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1、,Welcome To Lanzhou,Lanzhou beef noodles was founded in Guangxu years, the Department of the elderly MA Bao-Hui son first, in the near century long years, to a bowl and renowned Jincheng to the soup is very fresh rotten meat, flour quality and fine reputation of Chinese and foreign, to enter the cou

2、ntry.,During crystallization of MA Bao-son and the subsequent numerous franchise beef noodle soup cooks wisdom and painstaking efforts.,Today, because of delicious beef noodle soup delicious, affordable, not only abound in Lanzhou, and have been all over the Northwest provinces, there has been many

3、places Lanzhou beef noodle shop. However, one out of Lanzhou beef noodles on revert, it is necessary to get the real authentic or in Lanzhou beef noodles. Visitors to the Maryland deserve a taste. Lanzhou beef noodles about “one-ching, II white, three red, four green, five yellow“, or beef-ching gas

4、 liquor color incense; radish pure white tablets; red chili oil floating; coriander, fresh green garlic bolt; noodles are silky yellow permeability. Noodles according to thickness can be divided into the big wide, wide, thin, two small, capillary, leek leaves, bridge types, such as wheat spinulosa.

5、Noodles by hand drawing the scene into a bowl of less than two minutes to do a good job, and then doused with good tune beef soup, white radish films, transferred on the red chili oil, green garlic bolt, coriander, food is the wow,Wuquan Mountain,A brief introduction of WuQuan Mountain,Lanzhou is si

6、tuated between two mountains, one in the north, the other in the south. The one in the south is called Bolan Mountain. Wuquan Mountian is at the north foothills of Bolan Mountain. It is actually part of Bolan Mountain. With its back toward Golan Mountain, it, with an altitude of over 1600 meters, fa

7、ces the city area. Its size is about 276 thousand square meters, just over half the size of Vatican, the worlds smallest country.,On the mountain, there are more than 1000 ancient structures spread in over 10 areas, left from the Ming and Qing dynasties. These are all large and magnificent buildings

8、. Temples lean on the mountain, mixed in orderly. Long and winding corridors connect the upper and lower parts of these buildings. There is also a spa with five springs, forming a stream that winds down hill. In 1955, Wuquan mountain became a national park.,五泉山位于兰州市区南侧的皋兰山北麓,是一处“林木葱郁花草香,雕梁飞阁 泉瀑鸣”,具有

9、两千多年历史的遐迩闻名的陇上胜地。公园景点以五眼名泉和佛教 古建筑为主,海拔1,600多米,占地267,000平方米,有明清以来的建筑群10余 处,1,000余间,建筑面积一万多平方米,规模宏大。现存最早的一所建筑“崇 庆寺”内的“金刚殿”,系明代洪武五年(公元1372年)所建,距今已有600余年。 蓁建筑群均系清末陆续重修。 五泉山由“三山两涧”组成,山巅海拔1600米,因山上有五眼分别名为甘露泉、 掬月泉、摸子泉、蒙泉、惠泉的清泉而得名,泉水甘洌。大明一统志记载 :“泉有五眼,相传汉霍去病击匈奴至此,以鞭卓地而泉出。”甘露泉、掬月泉和 摸子泉在中麓,蒙泉在东涧,惠泉在西涧。五泉山因地处第四

10、纪下更新砾石底 部的地下潜水露头处,泉水丰沛,明代时山上到处是泉,东西涧瀑布如长河进 泄。直到清光绪年间,山上泉水亦可灌溉良田一千多亩。 相传汉武帝元狩三年(公元前20年)霍去病征西,曾驻兵于此,士卒疲渴, 霍去病手著马鞭,连击五下,鞭响泉涌,遂成五泉。这虽属神话,但五泉山 “五泉”的神奇绝妙确为世人瞩目。 五泉山于1955年辟为公园,原有的亭台楼税都已修茸一新,经过绿化和建设, 园内曲径通幽,现已成为重要的旅游胜地。每年农历四月初八,山上举办庙会, 除浴佛和法事活动外,还设有花卉展览和各种民俗文化活动。每年春节期间还 举办灯饰展览。,翠幽新圃,若从西路前行,第一个风景点为“翠幽新圃”,圃内有

11、梅花洞,洞内有几汪清池,几丈回廊,一座凌波轩,一座八角亭,一座地下游艺场。池中飞檐红柱的倒影,和青幽山色相映,景致优美迷人。,Beneficial Spring (惠泉),循西长廊而上,有一形似一轮初上新月的小亭,名“半月亭”,穿半月亭即到企桥,五泉之一的“惠泉”就紧依在企桥边。泉圆形,四周绿树掩映,芳草环绕,泉水清澈见底,味甘甜,宜于烹茶,且有灌溉之利,非常实惠,故名“惠泉”。,In Chinese under the Western Dragon Mouth, is shaped round with water .And sand so limpid and clear that one

12、 Is able to see right to the bottom of it. Beneficial spring is considered to be .The best among the five spring for Making tea, hence greatly, Appreciated By visitors from all over.,Sweet Spring(甘露泉),出了嘛尼寺,向高处继行,就来到“甘露泉”。“甘露泉”是五泉中最高的一眼泉,地处文昌宫西边,孤亭掩护,源流纤细,久雨不淫,大旱不干,饮之犹如甘露。相传此泉合“天下太平,则天降甘露”之意而得名。,Loc

13、ated to the west of Tower for Literary Elite, known in Chinese as Wenchangge ,has a kiosk over it. In dry weather it has enough water to supply but not to brim over in rainy days.,Scooping Moon Spring(掬月泉),出甘露泉就到了文昌宫。宫东侧有一垣花墙,其花瓶状小门的门楣上,大书着三个淡灰的隶字掬月泉。此泉和其它几眼泉迥然不同,说它是泉,其实更象井,泉水聚在一眼井样的深洞中,距地面深约1.6米。每逢

14、月夜,月影直投泉心,如掬月盘中,“掬月”雅名由此而来。,The spring was originally shaped Like a well and when enjoying The moon at night in the fall the The project of the moon was Right in the center of the spring. Looking very much like the Scooping of the moon from a Tray.,子午台和八卦台,“掬月泉”这里还是西、中、东三条上山路径的汇合处。迈出千佛阁沿东长廊缓步而下,就到了子

15、午台和八卦台。,Fumbling For Son Spring(摸子泉),站台上旷观楼下有一深约十米的古洞。洞里有一汪泉水,水底布有花石瓦砾。这就是五泉中的“摸子泉”。常有信男善女钻进洞中,用手在泉水中摸索,摸到石头则得男,摸到瓦片则生女。,At the bottom-end of the cave, there is a pool of spring in which are scattered with motley pebbles and broken pieces of tiles. A saying has it if one has no son she gets into the

16、 cave to fumble in the pool.,Deceptive Spring(蒙泉),子午台和八卦台上临东龙口,下濒蒙泉。仰视可观东龙口飞泻而下的瀑布,俯瞰则可饱览五泉之冠的“蒙泉”。“蒙”为卦名,是六十四卦之一,坎上艮下,坎为水,艮为山,用“蒙”字概括东谷面貌,含山下有险之意。明人李文曾有诗赞美蒙泉:“上人邀我烹新茗,水汲山中第五泉。”,Meng, a divinatory name, is one of the 64 divinations. water above and bank below with Kan meant for water while Gen for hill, hence written in seal character As “dangers downhill, no visitors out of bounds” to remind the pedestrians not to overstep the limit.,动物园,缆车图,三泡台,兰州俯视图,Thank you !,


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