高考英语阅读理解应试策略课件on reading

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1、On Reading,On Reading,Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested,F. Bacon,要求考生读懂熟悉的有关日常生活话题的简短文字材料,例如 公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。 考生应能: 理解主旨要义 理解文中具体信息 根据上下文推断生词的词义 作出简单判断和理解 理解文章的基本结构 理解作者的意图和态度,7年高考大纲中关于阅读理解的要求,Whats NMET reading like?,On Reading

2、,On Reading,1. The word “.” refers to/probably means 2. The underlined word “”could best be replaced by 3. By saying “”,we mean 4. “”,as used in the passage can best be defined as 5. The underlined phrase “”is closet in meaning to?,命 题 方 式,词 义 猜 测 型,How to guess the meaning of words?,On Reading,词 义

3、猜 测 型,事 实 细 节 型,提问的特殊疑问词常有: what, who, which, where, how, why, etc.,解题原则: 忠实于原文上下文及全篇的逻辑关系,决不能主观臆断。,文章中心是论点,事实细节是论据或主要理由; 有关细节的问题常对文中某个词语、某句子、某段落等细节及事实进行提问,所提问题一般可直接或间接在文章中找到答案。,On Reading,1 Which of the following statement is true? 2 Which of the following is not mentioned in the text? 3 The author

4、 ( or the passage) states that_. 4 According to the passage, when ( where, why, how, who, what, which, etc.) _?,命 题 方 式,事 实 细 节 型,On Reading,Paani Laupepa , a Tuvaluan government official , reported to the Earth Policy Institute that the nation suffered an unusaually high number of fierce storms in

5、the past ten years .Many scientists connect higher surface water temperatures resulting from global warming to greater and more damaging storms.,According to scientists ,the DIRECT cause of more and fiercer storms is . A. greenhouse gas emissions in industrialized nations B. higher surface water tem

6、peratures of the sea C. continuous global warming D. rising sea levels,connect,to,Exercise,On Reading,Laupepa was not satisfied with the United States because it did not . A. agree to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions B. sign an agreement with Tuvalu C. allow Tuvaluans to move to the US D. believe

7、 the problems facing Tuvalu were real,Laupepa expressed dissatisfaction with the United States for refusing to sign the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement calling for industrialized nations to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, which are a main cause of global warming . “By refusing to s

8、ign the agreement, the US has effectively taken away the freedom of future generations of Tuvaluans to live there,” Laupepa told the BBC.,sign,an,agreement,Exercise,On Reading,主旨大意型,标题 (Title) 中心大意 (Main Idea) 写作目的 (purpose),常见问题形式有: The subject/topic of the article is Which of the following best ex

9、presses the main idea of the passage? What does the passage/author mainly discuss? Whats the main point/main idea/central thought of the passage? Which of the following is the best title of the passage?,On Reading,标题的特点,1、独特新颖,2、涵盖性强,3、短小精炼,What is the best title for this passage? The best headline

10、for this newspaper article is -,寻找主题句或主题段落 没有主题句的要从全文大意来概括.,解题技巧:,常见问题形式有:,On Reading,Title,On Reading,1、主题句出现在开头。模式:总 分 分(演绎法)即开门见山。 新闻报道、说明文、议论文常用此方式。,Passage 1,The best title for this text would be,A. Pets Help Attract Customers,B.Your Favorite Office Pets,C. Pets Join the Workforce,D. Busy Life

11、for Pets,Passage 2,Pet owners are being encouraged to take their animals to work, a move scientists say can be good for productivity,workplace morale,and the well-being of animals. ,What would be the best title for the text?,A. A Cross-country Trip B. A Special Border Pass C. An Unguarded Border D.

12、An Expensive Church Visit,Montreal(Reuters)-Crossing the US-Canada border The expensive trip to church was a surprise for Richard Albert ,C,D,、主题句出现在结尾。模式:分 分 总(归纳法)即先摆事实,后作结论。,Passage 3,What would be the best title for the text?,Alice-cities cities of the future? B. Space travel with H.G.Wells C.En

13、joy living underground D. Building down, not up, Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earths space. The surface,they say,can be used for farms,parks, gardens, and wilderness. H.G. Wells “moon people” would agree. Would you?,D,导

14、引 摆事实 结论,On Reading,3、主题句出现在中间。模式:分 总 分(即通过导引部分引出主题再进行 论述)。,Passage 4,What would be the best title for this passage ?,Lung cancer is the No.1 cancer killer B.Smoking is a bad habit Dr.Derek Raghavan advises people to stop smoking Why did Peter Jennings die of Lung cancer?, Lung cancer is the worst c

15、ancer killer in America according to the American Cancer Society. About 160,440 Americans die each year from lung cancer,accounting for 28 percent of all cancer deaths. More than 87 percent of lungcancers are smoking related, according to the Lung Cancer Organization. ,A,On Reading,4、无主题句。题目要从整体文章中概

16、括。要特别留意文章的事实和线索。,Passage 5,Which of the following would be the title for the text ?,A. Childhood Dream B. A Mothers Love C. A Graduation Party D. A Special Birthday,Facts: my 12th birthday my graduation dance feel loved like the gardenia mothers death,B,Clue: love,On Reading,Types Of Paragraph Structures,At the beginning,At the end,In the middle,No clear to


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