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1、选修 6,Unit 4 Global warming,.写出下列必考单词 1外部的adj. _ 2温和的,温柔的adj. _ 3种类,范围n. _ 4图表n. _ 5普遍的,分布广的adj. _ 6平均的adj. _ 7环境,情况n. _ 8发动机n. _ 9标题,头衔n. _ 10燃料n. _,outer mild range graph widespread average circumstance motor title fuel,11.温室,花房n. _ 12.资料,数据n. _ 13.大灾难n. _ 14.核的,原子核的adj. _,Greenhouse datacatastroph

2、e nuclear,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.趋向,照顾(vi.&n.)_;倾向,趋势(n.)_ 2.平稳的,稳固的(adj.)_;平稳地,稳固地(adv.)_ 3.生存,存在(v.)_;生存,存在(n.)_ 4.电的,与电有关的(adj.)_;电(n.)_;电的,用电操作的(adj.)_ 5.同意,赞成(v.)_;分歧,不一致(v.) _;分歧,不一致(n.)_; 同意,一致协议(n.)_,agreement,tend,tendency,steady,steadily,exist,existence,electrical,electricity,electric,agree,disagr

3、ee,disagreement,6.现象(n.)_;(复数)(n.)_ 7.新的(adj.)_;重新开始,修订,使继续有效(v.)_;能再生的(adj.)_ 8.结果,后果,影响(n.)_; 随之发生的,由此引起的(adj.)_,phenomenon,phenomena,new,renew,renewable,consequence,consequent,.翻译下列必背短语 1反对 _ 2发生,造成 _ 3同意,订购 _ 4大量的 _ 5上升,增长 _ 6大体上,基本上 _ 7代表一方 _ 8忍受,容忍 _ 9只要 _ 10等等 _ 11温室效应 _ 12继续 _,be opposed to,

4、come about,subscribe to,a quantity of/quantities of,go up,on the whole,on behalf of,put up with,so/as long as,and so on,greenhouse effect,keep on,13. 导致 _ 14. 即使,尽管 _ ,result inlead to,even if/even though, 根据括号中的解释,从“必背短语”中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1.I had no idea that your husband _ (be against,disagree with)

5、my visits. 2.The chairman signed the document _ (standing for)the company. 3.It was a pretty good conference _ (considering the general situation). 4._(on condition that)we have fair opportunity,we are likely to win the match.,was opposed to,on behalf of,on the whole,As/So long as,5.It is hard for m

6、e to _ (to tolerate or bear sb./sth.)the ugly song. 6.Can you tell me how it _ (to happen, arise)that your parents don,t allow us to stay together?,put up with,comes about,.重点句型 Without the greenhouse effect,the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is.(P26)如果没有这种“温室效应”,地球

7、的温度将比现在的温度还要低33 摄氏度左右。 剖析:without短语隐含一个虚拟条件,意为“要是没有” 同样的表达有 “but for”如: Without your help, we could not have succeeded. But for the Captain,s effort, all the people on board would have drowned in the sea.,要是没有你的帮助,我们是不会成功的。,要是没有船长的努力,船上所有的人都将已经在海 里淹死了。,活学活用 (1)要是没有电,很多人仍将生活在黑暗之中。 Without electricity

8、, many people _ in darkness. (2)要不是你帮助我学习,我就不能通过考试了。 _ ,would still live,But for your help in my study, I would have failed the exams. Or:Without your help in my study, I would not have passed the exam.,1.But it is a rapid increase compared to most natural changes.(P26) 但是与其他自然变化比起来,它(气温)的变化是很快的了。 阅

9、读下列句子,注意体会compare to/compare.with的意思。 Compared to many poor students, she was lucky We often compare teachers to gardeners. If you compare this book with that one, youll find many differences. ,(“与相比”),(把比作),(把A和B进行比较,即学即练 用上述短语完成句子。 (1)她告诉她自己,和很多妇女比起来,她已经很幸运了。 She told herself that _ many women, sh

10、e was already very lucky. (2)莎士比亚把世界比做一个舞台。 _ (3)和他所拥有的比起来,这些邮票不是很有趣。 _ ,compared to,Shakespeare compared the world to a stage,Compared with what he had already had, these stamps were not very interesting.,2.The problem begins when we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.(

11、P26)而当我们使大气层中增加了大量额外的二氧化碳时,问题就来了。 温馨提示:a quantity/quantities of大量(+可数或不可数名词),a vast/large/great/good/small/quantity of大量的(+可数或不可数名词); 无论a quantity of后面的名词可数还是不可数,谓语动词都要用单数;无论quantities of后面的名词可数还是不可数,谓语动词都要用复数。,即学即练 用所给动词的正确形式填空。 (1)A large quantity of broken paper money _ (collect) by the bank. (2)

12、Large quantities of money _ (spent) on the bridge. (3)Large quantities of students _(kill)in the earthquake.,is collected,have been spent,were killed,3.They predict that any warming will be mild with few bad environmental consequences 他们预言说,变暖的情况不会很严重,对环境的影响也不会太坏。 词语归纳 consequence n.结果;后果;影响 consequent adj.随之发生的,由此引起的 in consequence 因此,由此 in consequence of.由于的缘故 conseque


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