衡阳专用)湖南省2017中考英语 第一部分 基础知识梳理 九上 u

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1、九年级 (上) Units 1-2,中考目标导航,重点单词,词汇拓展,短语与句型,重难点讲练,考点1 辨析take place与happen,考点5 offer, supply, give与provide,考点4 辨析reach, arrive与get to,考点3 population的用法,考点2 辨析have been to, have gone to与have been in,考点6 manage的用法,考点7 encourage的用法,考点 13 allow的用法,考点 12 marry的用法,考点 11 require的用法,考点 10 辨析discover, create与inv

2、ent,考点 9 avoid的用法,考点8 辨析rise与raise,高频话题作文指南,重难点讲练,辨析take place与happen讲解详见本书P52,【现学现用】,1. Great changes have _ (发生) in my college since I graduated five years ago. 2. 我们恰巧持相同的观点。 _,taken place,We happen/happened to hold the same view.,辨析have been to, have gone to与 have been in (2011年25题),have been to

3、,“曾经去过某地”,往返的经历,已经回来,have go to,“到某地去了”人不在说话现场,have been in,“在某地待了很久”强调过去到现在一直待在某地,【现学现用】,3. David _ the village many times, so he knows much about it. 4. There is nobody in the room because they _ _ the science museum. 5. As far as I know, all the team members _ _ this city for three years.,has bee

4、n to,gone to,have been to have gone to have been in,been in,have,have,population的用法 (2012年30题),population意为“人口,人数”,其用法主要有: population是集合名词,指人口总数,常与定冠词the连用。作主语时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式,如果表示个体概念,被分数或百分数修饰时,谓语动词用复数。,表示人口“多”用large/big,“少”用small,“增加”用grow,“减少”用fall。如: The population of India is much larger/bigge

5、r than that of Japan.印度人口远超日本人口。 询问人口数量时,一般要用“Whats the population of.?”,相当于“How large is the population of.?”。如:,Whats the population of that beautiful city?那座美丽的城市的人口有多少?,【现学现用】,6. Do you know _ the population of Beijing is?,what,7. Three fifths of the population in our village _ (be) farmers and

6、the rest are workers. 8. The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world. _,are,中国的人口比世界上任何其他国家的人口都多。,辨析reach, arrive与get to讲解见本书 P39,【现学现用】,9. Sportsmen wanted to _(到达) at the gym earlier to warm themselves up before the race. 10. Nowadays, news can reach every corner

7、of the world through the Internet. _ _,arrive,现如今,新闻可以通过网络到达世界上的每一,个角落。,辨析offer, supply, give与provide 讲解详见本书P56,11. I heard the company _ (提供) him a very good job, but he turned it down. 12. What a good suggestion youve given me! _,【现学现用】,offered,你给了我一个多好的建议啊!,manage的用法,v.完成 (困难的事);应付(困难局面)。常用于:mana

8、ge to do sth. 设法做成某事;努力完成某事。如: How do you manage to stay so slim?你是如何把身材保持得这么苗条的?,v.经营;管理。如: He has managed this company for 10 years since his father died. 自从他父亲去世以来,他已经经营这个公司十年了。,【现学现用】,13. Mr.Baker managed _ (find) a place where he could park his car. 14. 我们设法筹集到了足够的钱来帮助生病的 小女孩。 _ _,to find,We ma

9、naged to raise enough money to help,the sick girl.,encourage的用法,encourage 动词,意为“鼓励,鼓舞”。常用结构为:encourage sb. to do sth.“鼓励某人做某事”。如: The teacher often encourages us to study harder.老师常常鼓励我们要更加努力地学习。,encourage sb. in sth.意为“在方面助长某人的某种行为/鼓励某人”。如: Dont encourage him in laziness. 别助长他的懒惰。 encouragement 名词,

10、意为“鼓励;鼓舞”。如: The award is a great encouragement to him.这个奖品对他是一个极大的鼓舞。,拓,展,【现学现用】,15. I am good at singing and my friends all encourage me _ music. 16. The teachers care is a great _ (encourage)to the little shy girl. 17. My father encouraged me _ (visit) more places in the world.,in,encouragement,t

11、o visit,辨析rise与raise讲解详见本书P71,18. The volunteers want to _ (筹集) enough money to buy some books for children in this village school. 19. The sun r_ in the east and sets in the west.,【现学现用】,raise,ises,avoid sb./sth. 意为“避开某人/避免某事”。如: I think she is trying to avoid me. 我想她是在尽力躲着我。 avoid doing sth.意为“避免做

12、某事”。如: He avoided answering my questions.他避而不答我的问题。,【现学现用】,20. We set out early for the zoo so as to _ (避 免) the heavy traffic. 21. In order to keep the little kids safe, we should avoid _ (leave) them at home alone.,avoid,leaving,辨析discover, create与invent,discover意为“发现,找到”,表示发现过去就存在但尚未被人发现或知晓的事物,如地

13、点、物体或事实等。其名词形式是discovery。如: Did Columbus discover America in 1492? 哥伦布是在1492年发现美洲的吗?,create意为“创造;创作”,指创作出原本不存在的东西,如艺术作品、理论等。如: They created a new record again.他们再一次创造了一项新纪录。 invent意为“发明,创造”,指通过研究和实验而创造出前所未有的产品或装置。如: He invented a new method to make bread. 他发明了一种做面包的新方法。,【现学现用】,22. In the future, hum

14、ans will _(发现) more secrets of nature. 23. I think an artist should _ (创造) as many wonderful things as possible. 24. As is known to us all, Edison _ the bulb and brought convenience to people all over the world.,discover,create,invented,require+n.“需要”。如: They require our help. 他们需要我们的帮助。 require doi

15、ng表示被动含义,相当于require to be done,意为“有的需要”。如: The problem requires dealing with immediately. 这个问题需要马上处理。,require that.(should) do.“要求必须做”。如: The situation at that time required that we (should)stay there. 当时的情况要求我们必须留在那儿。 require sb. to do sth. “需要/要求某人做某事”。如: All the members are required to attend the meeting. 全体成员均被要求出席会议。,【现学现用】,25. We all know that learning a foreign language r_ time and effort. 26. They req



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