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1、教学目标,通过学习与环境相关的词来描述环境污染和环境保护,倡导积极保护环境的良好意识。 学习与环境相关的词。 判断环境污染的一些现象及作简单描述。 利用构词法知识学习与环境相关的词。,Word Power,Discussing the environment,Environmental problems are discussed frequently in the news. A whole vocabulary has developed to help us talk about the environment and problems associated with it.,Shang

2、ri La is heaven of earth. We are ecotourists, well go travelling there. What are we interested in? What type of hotel will we stay in? What kind of energy does the hotel Ecoville use? How does the hotel wash the sheets? What other characteristics does the environmentally hotel have?,A Read this broc

3、hure about a new, environmentally friendly hotel which is opening.,Ecotourists are people who visit an area and don not harm or damage the ecosystem. They are interested in environmental protection. If you are this kind of tourist, you will love Ecoville.,We use natural, safe energy from the sun, so

4、lar energy, instead of digging up Earth to find fossil fuels. Nothing in our hotel causes pollution. We even use eco-friendly washing powder to wash your sheets.,Dont have your next holiday in a city full of factories that create harmful waste. Come to Ecoville, where you and earth will be safe toge

5、ther.,Tourists who are friendly to the environment when go Protection of environment Using the suns energy Fuel such as coal, oil, that was formed over millions of years from the remains of animals or plants Making air, water, soil etc. dirty Environmental protected,travelling ecotourist solar energ

6、y eco-friendly fossil fuel environmental protection pollution,B When we talk about things that are bad for the environment, many of the words that we use are compound nouns. Use the compound nouns in the box to label the pictures below.,clear-cut logging,opencast mining,Slash and burn farming,global

7、 warming,ozone layer,acid rain,Ecoville, the perfect holiday destination!,The concept behind our hotel is (1) _ protection. It is safe and fun for the whole family, even Mother Earth! Ecoville was the idea of Li Zheng, a scientist. He was worried about global warming and the hole in the (2) _.,envir

8、onmental,ozone layer,He wanted a chance to have a holiday in a beautiful part of the world, but not to cause damage to the (3) _ of the area. One night he saw a television show about a village in Africa.,ecosystem,The whole village uses (4) _ from the sun. No (5) _ are burnt in peoples homes. There

9、is no harmful waste from the factories because it is changed back into fuel and used to power the factories. The cars are all electric and can be plugged into normal outlets.,energy,fossil fuels,Even things like soap powder are (6) _ products. Mr Li was very excited about this idea, and decided to b

10、uild Ecoville exactly the same way. Nothing you find in Ecoville causes any (7) _ at all.,eco-friendly,harm,We even built our hotel around the treesyou can relax and be sure that there was no damage done to make space for your room. We even checked to make sure that the metals we used to build were

11、not obtained from companies that practise opencast mining.,So come and join us, become part of the new generation of tourists, (8) _, and spent your next holiday in beautiful Ecoville!,ecotourists,Who thought of the idea to build in environmentally friendly hotel? Where did he get his inspiration (i

12、dea) ? What are the differences between Ecoville and other hotels?,D. The prefix eco- means earth, which comes from Greek. It is used in many words to talk about the environment, such as ecology and eco-tourism. Work in groups & have a competition on words that include the prefix eco-. Use your dict

13、ionary if necessary.,eco-,activity,friendly,ecology,tourism,protection,catastrophe,Homework,Try to write an article on some environmental pollution and how to solve the problems. Write a guide on how to be an ecotourist.,教学步骤,一、导入(Lead-in) 设置一个情景:假如学生要去我国的大香格里拉地区旅游。他们是“驴友”协会的成员,要考虑做些什么? 可能的答案:,二、初步学习有关环境的词,阅读练习 1. 以课本P26的A部分为内容; 2. 以词义配对的练习来简单解释蓝色词的意思; 3. 学生分组讨论所展示的图片,鼓励 学生用新词。,三、巩固与环境相关的词,1.广告展示 巩固相关的词。(可以将其让学生描述成他们“驴友”协会的倡议。 2.拓展:可以让学生进行适度的自由发挥。,四、 前缀 eco- = environment,1. 让学生做猜词比赛,以熟悉相关词汇; 2. 词义配对展示学生总结与eco-有关 的此以扩大学生的词汇;,五、拓展训练,1. 比赛讨论环境污染话题,鼓励用新词; 2. 讨论如何防治环境污染; 3. 作业。,Thank You!,


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