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1、Section Word power,Task & Project,速效提能演练,Unit 1,重点难点探究,Section ,重点难点探究,1.Take a raincoat as_well,because you will get wet when you go whitewater rafting. 也要带着雨衣,因为白浪漂流时你会被水弄湿的。 品味经典 I understand from her that you undertake other important work as well. 我从她那里了解到你也承担着其他的重要工作。,自我探究 as well是固定短语,意为也,还,同

2、样,在句中作状语。,归纳拓展 (1)“也”的四种表示方法(as well,too,also,either)及其区别,as well用在句末,前面不用逗号隔开(比too和also显得正式)。too用在句末,前面用逗号隔开;用于肯定句。also用在句中,助动词或be动词的后面,实义动词之前。either仅用于否定句。 (2)“may/might as well动词原形”意为“最好,满可以,倒不如”,相当于had better。 (3)“may well动词原形”是一种常用结构,意为“完全能,很可能”,相当于be very likely to。,You may as well stay here f

3、or the night. 你最好留在这里过夜。 She may well refuse to talk to you. 她很可能拒绝和你谈话。,牛刀小试 用as well,too,also,either填空 (1)Tom likes English.John likes English,_. 答案:too (2)He is a worker and a poet_. 答案:as well,(3)You didnt pass the exam.John didnt_. 答案:either (4)We _regard him as a great writer. 答案:also,完成句子 (5)

4、他们完全可能赢。 They_. 答案:may well win (6)如果没人要这个,我们不妨给他吧。 If no one else wants it,we_. 答案:may as well give it to him,2. Take a night train to Fenghuang to view a traditional way of life. 坐晚上的火车去凤凰山去观赏一种传统生活方式。,品味经典 People from all over the world came to view her work. 人们从世界各地涌来欣赏她的作品。 How do you view your

5、 position within the company? 你如何看待自己在公司的位置? I viewed his behavior as an insult. 我把他的行为视为侮辱。,自我探究 在上面的句子中,view是动词,在中意为欣赏,观看,在中意为看待,在中view.as.意为把看作。,归纳拓展 (1)view作名词时的常见意义:Ustate of seeing or being seen from a particular place,field or vision观看,看;视野,视域;视线Cwhat can be seen from a particular place or po

6、sition,especially beautiful natural scenery 风景,景色;(尤指)自然美景Ca personal opinion about sth.;an attitude towards sth.看法;意见;见解,;态度(常与介词on或about连用),(2)常用短语:,in view看得见;考虑中;计划,企图中in view of.鉴于,考虑in full view of sb./sth.完全看得见某人或某物on view展示中,陈列着come into view映入眼帘,进入视野have sth.in view心中有对某事的打算、计划等take the vie

7、w that.所持的态度是),The view from the top of the hill is wonderful. 从山顶上眺望,风景真美。 The plane soon went out of view. 那架飞机很快从视野里消失了。 Whats your view on the subject? 关于这个课题你的意见如何?,易混辨析 view,scenery,scene,sight (1)view表示视野、眼界,常指从某一固定位置看到的景色。 (2)scenery指某地方总的自然景观。 (3)scene指展现在眼前的景象,是scenery的一部分;还可指事故现场。 (4)sigh

8、t指值得看的东西、某地的特有名胜;另外它还可指“视力(线)”。,We climbed higher so that we might see the scenes better. 我们又往高处爬以便能更好地欣赏这景色。 When we came to the lake,we stopped to admire the scenery. 来到湖边的时候,我们停下来欣赏美景。 You will get a fine view of the town from the top of the hill. 在小山顶上,你能很好地欣赏到小镇的全貌。 The sunset was a very beauti

9、ful sight. 那落日真是一幅美景。,牛刀小试 完成句子 (1)这辆车刚造好时,其设计被认为是独具匠心。 When the car was first built,the design_highly original. 答案:was viewed as (2)依我看,这是浪费时间。 _,it was a waste of time. 答案:In my view,(3)由于天气的缘故,这项赛事将在室内举行。 _the weather,the event will now be held indoors. 答案:In view of,单项填空 (4)(2011年北京高一检测)From the

10、 top of Mount Tai you can get a particular wonderful_of sunrise. Ascenery Bsightseeing Cview Deyesight,解析:选C。句意:从泰山山顶你可以看到壮观的日出景色。view意为“(从某处看到的)景色,风景”,符合句意。scenery是不可数名词;sightseeing观光,游览;eyesight视力。,(5)This hotel has a very good location.Theres a great _of the mountains from here. Asight Blook Cvie

11、w Dpicture 解析:选C。(have/get)a view of sth.表示“看见”。,3. Take a bus to Qufu,where Confucius was buried. 乘汽车去曲阜孔子就葬在那儿。 品味经典 The paper was buried under a pile of books. 那份文件被埋在书堆下。 She was buried beside her husbands grave. 她被安葬在丈夫的坟旁。,自我探究 bury是及物动词,在中意为埋藏,遮盖,在中意为埋葬。 归纳拓展,He buried himself in his work. 他专

12、心于自己的工作。 He was buried in reading a book. 他专心于看书。,牛刀小试 翻译句子 (1)他的祖父母都埋葬在这里。 _ 答案:Both his grandparents were buried here. (2)当我进入她的房间时,她正陷入沉思。 _ 答案:When I came into her room,she was buried in thought.,(3)我在埋头读报,没注意到正在发生的事。 _ 答案:Buried in reading newspapers,I didnt notice what was happening.,4.Today,S

13、hangrila has become a common English word meaning heaven on earth. 今天,“Shangrila”已成了一个普通的英语单词,意为“人间天堂”。,品味经典 This kind of flower is common in spring. 在春季,这种花是经常可见的。 He and I have a common interest:we both collect stamps. 我和他有共同的爱好:我们都集邮。 Its common knowledge among politicians that an election will s

14、oon be held. 不久即将举行大选,这是从政者都知道的事。,自我探究 common是形容词,在中意为常见的;在中意为共同的,共有的;在中意为熟悉的,普通的。 归纳拓展,Mrs. Smith has noticed nothing out of common. 史密斯夫人没有发现任何非同寻常的地方。 He has much in common with his twin sister. 他和他的孪生姐姐有许多共同之处。 John and I have nothing in common. 我和约翰没有共同之处。,易混辨析,牛刀小试 (1)Snow is _in cold countrie

15、s. Acommon Bnormal Cusual Dordinary 解析:选A。句意:雪在寒冷的国家是常见的。common常见的;normal标准的;usual平常的;ordinary普通的。,(2)As _,he arrived last. Acommon Bnormal Cusual Dordinary 解析:选C。句意:像平常一样,他最后一个到达。as usual像平常一样。,(3)Letterboxes are much more _in the UK than in the US,where most people have a mailbox instead. Acommon Bnormal Cusual Dordinary 解析:选A。句意:投信口(letterbox)



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