人教版必修五unit5《first aid》(using language )ppt课件

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1、Period Using Language,默读文章两次并完成下列任务。,Task 1:快速浏览课文“Heroic Teenager Receives Award”并回答 下列问题。,1How many paragraphs are there in this passage?,_,2How old is John Janson?,_,There are seven paragraphs.,Janson is seventeen years old.,Task 2:仔细阅读课文“Heroic Teenager Receives Award”黑体部 分并填写下表。,A teenager John

2、 Janson,He was honored at the Lifesaver Awards,In Rivertown,Last night,For giving first aid on his neighbour,【探究】 阅读课文“Heroic Teenager Receives Award”并回,答下列问题。,1Why did John Janson get the award?,_,2What adjectives would you use to describe Johns action?,Give at least three.,_,Because John saved his

3、 neighbour.,Brave, quickthinking, helpful, heroic, unselfish, calm.,Task 1:快速阅读课文“Heroic Teenager Receives Award”,以约 30 词概括文章的大意。,提示:本文描写了 John Janson 因对邻居实施急救而被授予,奖励,他为此感到自豪。,_ _ _,This passage tells that the seventeenyearold teenager, John Janson, was awarded a prize for giving lifesaving first ai

4、d on his neighbour after a shocking knife attack and he was proud of it.,Task 2:仔细阅读课文“Heroic Teenager Receives Award”,选择 正确答案。,1What was John doing when he heard the screaming?_ AHe was studying in his room.,BHe was thinking about what to do to save the woman. CHe was talking with his father.,DHe w

5、as calling his father and telling him everything.,A,2What happened to Anne?_,A She had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife and was,bleeding heavily.Her hands had almost been cut off.,BShe had been wounded by fire.,CShe happened to stay at home when the accident happened. DShe was lying on the groun

6、d with a knife in her hand.,A,3What first aid did John perform on Anne?_,AHe used a tape to press the cut and slowed the bleeding. BHe put some salt on the cut to stop the bleeding.,CHe used some tea towels and tape to treat the most severe,injuries to Annes hands.,DHe slowed the bleeding by using h

7、is hand until the police,and ambulance arrived.,4What saved Ms Slades life?_,ASome tea towels and Johns cleverness.,BJohns quick action and knowledge of first aid. CJohns fathers quick help. DJohns neighbours kindness.,C,B,Task 3:根据课文内容将下列句子排序。,_ The attacker ran away.,_ Anne was attacked and starte

8、d to scream. _ John performed first aid on Anne. _ John was studying in his house. _ The ambulance arrived.,_ John ran outside with his father.,_ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife,wounds.,4,2,6,1,7,3,5,Task 4:复述课文,根据课文内容完成下面语篇。,Seventeen-year-old John Janson was (1)_ (award) a prize

9、for doing lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a,(2)_ (shock) knife attack at a (3)_,where another,nine people were also praised (4)_ their bravery.John was studying in his room (5)_ he heard screaming.Seeing that Anne Slade (6)_ (stab) with a knife, John reacted quickly and tried to stop the

10、 bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds (7)_ the ambulance came.John felt (8)_ of himself.(9)_ (perform) a first aid can make (10)_ real difference to a person.,awarded,shocking,ceremony,for,when,was stabbed,until,proud,Performing,a,Task 5:课文佳句背诵。,1 John _ in his room _ he heard screaming.约翰正在房

11、间里学习,突然听到尖叫声。 2 _Johns quick action and know-ledge of first aid _ saved Ms Slades life.正是约翰的快速反应和急救知 识救了斯莱德女士的命。,3_ Johns quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slades life.毫无疑问,是 约翰敏捷的思维和在学校学到的急救技术挽救了斯莱德女士的 生命。,was studying,when,It was,that,There is no doubt that,1hon

12、our,Seventeen-year-old teenager, John Janson, was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards last night in Rivertown for giving lifesaving,first aid on his neighbour after a shocking knife attack.( 教材 P38) 里弗镇的 17 岁青年约翰詹森昨晚在救生员颁奖大会上领奖, 因为在一次骇人听闻的持刀杀人案件发生后,他给他的邻居实 施了紧急抢救。,v给予表扬(或奖励、头衔、称号),honour sb./sth. (with

13、 sth.) (for sth.) 尊敬;使感到荣幸 be honoured for. 因而受到尊敬 be/feel honoured to do 很荣幸能做 be/feel honoured that.很荣幸能做,The President _ with a personal visit.,总统亲临使我们感到万分荣幸。,I _ to be here with you. 能和你在这里我感到很荣幸。,honoured us,am/feel honoured,Dr Bethune _ his selfless work. 白求恩大夫由于他无私的工作而受到赞誉。,I _ that you shoul

14、d notice me. 我很荣幸您能注意到我。,n(U)尊敬;荣誉;名誉 (C)引以为荣的人/事(只用单数) show honour to.向表示敬意,do sb. an honour/the honour (of doing sth.) 使某人有特殊的,荣幸,赏光,have the honour (of sth.) 获得某种特殊的荣幸,有幸 on ones honour 以名誉或人格担保,in honour of.为向表示敬意,为纪念,was honoured for,am/feel honoured,Will you _ of dining with me? 你能赏光与我吃饭吗?,May I _ of this dance? 我能有幸与你跳舞吗?,He was _


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