高中英语(m4)教学资料-m4-unit2 单词听写运用

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《高中英语(m4)教学资料-m4-unit2 单词听写运用》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语(m4)教学资料-m4-unit2 单词听写运用(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1.饥饿,欲望 11.性格,个性 2.引起烦恼的 12.数据, 统计数字 3.十年 13.营养,滋养 4.斗争,拼搏 14. 后悔做某事 5.输出,出口 15.对感到满意 6.循坏,流传 16.使免受影响 7.国籍 17.集中注意力于 8.配备,装备(过去式)18.被用装备 9.使迷惑,使为难 19.对 加以评论 10.总结,摘要 20.我宁愿你昨天来这。,他们为了生存不得不与气候作斗争(struggle for) 2.我们学校已经买了一些新设备(equipment) 3. 我们必须摒弃这些过了时的陈旧观念(rid. of) 4. 他设法把他们的价格降低了三分之一.(reduce) 5. 他说

2、他宁愿不立即做那件事(would rather),They had to struggle for their lives against weather.,Our school has bought some new equipment.,We must rid ourselves of these old-fashioned ideas.,He managed to reduce their price by one third.,He said he would rather not do it right now.,6. 多亏了他的警告,我们避免了一场事故.(thanks to) 7.

3、 汤姆已经后悔做了那件事(regret). 8. 他的粗心导致了他的失败(lead to). 9. 人们总是对别人的容貌品头论足. (comment on),Thanks to his warning, we avoided the accident.,Tom has regretted having done it.,His carelessness led to his failure.,People always comment on others looks.,10. 锻炼能增强我们的健康(build up). 11. 为了使我们免受噪音的影响老师关上了窗子。(keep. free f

4、rom) 12. 我对他的进步感到满意.(be satisfied with),Exercise can build up our health.,The teacher closed the windows to keep us free from the noise.,Im satisfied with his progress.,校本1 1.therefore 2. free 3. output 4.regretted 5.confuse (时态) 6. rid 7.satisfied (句意) 8.reduce ment 10.focus II 1-12 DBDAC ADAAB AC

5、III DBADC (题目要读懂),世纪金榜 P25 9. 7,识记词汇:,1. a sunburnt face 2. super hybrid rice 超级杂交水稻 a hybrid strain 一种杂交品种 3. output/ input 产量,输出/ 输入,投入 increase the grain output (production) reduce the input 4. export/ import export vt. 出口;n. 出口商品(pl.) import vt. 进口;n. 进口商品 exporter n. 出口商,输出国;,5. circulate ones

6、knowledge 传播文化 let the air circulate 使空气流通 6. equip with .用配备,装备 equip the soldiers with weapons be equipped with 7. be satisfied with = be content with 对感到满足 8. nationality 国籍 whats your nationality ? 9. occupation 职业: vocation/ career,9. a confusing question be/ feel / get confused by/ at. 10. lea

7、d to illnesses cause/ result in.导致 11. keepfree from 使免受 keep us free from noise Keep the crops free from chemicals 12. make comments on 对作出评论 13. skim: go through 浏览 scan: read carefully 细看 14. organic farming 有机农业 15. chemical fertilizer 化肥,1. struggle for 为而斗争; struggle with against 与作斗争; struggl

8、e to do sth. 努力做某事; struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来 1.)In 1862 the American slaves won their struggle _ freedom after many years fighting _ slave owners. 2.)Seeing a girl _ in the river, the soldier jumped into the water to save her. 3.)He _hold back his tears.,for,against,struggling,struggled to,运用词汇:

9、,2. expand v.“扩大/膨胀 ”-expansion n. The street has been expanded. 街道拓宽了。 水结冰时会膨胀。 Water expands when freezing. As children grow older they expand their interests and become more confident. expand business 扩展业务,He expanded on his new theory.,详细阐述,The project will _ the citys telephone network to cover

10、 1,000,000 users. A. spread B. stretch C. increase D. expand,D,expand 指向四面八方的扩大,扩张。 spread 指消息,疾病,瘟疫等的传播,蔓延,也指把某物铺开,展开 spread the map out 展开 spread a cloth on the table 铺开 stretch 伸展 ,拉伸,3. ridof 使摆脱,除去 1.)He was finally able to rid himself of all financial worries. 他终于能使自己摆脱所有的财政负担。 2.) Ridding the

11、 world of hunger is Yuan Longpings dream. get rid of 摆脱,去掉,除去; 3.)Its not easy to get rid of a bad habit.,补充: rid sb of sth warn sb. of sth. remind sb. of sth. inform sb. of sth. 通知某人做某事 rob sb of sth 抢劫 (rob the bank of money ) accuse sb of sth 因某事指控某人,4. regret vt. 懊悔;因.而遗憾 regret that . regret do

12、ing/ having done regret to do 1.)I believe you will regret leaving Paris. 2.) She regret the loss of her friendship. 3.) I regret to say that I am unable to help you. =I regret that I am unable to help you. 4.)Tom has regretted having done it.,5. focus n./ v. 意为“聚焦,把注意力集中于” focus sth. on upon sth. 使

13、集中于 他是大家关注的焦点。 He is the focus of everyones attention. The beams of light _the center of the stage. Public attention at the moment is focused _ the problems of industrial relations.,on upon,focus on,6. thanks to “多亏,由于,在句中作状语. 1)Thanks to your advice, much trouble was saved. 2) Thanks to your timely

14、 help, I can finish the task on time. 【延伸】均有表示“由于,因为”之意: due to as a result of on account of because of owing to,7. would rather “宁愿,宁可” 常见的结构: would rather do. than do would do. rather than do prefer to do. rather than do would rather not do. 宁愿不做 【延伸】 重点句型“Id rather you did.”意为“我宁愿你做”虚拟语气. eg. Id

15、rather you told me the truth. Id rather she remained here.,8.build up 逐步建立/逐渐积聚/增进/增强. 常见的搭配: build up ones strength 增强力量/能力 build up confidence 增强信心; build up economy 发展经济 build up energy 储存能量 build up common understanding 建立共识,Practice:,1. 他们为了生存不得不与气候作斗争(struggle for) 2.我们学校已经买了一些新设备(equipment) 3. 我们必须摒弃这些过了时的陈旧观念(rid. of) 4. 他设法把他们的价格降低了三分之一.(reduce) 5. 他说他宁愿不立即做那件事(would rather) 6. 多亏了他的警告,我们避免了一场事故. (thanks to),7. 汤姆已经后



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