,第二幅图行人和司机是靠路的_行进(左 left/ 右 right) ,第一幅图表示的国家是_ 和_,第一幅图表示的国家是_ 和_(US/ England/ Australia/China) ,所以可以得出的结论是国家间交通文化有所不同:中美靠_行,英澳靠_行(左/右) 。3、完成第 9 页短文下面的判断题。4、读一读,判断画线部分的读音是否相同,对的打勾,错的打叉。a. meat read ( ) b.teacher sea ( ) c.leaf sweater ( ) d. kite pig ( ) e.if sit

11、( ) f.thin bike ( )指导七:Date: _ Title: A. Lets learn/Lets talk(第 16,17 页)1、我们五年级学过一些表示物体位置的方位词,读一读并写出中文。in ( ) on( ) under( ) near ( ) behind ( )over( ) in front of ( ) left ( ) right ( )2、猜一猜,这些是什么地方?(可以借助词汇表的帮助)a. see a doctor , dont feel well( ) b. read a book. ( ) c. see a film(电影) ( ) d. post a letter ( ) e. buy a book ( )3、读一读,填一填图片中空白的四个地点单词。指导八:Date: _ Title: A. Lets read (第 18 页)1、根据课文,写出路线后(去鞋店要先到达医院) ,再完成课文中的排序


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