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1、名词 1,很多羊 一些鹿 几个日本人 三个中国人 九条鱼 一些鹅 两只老鼠,many sheep some deer several Japanese three Chinese nine fish some geese two mice,一些小孩 十英尺 五颗牙,some children ten feet five teeth,2,Tom和Mary的父亲(共有的) Tom和Mary的父亲(各自的) 门的钥匙 问题的答案 音乐会的门票 教师节 母亲节 妇女节,Tom and Marys father,Toms and Marys fathers,the key to the door the

2、 answer to the question the ticket to the concert Teachers Day Mothers Day Womens Day,十分钟的走路路程 一个五天的假期(两种) 放五天假 3,不可数名词有: 天气, 新闻, 资料, 建议, 音乐, 乐趣, 空间, 工作,ten minutes walk five days vacation a five-day vacation five days off weather news information advice music fun space/room work,orange的用法: 桌子上有一个桔子

3、。 两瓶橙汁 一条橙色的裙子,There is an orange on the table. Two bottles of orange an orange dress,4,名词作定语: 两间鞋店 两个女学生 两个女医生 三个男护士 运动鞋 5,三个英国人/法国人 一些德国人 很多美国人 6,一片面包 一箱橙子 一对鞋子,two shoe shops,two girl students,two women doctors,three men nurses,sports shoes,three Englishmen,some Germans,many Americans,a piece of

4、bread,a box of oranges,a pair of shoes,四片面包 两箱橙子 五双鞋子 7,两个人 三个警察 很多衣服 一条裤子,four pieces of bread two boxes of oranges five pairs of shoes two people/persons three policemen many clothes a pair of trousers,一。冠词 1,一把雨伞 一个叔叔 一个不愉快的旅程 一个不寻常的男孩 一个丑陋的女孩 一个MP3,an umbrella an uncle an unpleasant trip an unus

5、ual boy an ugly girl an MP3,2. 一件制服 一间大学 一个单元 一个UFO 一本有用的书 一个欧洲国家 3. 一个小时 一个诚实的男孩 4. 一个a 一个e 一个f 一个h 一个i 一个I 一个m 一个n 一个o 一个r 一个s 一个x 以上字母全部都是 an,a uniform a university a unit a UFO a useful book a European country an hour an honest boy,5.一个一岁的婴儿 一个八岁的男孩 一个11岁的女孩 6.儿童节 五一劳动节 春节 7. -我丢了我上个星期买的那本书。 -是黑

6、色的吗?,a one-year-old baby an eight-year-old boy an eleven-year-old girl,Childrens Day May Day the Spring Festival,I lose the book which I bought last week? Is it a black one?,4,在19世纪60年代(两种), 在她40多岁时 5,112路公车 , 第二课(两种) , 第二十一世纪 6,另外(再多)两个男孩 (两种) 7,在12岁时 8,两个半小时(两种) 四,代词 1,他的手表是新的。这不是他的。,in the 1860s/

7、in 1860s,in her forties,No. 112 bus,Lesson Two,the second lesson,the 21st century,two more boys/ another two boys,at the age of 12,two and a half hours two hours and a half,His watch is new. This is not his.,我的一个朋友 她的一个朋友 李明的一个朋友 这本书是属于他的。 =这本书是他的。 2,疑问副词: how _-in how_-seldom / twice a month/ every

8、 day / every four years how_-(for) a month/ since 1998 how_-ten kilometers (away from) , ten minutes walk/drive , five minutes on foot,a friend of mine,a friend of hers,a friend of Li Mings,The book belongs to him. The book is his.,soon,often,long,far,3,我不知道该怎么做: I dont kow_to do I dont know_to do i

9、t. 4,what 没有范围 which有范围 My fathers birthday is coming. I dont know _to buy for him. There are many kinds of cameras here. I dont know _.(买哪一个),what,how,what,which to buy,5,all/ both/ none/ neither/ any/ either: _of the twins are teachers, but_of them _(like) teaching. _(全部)of the doctors have to lea

10、rn French, but _of them likes it. There are many tall trees on _ sides (_ side) of the road/ river. The shoes are nice, I want to buy_(另外一双,再买一双).,Both,neither,likes,All,none,both,either,another pair,6.The weather in Beijing is colder than_in Dongguan. The population of China is much larger than_of

11、Japan. The students in Dongguan are better than _in Beijing. 7.We found/ thought _interesting to learn English.,that,that,those/the ones,it,8,some/any: There are _people in the room. There arent_ students in the classroom. Are there _students in the classroom? Would you like _bread? Shanghai is larg

12、er than_other city in China. 9.某些特殊的事情 ;没有什么严重的事情,some,any,any,some,any,something special,nothing serious,11.我们玩得开心, 你们随便吃, 他自己穿好衣服, 对自己说, 全靠自己, 照顾好自己, 自学(两种),,enjoy ourselves,help yourselves,dress himself,say to myself,depend on myself,look after myself,learn by oneself teach oneself,五.介词 1,对友好 ,与交

13、朋友, 对某人要求严 充满(两种) 2, 在晚上(两种) 在一个寒冷的早上, 在一个炎热的下午, 在星期三的晚上, 在五月1号的晚上,be friendly to,make friends with,be strict with sb. be strict in sth.,be full of,be filled with,in the evening/ at night,on a cold morning,on a hot afternoon,on Wednesday evening,on the night of May 1st,3. 一个戴着眼睛的女人 5.日本在中国的东边。 台湾在中国

14、的东南部。 广西在广东的西边。 6.走路过桥/马路(两种) 游泳过河 航行穿越太平洋; 穿过红绿灯/森林/丛林/城市/公园/村庄 ; (从旁边)经过银行(两种),a woman with glasses,Japan is to the east of China.,Taiwan is in the southeast of China.,Guangxi is on the west of Guangdong.,go across the road cross the bridge,swim across the river,sail across the Pacific Ocean,go th

15、rough the traffic lights,go past the bank/ pass the bank,7, except/ besides : All the students went to the park _John, because he was ill. I need two more students _ John to do the work. 8,by +_ in+_ on+_,except,besides,bus/car/ship/air,a car,a bus/a bike,六.形容词副词. 1,_,_,_,_,_与原级连用。 2,我的一个朋友和我一样重。 他没有我高。 3,He is _than her.(胖得多) H



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