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1、,词 汇,第5讲 大纲词汇 r - w,n. (1)U & C等级 搭配: have /rise to /be promoted to /attain the rank of sth 搭配: high/senior /low /junior rank (2)(the ranks) 阶级;一群人 搭配: in/withinranks,vi. 分类;分等级 搭配: rank as /among 搭配: rank high /low,n. (1) C原因,理由,动机 搭配: reason+that/why reason for (doing) sth/to do sth (2)U sensible

2、judgment and understanding (= sense)判断力,思考力 (3)理智, 理性, 思考 use reason to solve problems 用理智来解决问题,vt. 推论;推理;推究 搭配: reason (that) vi. to urge or seek to persuade by reasoning劝说 搭配: reason into/out of vi. 与争辩 搭配: reason with,(1) 建议;劝告 搭配:recommend that+主+(should) do I recommend that you (should) get som

3、e professional advice. (2) 推荐 I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in chemistry.,(1) vi. 恢复健康 After a few days of fever, she began to recover. (2) vi. 恢复到正常状态 Yesterday morning shares seemed to recover from Mondays collapse. (3) vt. 重新获得;找回 Four paintings stolen from the gallery have bee

4、n recovered. (4) vt. 重新克制自己的行动、情绪等 It was some hours before she recovered consciousness.,可靠的;可依赖的 Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a fairly reliable method of losing weight.,(1) vi. & link-v. 仍然;依然 Many scientists remain unconvinced by the current evidence. (2) vi. 停留;留下 The refugees w

5、ere allowed to remain in the UK. (3) vi. 剩下;剩余;遗留 What remains of his original art collection is now in the city museum. (4) vi. 留待以后去看、去做、去说等 Several points remain to be settled.,(1) 把某物移到别处 Reference books may not be removed from the library. (2) 去掉或清除某物 The college removed rules that prevented wo

6、men from enrolling. (3) 免去某人的职务 Congress could remove the President from office. (4) 脱下衣服,帽子等 Irvin paused to remove his sunglasses.,回应 “Id be there if I could,” Bill responded. 搭配: respond to: 响应;有反应 The fire department responded to the call within minutes. 搭配: respond that: (书面或口头) 回答;回复 He respon

7、ded that he didnt want to see anyone.,U责任 The Minister will have responsibility for coordinating childcare policy. 搭配: it is sbs responsibility to do sth/be responsible for/have responsibility for 有责任(心)做 搭配: take responsibility for (doing) sth 负(有)责任,n. (pl.) 评论;言辞;注释 搭配: in sbs remarks 搭配: make /p

8、ass a remark on 就发表意见, 对品头论足,vt. 谈论, 议论, 评论 搭配: remark on/upon 搭配: remark that 搭配: as remarked above 如上所述,(1) vi. & vt. 解决争端;使事情得到解决 Rodman met with Kreeger to try to settle the dispute over his contract. (2) vt. 决定;确定 Its settled then. Ill go back to the States in June. (3) vi. & vt. 把某人或自己舒适地置于 ;把

9、安顿于 Donna did not dare settle herself too comfortably into her seat, in case she fell asleep. (4) vi. & vt. 使平静;使安定 She breathed deeply to settle her nerves (=stop herself from feeling worried or frightened). (5) vi. 栖息;降落;停留于;使沉降 Snow settled on the roofs.,n. (1) C遮蔽物;庇护所;避难所 All around me, people

10、were running for shelter. (2) U遮蔽;庇护;掩蔽;保护 An old hut gave shelter from the storm.,v.(1) vt. 提供庇护处 Collions was arrested for sheltering enemy soldiers. (2) vi. 庇护;保护;掩蔽 We sat in the shade, sheltering from the sun.,v. 把事物分类;整理 All the names on the list have been sorted into alphabetical order. 搭配:so

11、rt sth/sb out: to arrange or organize sth that is mixed up or untidy, so that it is ready to be used; to separate one type of thing from another; to successfully deal with a problem or difficult situation 整理;挑出;处理问题 First sort the white things out from the other clothes.,(1) U赞成;支持 Local people have

12、 given us a lot of support in our campaign. (2) U&C生计;生活费 The European Union is considering whether to provide financial support for the expedition. (3) U&C支撑;承受;支撑物 The roof may need extra support. (4) U鼓励;支援 I couldnt have made it through those times without the support of my boyfriend, Rob.,(1) v

13、i. & vt. 改变;转变 She worked as a librarian before switching to journalism. (2) vt. 更换 Tim may switch his BMW for something else. (3) vi. & vt. 换班;调班 Tom said hed switch with me on Saturday. (4) vt. 把开关调到 Switch the freezer to “defrost”.,n.(1) 燕子 One swallow does not make a summer. (2) 吞咽;吞咽下的东西 He dow

14、ned his whisky in one swallow.,vt.(1) 吞下,咽下 He swallowed the last of his coffee and asked for the bill. (2) 轻信 I found his story a bit hard to swallow (=difficult to believe). (3) 忍受;容忍 He could not swallow the insult. 搭配: swallow your pride,vi.(1) (表示紧张)咽下口水 Leo swallowed hard and walked into the r

15、oom.,(1)U紧张,不安 搭配 reduce/relieve/ease, etc. tension (2)pl.;U关系紧张,紧张局势 搭配: political /racial /social, etc. tension 搭配: tension between (3)U拉紧,绷紧 Tension in the neck muscles can cause headaches. (4)U压力,张力,牵力 This wire will take 50 pounds tension. 搭配: tension on,(1) 典型的;有代表性的 This advertisement is a ty

16、pical example of their marketing strategy. (2) (某人或某物)特有的;独特的 On a typical day, our students go to classes from 7:30 am to 1: 00 pm.,(1) 承担;负起某事物的责任 Dr.Johnson undertook the task of writing a comprehensive English dictionary. (2) 同意或答应做某事 He undertook to pay the money back in six months.,n. (1) 意见 In my view, the country needs a change of government. (2) 看法;考虑 Mums view of the



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