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1、呼吸系统影像诊断,Bronchial Obstruction,局部支气管狭窄 stenosis 支气管闭塞 Obstruction 肿块 mass in bronchial cavity 管壁增厚 thickened of bronchial wall,directness signs,重点复习,Indirectness signs : 阻塞性肺气肿:部分阻塞 Incomplete obstruction obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺不张:完全阻塞. Complete obstruction obstructive atelectasis.,centrilobular

2、emphysema,肺体积膨大 Overinflation 密度减低 Density reduce,panlobular emphysema,肺体积缩小 Incomplete expansion of the lung, The size of lung shrunken 密度增高 Increased density,obstructive atelectasis.,obstructive emphysema,X线表现 x-ray appearances 肺泡、肺小叶实变consolidation 支气管气像(air bronchogram) No any loss of volume,渗出与

3、实变 Exudation and consolidation,纤维化 fibrosis,局部病灶纤维化 Local fibrosis,弥漫性间质纤维化 Diffuse interstitial fibrosis,Calcification,nodule and mass,Benign,Malignant,lobulation,spiculation,血管集束征,病灶胸膜侧小片状浸润,支气管充气征,worm-eaten cavities,Thin-walled cavity,thick-walled cavity,air containing space,cavity and air conta

4、ining space,空气半月征 Air crescent sign,曲菌球,支气管血管束增粗 peribronchovascularburdle interstitial thicking,Signet-ring sign 印戒征,小叶间隔增厚 Interlobular septal thicking,小叶核增大 Lobular core thicking,树芽征(tree-budded sign),肺间质病变,interstitial nodules multinodular and miliary diseases,air-space nodule,磨玻璃影ground-glass o

5、pacity,GGO: 肺内密度增高的模糊影,但肺纹理可见,胸腔积液 (pleural effusion) 游离性胸腔积液 free pleural effusion 少量积液 中量积液: 大量积液: 局限性胸腔积液localized pleural effusion 包裹性积液 叶间积液 肺底积液,胸膜凹陷征,胸膜凹陷征pleural indentation sign,支气管扩张bronchiectasis 肺炎pneumonia 大叶性肺炎 小叶性肺炎 间质性肺炎 支原体肺炎 肺结核Pulmonary tuberculosis 肺癌Lung cancer 纵隔肿瘤mediastinal t

6、umor,本节课内容,支气管扩张 bronchiectasis,支气管内径不同程度异常增宽 多数为后天性,少数为先天性,好发于儿童及青壮年 好发于段以下3-5级小支气管,bronchiectasis,临床表现:咳嗽、咳血、咳痰 Continuous cough, purulent sputum,recurrent haemoptysis 分 型:柱状型(Cylindrical bronchiectasis)、 囊状型(Cystic bronchiectasis)、 曲张型(Varicose bronchiectasis),病 理:pathologic changings,支气管壁组织破坏(慢性

7、感染) 管内压增高(分泌物淤积、长期剧烈咳嗽) 外在性牵拉(肺不张、纤维化等),bronchiectasis,平片: plain chest radiographic findings often nonspecific 肺纹理增粗紊乱 ,囊状透亮影, an increase of lung markings Surrounding infiltrate or fibrosis 合并感染时有液平及囊壁增厚。 dilated bronchi, sometimes with air-fluid levels,bronchiectasis,支气管造影bronchography : 支气管呈囊状、柱状

8、 囊柱状扩张 Tubular,Varicose or Cystic bronchial dilatation,囊状、柱状,bronchiectasis,曲张型扩张,Tubular and Cystic bronchial dilatation,念珠状,粗细不均,囊柱状,bronchiectasis,平片价值有限,支气管造影病人痛苦,主要依靠CT诊断 HRCT ( high resolution CT),bronchiectasis,戒指征 The signet ring sign,HRCT表现,轨道征,轨道征Tram-track sign,囊柱状 粗细不均 念珠状,柱状型 曲张型,bronch

9、iectasis,葡萄串征clusters of grapes sign,囊状型,葡萄串征clusters of grapes sign,液平 air-fluid levels 囊壁增厚,囊状型,bronchiectasis,Dilatation of the bronchus, Bronchial wall thickening Sometimes air-fluid levels,粘液栓塞-“指状征” Gloved finger sign,bronchiectasis,bronchiectasis,Bronchial wall thickening “戒指征The signet ring

10、sign和” “轨道征track sign” 支气管管径粗细不均-囊柱状改变 Varicose type 葡萄串样囊状阴影,合并感染时有液平 clusters of grapes sign with air-fluid levels 粘液栓塞时呈“指状征”改变Gloved finger sign,Abstract CT features,肺 炎(pneumonia),Classfication of pneumonia,According to the anatomic position of the lesion: Lobar pneumonia Bronchopneumonia or Lo

11、bular pneumonia Interstitial pneumonia According to the etiology of the pneumonia,按病变分布分为:,大叶性肺炎Lobar pneumonia 炎症累及肺叶或肺段 支气管肺炎(小叶性肺炎) bronchopneumonia or Lobular pneumonia 炎症累及多个肺小叶为主 间质性肺炎Interstitial pneumonia 炎症累及肺间质为主,Lobar pneumonia大叶性肺炎临床,Caused by pneumococcus肺炎链球菌致病 Onset suddenly ,rapid de

12、velopment of high pyrexia , pleuritic pain cough A characteristic rusty color sputum铁锈色痰,pathologic changings of Lobar pneumonia,The basic pathologic lesion:Acute inflammatory exudation of the pulmonary parenchyma 病理分四期: 充血期The congestive stage: 毛细血管充血为主Inflammatory edema 红色肝样变期The red consolidation

13、 stage : 肺泡内充满渗出液,有较多红细胞,肺组织切面呈红色 灰色肝样变期The gray consolidation stage : 肺泡内有较多白细胞,肺组织切面呈灰色 消散期Resolution stage: 肺泡内渗出物溶解,吸收,X线表现 X-ray features,影像学表现与病理改变密切相关,是病理改变在影像学上的反映 充血期 The congestive stage 可无阳性发现, 临床症状出现3-12小时后才出现X线征象 No X-ray changes 病变区肺纹理增多,透亮度减低 an increase of lung marking,Lobar pneumoni

14、a,实变期(红色或灰色肝样变期) The consolidation stage 密度均匀的致密影 a large homogeneous radiopaque shadow in the lung field No volume loss Air bronchogram is common,累及肺叶:以叶间裂为界的大片致密影,但体积不缩小,无叶间裂的移位,右中叶肺炎,Lobar pneumonia,Lobar pneumonia,The X-ray feature is a large homogenous radiopaque shadow there is no volume loss

15、air bronchogram is common Borders of the shadow appear as a sharply defined margin,实变期(红色或灰色肝样变期) 密度均匀的致密影homogeneous radiopaque shadow,累及肺段: 片状或三角形, 尖端指向肺门,下叶节段性肺炎,Lobar pneumonia,Lobar pneumonia,实变期(红色或灰色肝样变期),支气管气像 Air bronchogram 致密阴影内,可见透亮支气管影,Lobar pneumonia,消散期X线改变 Resolution stage,病变密度逐渐减低,呈

16、大小不等、分布不规则的斑片状阴影 The shadow of consolidation becomes scatter 可完全吸收或遗留少量索条影 起病1周后病变开始吸收,多在 2 周内完全吸收,少数可延迟吸收或演变为机化性肺炎,发病10后,Lobar pneumonia,CT表现 CT manifestations,一般平片就可诊断,不需要CT CT优势是: 充血期可发现磨玻璃样改变 ground-glass opacity,GGO 更容易发现支气管气像 Air bronchogram 如消散缓慢,反复发作,年龄较大的患者,与阻塞性肺炎鉴别,大叶性肺炎CT表现,支气管气象 Air bronchogram,right lower lobe pulmonary consolidation with air bronchograms.,支气管肺炎 (bronchopneumonia),又称小叶性肺炎(lobular pneumonia) 致病菌为链球菌、葡萄球菌、肺炎双球菌streptococcus,


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