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1、句子成分,主谓宾 最重要的三大成分 交代谁做了什么事 形成句子基本结构 定状补 三大修饰成分 详细地交代发生事情的细节 (什么样的)人(在什么时间、什么地点、以什么方式、什么条件、什么状态)给(什么样的)人(一本什么样的)书。,定语 什么样的 详细交代名词的样子 .的 状语 说明动作的细节状况 .地 时间 地点 原因 状态 目的 结果 方式 程度 补语 跟在主谓宾后面 补充说明 使别人对事情的细节知道的更详细,主系表 特殊的主谓宾句子 表语 对主语进行表达和描述 省略了“是”,我20岁 我很高兴 他很重 他们在美国 这部电影很有趣 足球在箱子里,Exemple,他在门前的镜子里看见了自己。 这

2、件事发生在去年。 这个人看起来很可怕。 我马上回来。 他十点送你去火车站。 吃完晚饭我们要去散步。 美丽的夕阳正在西下。,主语 宾语 名词 谓语 动词 定语 形容词 状语 副词 比较复杂的构造:动词 句子,动词 担当六种句子成分 吃饭是我们每天要做的事-主语 我们每天都吃饭谓语 我们每天要做的事是吃饭表语 吃饭的时间不同定语 她喂她儿子吃饭补语 为了吃饭 我们每天都要做饭状语 eat/ ate/ eaten/ to eat /eating/,造句 先从五大句型中选定一个 造出最基本句子 再把定状补三大修饰成分加进去,形成复杂句子。 定语 前小后大 This is an interesting

3、story book about animals that I bought for my son yesterday. 一个 有趣的 故事 关于动物 我昨天为我儿子买的 I saw a tall person in black who was about 40 years old. 一个 高高的 穿着黑色衣服的 大约40岁的,状语 到处能见到工厂和大楼 Factories and buildings are seen here and there. You can see factories and buildings here and there. He is sitting there

4、,asking for a computer. If I am not busy tomorrow,I will go shopping with you. I talk with him patiently.我耐心地和他谈话 I tell them the truth directly.我直接告诉他们真相,补语 定语(名词) 状语(动词) 他们祝我生日快乐 我们看见他在演奏音乐 我感觉到房子在摇晃 他问那个人为什么来这里 我给他打了三次电话 很高兴你今天来这里 我肯定他不会来 这个问题很难解决,状语 在解释一个动词的8个方面 时间 地点 原因 状态 目的 结果 方式 程度 补语 对整个句子的

5、补充 说不清在解释哪个固定的词,主语从句 你所需要的是更多的阅读。What need reading more What you need is more reading. 她不可能来这里。that it come impossible is she will here It is impossible that she will come here. 他们什么时候能出国仍然是个问题。when go abroad still problem When they can go abroad is still a problem. 他是否会去上班还不清楚。whether clear Whether

6、 he will go to work is not clear.,宾语从句 告诉我你想要什么。 what want tell Tell me what you want. 我不知道这个句子是否正确。whether/if sentence right I dont know whether this sentence is right. 他说他正考虑把办公室从广州搬到深圳去。That think of He said he was thinking of moving the office from GZ to SZ.,表语从句 麻烦的事是我把他的电话号码弄丢了。that trouble lo

7、st The trouble is that I lost his telephone number. 看起来她是对的。seem it that It seems that she is right.,定语从句 The man is my father.The man wears sunglasses。 The man who wears sunglasses is my father。 带太阳镜的那个人是我的父亲 跟我讲话的那个女孩是我表妹。who speak cousin The girl who/that I spoke to is my cousin. I live in the ho

8、use. The house stands on the hill. I live in the house which standas on the hill. 我住在那幢坐落在山丘上的房子里。 我喜欢这栋由吴先生设计的大楼。design I like the building which /that was designed by Mr.wu. 正在弹吉他的那个男孩是吉米。guitar The boy that is playing the guitar is Jimmy 我认识一位父亲是新闻记者的女孩。 Journalist whose know a girl whose father

9、is a journalist .,他画了一只正在椅子上睡觉的猫。 He drew a cat (which is)sleeping on the chair. 这是一扇被Tom 打破的窗户。 This is the window broken by Tom.,状语从句 我们到的时候正在下雨。 when arrive rain When we arrived,it was raining. 我一看见他就会告诉他。 as soon as I will tell him as soon as I see him. 我会站在(我)能清楚看到你的地方。where clearly I will stan

10、d where I can see you clearly. 不管在哪里我都会想念我的妈妈。wherever will be miss Wherever I am I will be missing you. 虽然很累,但我们还是会努力完成工作。though tired try to We will try to finish the work though we are tired. 为了挣很多钱,她努力工作。 so that / earn a lot She worked hard so that she could earn a lot 如果他邀请我 我就去。 if invite I w

11、il go if he invites me.,先行词和关系词的关系,A plane is a machine that can fly. The boy who broke the window is called Tom. The boy whose parents are dead was brought up by his grandfather. The school where I study is far from my home.,the machine = that,the boy =who,the boys =whose,in the school = where,关系代词

12、实际上是先行词的复指,关系词 whose 实际上是先行词的所有格,关系副词实际上是介词先行词,Join the following sentences: A plane is a machine. The machine can fly. A plane is can fly.,关系代词的实质,the machine,a machine,Join the following sentences: A plane is a machine. The machine can fly. A plane is can fly.,关系代词的实质,a machine,that /which,关系代词的实质

13、,Join the following sentences: The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.,her,The girl,关系代词的实质,Join the following sentences: The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.,her,The girl,关系代词的实质,Join the following sentences: The girl is Mary. We saw her yester

14、day. we saw yesterday is Mary.,her,The girl,关系代词的实质,Join the following sentences: The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.,her,The girl,关系代词的实质,Join the following sentences: The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.,her,The girl,关系代词的实质,Join the follo

15、wing sentences: The girl is Mary. We saw her yesterday. we saw yesterday is Mary.,her,The girl,关系代词的用法练习,1.The eggs were not fresh. I bought them yesterday. 2.The friend was not hungry. He came to supper last night. 3.He prefers the cheese. It comes from his parents farm. 4.The noodles were deliciou

16、s. You cooked them. 5.I dont like the people. They smoke a lot.,The eggs (that/which) I bought them were not fresh.,The friend who/ that he came to supper last night was not hungry.,He prefers the cheese that / which it comes from his parents farm.,The noodles( which/ that )you cooked them were delicious.,I dont like the people that / who they smoke a lot.,there be句型,有 there is a computer on the


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