牛津译林版选修八unit 3《the world of colours and light》(languagepoints)ppt课件

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《牛津译林版选修八unit 3《the world of colours and light》(languagepoints)ppt课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津译林版选修八unit 3《the world of colours and light》(languagepoints)ppt课件(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Language Focus,adore; distribute; negotiate; calculate; float; weep; masterpiece represent; talented;,Part WORDS,1. The government will not _ with terrorists. 2. The association was formed to _ the interests of women artists. 3. She _working with children. 4. A plastic bag was _ in the water. 5. The

2、 museum houses several of Picassos Cubism _.,negotiate,represent,adores,floating,masterpieces,6. You will need to _ how much time the assignment will take. 7. Mozart was considered to be a _ musician. 8. She _ bitter tears of disappointment. 9. The organization has _ food and blankets to the earthquake victims.,calculate,talented,wept,distributed,Part PHRASES,Part SENTENCES,



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