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1、(一) 很多学生要求我给出一篇关于文理分科的文章,个人认为高考陕西区考到的可能性很小,但是也不妨作为正反观点类练手的文章。大家在写作中要注意的一个关键点就是举一反三,模板句在不同类型文章中的有效使用。1. 一些人认为应该分科,可以让大家有更多时间专注学习自己喜欢的方向,另外可以减少学生学习的压力。2. 另一些人赞同部分文理,因为这样可以培养学生的通识能力,有利于全面发展,为以后大学的深造打好坚实的基础。3. 我的看法。Recently, whether students should be divided to science students and art ones is under he

2、ated discussion among the public.Some are in favor of the division, for students will have more time to concentrate on their favorite subjects, which leads to high efficiency in study. In addition, the pressure from study can be reduced. On the contrary, others object to the former opinion. They sup

3、pose only when students learn both science subjects and art subjects, can they be educated to comprehensive students, laying a solid foundation for the future study after entering college.From my perspective, I reckon that it may have more advantages than disadvantages to learn both science and art

4、subjects. Although it will spend us more time and energy, its beneficial to students in a long run (从长远看).(二)取消高中文理分科,增负还是减负?Cancel the dividing of science and art in senior middle school, is it to lose load or to add load?文理分科几乎是每一个上过普通高中的学生都要面临的一个重要选择。近日,国家教育部就“ 高中取消文理分科的必要性和可行 性” 向社会广泛征询意见。一石激起千层

5、浪,该不该取消文理分科的老话题,又成了人们最近热议的话题。Dividing of science and art is an important choice for every senior middle school student. Recently, Ministry of Education of the state is collecting opinions on the possibility and feasibility of Dividing of science and art. The old topic once again becomes the hottest

6、one now.但是来自各方的意见却大相径庭:But ideas from different parties are totally opposite:学生:反对取消文理分科,理由:学习压力会更大;不利于专业学习; Students: They oppose to cancel it. The reason is that the pressure will become bigger, which is not benefit for specialty study.教育界人士:大多数表示赞同,理由:有利于完善国民知识结构;有利学生全面发展;Most of the people in ed

7、ucation circle express their agreement. The reason is that it is good for completing the knowledge structure of people, which is also good for students integrated development.那么,你认为高中文理,分还是不分?Whats your idea, agree or disagree?Art, Science, or Both?Dividing of science and art is a common thing we me

8、et when we step into high school. According to your interest and your characteristic, you make a suitable choice. We dont know when it begins and when it will go to end. Maybe in our eyes we feel it is a natural thing, for us just make a choice; we take it as a rule. But Recently, Ministry of Educat

9、ion of the state is collecting opinions on the possibility and feasibility of Dividing of science and art. The old topic once again becomes the hottest one now.It is an important thing for educators, students and parents. Different parties have different ideas. For people in education circle, they a

10、pprove of canceling this dividing. Because they think today in 21st century, our country even the entire world needs inter-disciplinary talent, not just in one area, this is not enough. If contemporary students know a little in most areas, it is better for their future, good for students integrated

11、development. On the other hand, as high school students they have their own ideas, they oppose to cancel it and they think it will produce more pressure in preparing for the college entrance examination and lead to a bad result that more and more students will skip classes because of this kind of pr

12、essure and dislike art or science.In my opinion, I am also against for canceling of dividing of art and science. I remember when I was in high school, science was a troublesome subject for me, I had always had few marks in these subjects. To tell you the truth, from elementary school on, I began to

13、dislike math, I really couldnt bear the numbers. So when I stepped into the high school, why dont I leave it alone? If it goes on, I will go mad. On the contrary, I like Chinese and English, social science, so it is easier for me to accept history, geography and politics, thus it is easier for me to

14、 go to a good university if I choose art. This is my true experience, which I think is also the experience of most art students. (三)主题为你是否支持取消文理分科,要求写作的方向为支持,可以促进素质教育这一大方向为主题,同时以一笔带过的方式指出取消文理分科的敝处,要求是以 90 后的眼光来看待这一问题,字数为 120150 字,要符合高考的要求,要注意作文的格式,同时尽量少用简单句,多使用不同类型的丛句,谢谢Concerning if we should stop

15、separating science from art subjects in school personally think we probably should as this action will be beneficial in following aspects:1:with quality education being so much stressed nowadays, the students are expected to know a lot of things instead of completely focusing on some certain subject

16、s.2:students should be given the time and chance so that they can decide what they really like later on in the university as they can virtually choose at that time when they probably have a better understanding with themselves.3:as science practices the logic while art enhances peoples emotion, learning them together will certainly develop people paralleling.However, we ought to keep an eye on the fact that there is a risk which many students would find it difficult



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