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1、,1surround vt.&vi.围绕,包围 归纳拓展 surrounding adj.周围的 surroundings n环境 surround sb./sth.with sb./sth.使某人/某物包围某人/某物 be surrounded by/with被包围或环绕 She was sitting on the floor surrounded by books. 她坐在地板上,周围都是书。,They have surrounded the building with police. 他们派警察包围了这幢大楼。 Animals in a zoo are not living in th

2、eir natural surroundings.动物园里的动物们不是生活在自然环境之中。 同类辨析 surroundings,condition,environment与circumstances (1)surroundings意为“环境”,常用复数形式,主要指人或周围的物质环境。 (2)condition指条件,状态,情况。condition的复数形式conditions可表示“环境,情况”的意思,但主要是抽象意义上的。,同类辨析 (3)environment作“环境”讲时,是集合名词,既可表示抽象概念,也可表示具体意义,包括周围环境、外界、自然环境、社会环境等。强调环境对人的感受、道德及

3、观念的影响。 (4)circumstances指人生存的客观环境,还可指“境地,境遇”,尤指经济状况。 Its difficult to imagine that youre working in such poor conditions.很难想象你在这样糟的条件下工作。 An unhappy home environment can affect a childs behaviour.一个不愉快的家庭环境会影响儿童的行为。 I know I can trust her in any circumstances. 我知道我在任何情况下都能信任她。,【链接训练】 _ for a few days

4、,the miners were in despair. ASurrounding BBeing surrounded CHaving surrounded DHaving been surrounded 【解析】 句意为:被困了几天之后,矿工们绝望了。从for a few days来看,应用分词的完成式,同时从the miners与surround之间为被动关系来判断,应选D。 【答案】 D,The surroundings of his house _ clean now. Ais Bare Cwas Dwere 【解析】 以ings结尾的名词如belongings,earnings,fi

5、ndings,surroundings等常用作复数,谓语动词应用复数。根据题干中now可知用一般现在时。故答案为B。 【答案】 B,2measure vt.&vi.测量;衡量;判定 n度量单位;措施 归纳拓展 (1)take measures (to do sth.)采取措施(做某事) make.to ones own measure根据某人自己的尺寸来做(衣服) in full measure最大程度地,最大限度地 (2)measure out量出 measure up量好长度;合格;符合标准 measure up to符合(期望);达到(标准),They took strong measu

6、res against dangerous drivers. 他们对危害公众的司机采取强硬的措施。 The tailor took my measure and made a new suit to my measure. 服装师给我量了尺寸并按照我的尺寸做了一套新衣服。 This product does not measure up.这项产品不合格。 诱导展望 (1)measure表示“测定;测量;评估”时,是及物动词,后面直接跟名词作宾语;或用于be measured in/by.结构中,表示“用来计算”。,The snow there is measured not in/by inc

7、hes,but in/by feet.那里的雪不是以英寸,而是以英尺来计算。 (2)当measure表示“量起来有长/宽/高”时是不及物动词,后跟量的结果,此种情况下不能用被动语态。 Our new classroom measures 10 meters by 8 meters. 我们的教室长10米宽8米。,【链接训练】 Many car accidents occur because motorists cant _ the speed of approaching vehicles. Aconclude Bcount Cmeasure Dvalue 【解析】 句意为:很多车祸的发生都是因

8、为开车者不能估量对面开来的车的速度造成的。measure在此为及物动词,意为“估量”conclude“得出结论”;count“数数”;value“重视”,三者均与题意不符。 【答案】 C,3mix vt. 混合,掺和 n. 混合,结合(通常用单数) 归纳拓展 (1)mix A and B (together)mix A with B 使A和B混合起来 mix with sth.与某物相混合 mix with sb.(指人)相处,交往 mix sth./sb.up 弄错,弄乱;搞错 归纳拓展 (2)mixed adj.混合的 mixed doubles 混合双打 (3)mixture n混合状态

9、,混合物,Oil doesnt mix with water.Oil and water dont mix. 油不融于水。 Dont try to mix business with pleasure. 不要把工作和娱乐混在一起。 I think you must be mixing me up with someone else. 我觉得你一定是把我错当成别人了。 He looked at her with a mixture of amusement and despair.他既好笑又绝望地看着她。,【链接训练】 Football is a _ of a sharp mind and ha

10、rd training rather than just talking. Amixture Bthought Ctime Daction 【解析】 空格处表示“的混合物”,故应选A。 【答案】 A,4confirm vt.证实;证明,确定;批准 归纳拓展 (1)confirm sth.证实某事 confirm that/wh 证实,确定 (2)confirmation n证实;确认书;证明书 Can you confirm the dates we discussed? 你能确认我们讨论过的日期吗? Research has confirmed that the risk is higher

11、 for women. 研究已经证实这种风险对女性来说大一些。 He will be confirmed in office in October. 十月份他将正式就职。,【链接训练】 Parents keeping children away from dogs can just _ to children that dogs are scary. Aconvince Bconfirm Cconfirmed Dconform 【解析】 句意为:父母们让孩子避开狗的做法只能向孩子证实狗是可怕的。convince“使(某人)确信”,用法是convince sb. that,故A项搭配不正确。co

12、nfirm “证实”,其搭配为:confirm to sb. that.;C项形式错误。conform“遵守,顺从”。 【答案】 B,5distance n. 距离;远方;遥远;疏远 v. 不介入,与疏远 归纳拓展 (1)at a distance 隔一段距离;从稍远处 at a distance of在远的地方 in the distance 在远方 keep sb.at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人保持一定距离 keep ones distance (from)与保持距离;疏远 (2)distance oneself from 不介入;与疏远 (3)distant adj. 遥

13、远的;远亲的;冷漠的,Evening came slowly.The hills in the distance turned dark blue.夜色渐近,远山变成了深蓝色。 She was warned to keep her distance from John if she didnt want to get hurt. 有人警告她说,如果不想受到伤害就离约翰远一点。 When he retired,he tried to distance himself from politics. 退休后,他便尽量使自己远离政治。 The president hopes to visit Chin

14、a in the not too distant future.总统希望在不远的将来访问中国。,诱导展望 distance 的修饰语常用 some,good,great,long,short 而不用 near,far 修饰。 It is a good distance away.距离很远。,【链接训练】 All human beings have a comfortable zone regulating the _ they keep from someone they talk with. Adistance Bscope Crange Dboundary 【解析】 句中distance与

15、后面定语从句中的keep from构成keep distance from短语,意为“与保持距离”。句意为:每个人都有一个舒适区域,调节着他们与对话者之间的距离。 【答案】 A,重点短语与句型 1settle down定居;专心工作;平静下来 归纳拓展 settle vt.&vi.定居;平静下来;解决 (1)settlement n解决,处理;和解;殖民地 settler n移民,殖民者 (2)settle on/upon sth.决定做某事,同意(某事);(鸟等)停在 settle up付清欠账;结清账单 settle in/into 迁入(新居);习惯于,The internal affa

16、irs of each country should be settled by its own people.各国的内政应由各国人民自己去解决。 He wanted to get married and settled down. 他想结婚过安定的生活。 I must settle down this morning and do some reading. 今天早上我必须静下心来读会儿书。 The bird settled on a branch.那只鸟落在了树枝上。 诱导展望 settle down用作不及物动词短语时,表示“定居;安静地坐下;(对生活、工作等)定下心来”;用作及物动词短语时,表示“使平静下来;着手认真做”。 The chairman tried to settle the audience down



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