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1、ENGLISH HOMEWORK,Name:裴晓娟 Class:中文(一)班 Student ID:201051010131,The location and origin of Jiuquan,My hometown in Jiuquan, it is a beautiful place. The Jiuquan areas in northwestern Gansu Province, Hexi Corridor, the western end of Altun, Qilian and Mazongshan, (Kitayama). East and the high county, b

2、ordering the South according to the Qilian Sunan adjacent.104 km long, 84 km wide from north to south, covering an area of 3349 square kilometers. East of Zhangye region and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, south of Qinghai Province, west of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, north of the Mongol

3、ian Peoples Republic. About 680 km from east to west, 550 km wide from north to south, with a total area of 191.2 thousand square kilometers, accounting for 42% of the area of Gansu Province.,The city jurisdiction of Suzhou, Yumen, Dunhuang, urn, Guazhou Subei, Axel seven counties and cities, the Mu

4、nicipal Peoples Government in the Suzhou district.City Peoples Government of Suzhou District, the citys political, economic, and cultural center. The city has 24 ethnic groups including Han, Mongolian, Kazak, Hui, a total population of nearly 100 million people. Here is a bright pearl of the prime l

5、ocations of the ancient Silk Road, is one filled with the hot land of magical charm and boundless vitality.,酒泉的地理位置和来历,酒泉地区位于甘肃省西北部河西走廊西端的阿尔金山、祁连山与马鬃山(北山)之间。东与高台县接壤,南依祁连山与肃南裕固族邻。东西长104公里,南北宽84公里,面积3349平方公里。东接张掖地区和内蒙古自治区,南接青海省,西接新疆维吾尔自治区,北接蒙古人民共和国。东西长约680公里,南北宽约550公里,总面积19.12万平方公里,占甘肃省面积的42%。全市共辖肃州、玉

6、门、敦煌、金塔、瓜州、肃北、阿克塞7县市区,市人民政府驻肃州区。市人民政府所在地肃州区,是全市政治、经济、文化的中心。全市有汉、蒙古、哈萨克、回等24个民族,总人口近100万人。这里是古丝绸之路黄金地段的一颗璀璨明珠,是一片充满神奇魅力和无限生机的热土。,Legend Huo General was here to play won the battle, the Han Dynasty gave them drink in reward military officers and men heard this news, results and more wine, so some peop

7、le thought of a way: Pour the wine into the Springs pool, we drink watered wine, so enough for all to drink. Later, spring water comes out of the pond there is alcohol. Although this story so far is still very much doubt, but the water comes out of the pond there is alcohol is a fact you can smell t

8、he summer, generally in person will taste this pond “drinks“,The origins of Jiuquan,酒泉的来历,传说当年霍去病将军在此地打了胜仗,汉武帝听闻这个消息后赐酒犒劳全军将士,结果人多酒少,于是有人想到了一个办法:将酒倒入泉水池,大家喝掺水的酒,这样就够所有人喝了。后来,这个池子冒出的泉水就有酒味了。虽然我对这个故事至今还是很怀疑,但是这个池子冒出的水有酒味是事实,夏天可以闻得到,一般亲临的人都会尝尝这池子的“酒水” 。,“Pool“ hot springs pool is to take the wine,First

9、, we look at the Jiuquans name snacks,Are you not eager to understand its snacks ?,The picture below is the “paste pot“,Do you have particularly want to eat it?,Its chinese name is ”Hu guo ”,Paste pot Jiuquan snacks. Jiuquan most representative of snacks shouldbe even Hu guo ,inparticular, is the ol

10、d Jiuquan favorite and the owner to sell the paste pot to acauldron in front of the store shelves, soup with chicken broth into broad bean powderjuice into paste, together with broad bean flour made from the powder, pasta, andchicken, meat, and then fried cannabis Ph Ma petals into Serve with a good

11、 soup, thedelicious incense, highlighting ginger and spicy pepper. ,它的中文名字是“糊锅”,糊锅是酒泉的特色小吃。 酒泉最具代表性的小吃应该就算“糊锅”了,尤其是老酒泉人最爱吃,卖糊锅的店主在店门口架上一口大锅,汤料用鸡汤,投入蚕豆粉汁,成糊状,再加蚕豆粉制成的粉块、粉条、以及鸡丝、肉片,再把炸好的大麻花掰成麻花瓣,放入配好的汤中即成,其味鲜香,突出姜与胡椒的辣味。,Under a food is “allocated lump”,The surface fish is one of the snacks of the nor

12、thwest. This pasta shape like a fish, it is a good name With surface fish. The surface of the fish is a kind of pasta, cooking the majority sooner or later, almost all savory main. Produced ingredient, flour, flour and water, and some egg and a pinch of salt, stirring with chopsticks into a paste mu

13、st be kept to stir until the batter becomes chewiness, this process depends entirely on the wrist force. Wok refueling batter, stir fry onion ginger chili and tomatoes, made by adding water to the soup boil, you can start to surface fish. The average family with a spatula edge of the shovel edge of

14、the batter Qingbo to boil the soup until the batter aside finished. The meantime, you want to poke chopsticks in water dip, to prevent the batter to stick together. When the surface fish pot, add trees vegetables and salt, MSG, pepper, vinegar, condiments can be eaten. Surface fish cooked in the pot

15、 like a small fish. Alone, it is very fluid.,面鱼鱼是西北的风味小吃之一。因这种面食外形像小鱼,故有了“面鱼鱼”这个好听的名字。 面鱼鱼是一种面食,早晚煮食居多,几乎均以咸味为主。其制作主料是面粉,面粉加水,有的还加入鸡蛋和少许盐,用筷子搅拌,调成糊状后还须不停地搅,直到面糊变得筋道,这一过程全靠手腕用力。面糊搅匀后,用铁锅加油炒葱姜辣椒及西红柿,加水制成汤烧开,就可开始做面鱼鱼了。一般家庭都用锅铲边缘,将铲边的面糊轻拨至烧开的汤中,直到面糊拨完为止。其间,拨一下要将筷子在清水中蘸一下,防止面糊黏结在一起。待面鱼鱼起锅时,加入几棵青菜及盐、味精、胡椒

16、粉、醋等调味品即可食用。煮熟后的面鱼鱼在锅中像一条条小鱼一样。单是看,就令人生津。,“Shoulder water Golden Customs” and “Juyan bamboo slips ”(“肩水金关”和“居延竹简”),This is “Shoulder water Golden Customs” 肩水金关,Juyan bamboo slips “居延竹简”,The Juyan bamboo slips excavated Shoulder water Golden Customs off,Gravel Gobi Desert on the east coast of Jinta County, 151 kilometers northeast of Heihe, a small bag of soil is such a humble soil piles, 1930 Northwest scientific mission to explore, nearly a thousand pieces unearthed from the H



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