unit 4 pen friend

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《unit 4 pen friend》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 4 pen friend(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Pen friend,Jean Wang,Addressing Envelopes 信封的书写方式,Road, Street, Avenue 可分别缩写为Rd, St和 Ave 写收信人的姓名。一般要在姓名前加上r, Mrs, Miss 等等。如有职务或学衔,则要用Chairman, Dean, Prof (Professor), Dr (Doctor) 等,以示礼貌和尊敬。 “航空(Air Mail)”,“挂号(Registered)”,“快信(Express)”等,写在信封左下角 “急件(Urgent)”,“密件(Confidential)”,“印刷品(Printed mat

2、ter)”,“只有照片(Photo only)”,“不可折叠(Do not fold)” ,“快递邮件(Express)”等写在信封左下方。,Huang Rong 123 Zhongshan Rd Siming District, Xiamen Fujian China 361001 stamp Air Mail Ms. Helen Smith Rm. 1023 Blue Mansion Broadway, CS 20852 U.S.A. Urgent,Letter writing,Heading .address .date,Inside Address Salutation,Body of

3、 letter,Complimentary Close,Signature,20 May 2003 (英式写法) May 20, 2003, 或May 20th, 2003 (美式写法) 假如不知收信人的姓名,可用其职务或机构名称代替 Personnel Director(用职务) Office of Admissions(用机构) Salutation 采用何种称呼应根据写信人与对方的关系及认识的亲疏程度。 称呼应与亲近程度相吻合。最为正式的也是最不亲近的称呼为Dear Sir(英国用)或Dear Gentleman (美国用),一般用于给政府机关、官员的公函中,或用于首次往来的商业书信中。

4、 在收信人为不知名者的公务信函中,称呼可用: Dear Sirs,(当收信对方为单位/公司,而非某人时) Dear Sir,(当收信对方为不认识的男士时) Dear Sir/Madam,(当收信对方为性别不明的陌生人时) Gentlemen,(只用复数形式,且之前不加“”,属美式英语用法),Complimentary Close Your faithfully 这是商业书信最常用的,也是最规范的。 Your respectfully 只适用于下级给上级的书信 Your truly 常用于熟人之间。较少用于商业书信 Your very truly 比Your truly更具有感情色彩 Your

5、sincerely 这是私人信件,用法比较普遍 Your very sincerely 比Your sincerely 更具有感情,适用于委婉拒绝 Sincerely 没有Your sincerely正式,而且只用于朋友之间 Kind regards 此用法增添亲切感,也表明是私人信件 Your ever/As ever 只用于要好朋友之间 Your affectionately 用于非常亲密的朋友之间 Love,All my love. 用于亲属、爱人之间,(1)附件 (Enclosure),以Enc. 表示,如“附有。证明”应写为EncCertificate; (2)再启 (Postscr

6、ipt),以P.S. 表示 (3)抄送件(Carbon Copy to),以c.c. 表示,说明一式多份抄送其他有关人员。,Exercise,August 15,2002 Dear Sirs, We known from the James Oliver &Co Of New York, with whom we have done business for many years, that you are the largest exporter of cotton bed-sheets. Would you like to send us some details of your vari

7、ous ranges, including sizes, colors, and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of the materials used. We are large dealers in textiles and believe that there is a promising market in our area. When replying please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of

8、 not less than 100 dozen of individual items. The quoted prices include insurance and freight to Liverpool. Yours faithfully,We are very pleased to receive your inquiry of 15th August and are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you asked for. Also by separate post w

9、e are sending you some samples, hoping the goods with excellent quality and reasonable price will satisfy you. Our regular purchases in qualities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items, we would allow you a discount of 2%. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight. Although we are co

10、mmitted with floods of orders, we will try our best to prompt shipment if you place your order not later than September. Yours faithfully,What is the purpose of the first letter?,2. What should be included in the quoted prices?,3. What are enclosed in the second letter?,4. What is the discount on pu

11、rchase of 200 dozen of individual items?,5. What does the addresser of the second letter ensure if the order is placed before the end of September?,To ask for details of the product and some samples.,2. Insurance and freight to Liverpool.,3. Illustrated catalogue and price list,4. 2%,5. Prompt shipm

12、ent,Home Shopping,A way to view merchandise and order it from home Home shopping With modern technology such as television and telephone and the Internet, users could be described as home shopping though online retail stores. Electronic commerce and business-to-consumer electronic commerce systems in combination of home mail delivery systems make this possible. Typically a consumer could make purchases though online shopping, shopping channels, mail order, etc.,


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