the evolution of management theory

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《the evolution of management theory》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《the evolution of management theory(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,2,The Evolution of Management Theory,1 History Background 2 Evolution of the theory 3 Contingency Management,Evolution of Management Theory,1940,2000,Figure 2.1,Administrative Management,Behavioral Management,Scientific Management,Management Science,Org. Environment,1890,History Background,Industri

2、al revolution in 18th century in Great Britain. Machinery was changing the way goods were produced. Managers had to increase the efficiency of the worker-task mix. Organizations were seeking ways to better satisfy customer needs.,Division of labor “the wealth of nation”(1776),Adam Smith, 18th centur

3、y economist, found firms manufactured pins in two ways: Craft - each worker did all steps. Factory - each worker specialized in one step. Smith found that the factory method had much higher productivity.,分工前200根/人,分工后48,000根/10人 4,800根/人,工序:拔丝、矫直、切段、敲针头、磨针尖、焊接。,24倍,Scientific Management,Defined by F

4、rederick Taylor, late 1800s. 1911 “Principles of Scientific Management” the books publication established Taylor as the “father” of scientific management. Contribution to Management The 5 Principles Valid of Scientific Management,CASE,Contribution to Management,Rise the labor productivity Rise the m

5、anagerial efficiency The systematic study of the relationships between people and tasks to redesign the work for higher efficiency.,The 5 Principles,Four Principles to increase efficiency: 1. Study the way the job is performed & determine new ways to do it. Codify the new method into rules. 2. Selec

6、t workers whose skills match the rules set in Step 1. 3. Establish a fair level of performance and pay for higher performance. 4.Divided work and managers take over all work for which it is better fit than workers. 5. Empowerment and Daily Control.,CASE,UPS 美国联合邮包公司,Valid of the Scientific Managemen

7、t,The Scientific Management only suite to the enterprise which production is highly labor intensive. Workers could purposely “under-perform”.Management responded with increased use of machines.,Administrative Management,Henri Fayol developed the concept of business & the principles of management. 14

8、 principles of management. Developed the business activities as 6 sections & 4 managerial functions.,Business activities,Business Activities,Business Activities,Production,Finance,Technology,Management,Distribution,Accounting,Fayols Principles,Henri Fayol, developed a set of 14 principles: 1. Divisi

9、on of Labor: allows for job specialization. 2. Authority and Responsibility: Fayol included both formal and informal authority resulting from special expertise. 3. Unity of Command: Employees should have only one boss. 4. Unity of Direction: One plan of action to guide the organization 5. Centraliza

10、tion: the degree to which authority rests at the very top.,Fayols Principles,6 Line of Authority: a clear chain from top to bottom of the firm. 7. Equity: Treat all employees fairly in justice and respect. 8. Order: Each employee is put where they have the most value. 9. Initiative: Encourage innova

11、tion. 10. Discipline: obedient, applied, respectful employees needed.,Fayols Principles,11. Remuneration of Personnel: The payment system contributes to success. 12. Stability of Tenure: Long-term employment is important. 13. General interest over individual interest: The organization takes preceden

12、ce over the individual. 14. Esprit de corps: Share enthusiasm or devotion to the organization.,Behavioral Management,Focuses on the way a manager should personally manage to motivate employees. A professor from Harvard named Elton Mayo takes charge of the Hawthorne Studies. Established the “Human Re

13、lationship” theory.,The Hawthorne Studies,Study of worker efficiency at the Hawthorne Works of the Western Electric Co. during 1924-1932. Step one: Lighting intensity experiment. Step two: Relay assembly experiment. Step three: Conversation studies step four: Observation experiment,Lighting intensit

14、y experiment,Worker productivity was measured at various levels of light illumination. Researchers found that regardless of whether the light levels were raised or lowered, productivity rose. Conclusion :It appears that the workers enjoyed the attention they received as part of the study and were mo

15、re productive.,Relay assembly experiment,Change the situation of work, the productivity rose. After the situation removed ,the productivity still kept high. Conclusion : Find that the change of the situation can affect the workers attitude to their jobs , then influence their output.,Conversation st

16、udies,During two years Meyo talked with 20,000 staffs about their jobs. Find there are many informal groups in formal organization . Group influences significantly affected individual behavior;,Observation experiment,Meyo observed the productivity of several work-groups, every group was a small organization with 14 workers . Find social norms or standard of group usually affect individual action. Group standards established individual worker


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