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1、模块十八Units 9-10 Book 9,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,基础过关 ,词汇考查,.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1Do you know when the telephone _ (invent)? 2What _(happen) to him last week? 3I _ (notice) it was like an alien. 4After she _(finish) her homework, she went shopping. 5What are her parents? They are both _(farm). They work on a

2、 big farm.,was invented,happened,noticed,had finished,farmers,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1Whats the most helpful invention in the 21st c_? 2Do you like the t_of lemons? 3The tree p_a terrible smell. 4His cup cant be e_, for I have added some water to it. 5He will m_his daughter to the yo

3、ung man next door.,entury,aste,roduces,mpty,arry,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 in this way, sell out, according to, run off, by mistake, go off, on time, show up, fall into , break down 1Which is true _the passage? 2I have the same scarf as Nancy, so dont be surprised to find that she wore

4、 mine _ 3The boy _ the river and shouted for help. 4She is your mother, so you cannot talk to her _,according to,by mistake,fell into,in this way,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,5The childs parents were worried when she did not return home _. 6When we got to the cinema, the tickets had _. 7Kitty was also inv

5、ited to Lucys birthday party, but she didnt _. 8My bike _ on my way home yesterday. 9The young man tried to catch the three thieves, but one of them _. 10My daughter always gets up as soon as her alarm clock _.,on time,sold out,show up,broke down,ran off,goes off,科目一考试 http:/ 2016年科目一模拟考试题,Grammar F

6、ocus,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,句型过关,.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词 1我只是碰巧找到了你的钢笔。 I only found your pen _ _. 2大家相信他的话是真的。 _ _ _ that what he said is true. 3到家后,我发现我把钥匙忘在学校了。 When I got home, I found I _ _ my keys at school.,by accident,It is believed,had left,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,4.当她到校的时候,铃已经响过了。 When she _ _ sch

7、ool, the bell _ _ 5愚人节那天你发生了什么事情? _ _ _ you on April Fools Day?,got to,had rung,What happened to,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,.句型转换,每空一词 1The house is used for storing food. (对画线部分提 问) _ is the house used _? 2The old car was bought in 1990. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the old car bought? 3More and more people in the wo

8、rld speak Chinese. (改为被动语态) Chinese _ _ by more and more people in the world.,What for,When was,is spoken,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,4The plane took off. I reached the airport. (用when 合并为一句) The plane _ _ _ when I _the airport. 5The man said, “I worked in this factory.” (改为间接 引语) The man said that he _

9、_ in that factory.,had taken off,reached,had worked,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,短语集锦,1by mistake 错误地 2by accident 偶然地 3get married 结婚 4knock into 与相撞 5by the time 到之前 6go off 发出响声 7on time 准时 8a piece of 一片;一块 9show up 出席;露面 10set off 激起;引起,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,11according to根据;按照 12fall into 落入;陷入 fal

10、l down跌倒 13sell out卖完;售光 14in this way 这样 15run off跑掉;迅速离开 16the number of 的数量,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,17break down 停止运转,出故障 18give sb a ride 让某人搭便车 19divideinto 把分成 20. take a shower 淋浴; 洗澡 21. come by 从旁经过 22. flee away 逃跑/离,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,句型在线,1be used for 用来做 2notice sb doing sth 注意到某人正在做

11、某事 notice sb do sth 注意到某人做了某事 3It is believed that 据说 4What happened to sb? 某人发生了什么事?,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,5notuntil直到才 6. sothat如此以至于 7asas can/couldasas possible 尽可能,中考透视 ,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,.单项选择 ( )1.2011达州 How many _teachers are there in your school? _them _over two hundred. Awoman; The n

12、umber of; is Bwomen; The number of; is Cwoman; A number of; is Dwomen; A number of; are,B,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,( )2.The island was _ by a man from America many years ago. Afounded Bdiscovered Cinvented Dfound out,解析 man, woman修饰名词时,要随着所修饰名词的单复数形式变化;the number of意为“的数量”,谓语动词用单数。,B,模块十八 Units 9-10 B

13、ook 9,( )3.2012东营 After hard training for a long time, Liu Xiang _ the records again. Abroke Bachieved CInvented Dcompleted,A,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,( )4.2012北京 Today, computers are really helpful. They _ everywhere. Ause Bare used Cused Dwere used,B,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,( )5.2012盐城 In the past fe

14、w years, thousands of films _ all over the world. Ahave produced Bhave been produced Care producing Dare being produced,B,解析 in the past few years意为“在过去的几年里”,是现在完成时的标志词。,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,( )6.2012河北 More money _when we use both sides of paper. Awill save Bwas saved Chas saved Dwill be saved,D,模块十八 Units 9-10 Book 9,. 2012兰州 阅读理解 Long, long ago



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