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1、前言 Proxemics 的起源與意義 Proxemics 的特性 結論,人類空間行為研究PROXEMICS,Proxemics 是環境心理學範疇理的一種對於人類如何運用空間的空間行為(Spatial Behavior)的研究。 對於追求人性化設計的空間設計、室內設計及環境設計者,此類研究的結果具有很高的參考價值。,前言,Edward T. Hall於1963年首創此字,Hall最初的研究焦點集中在不同文化群體的人際距離上,但後繼的研究則將範圍擴大至人類空間行為的整體。,Proxemics的起源,Proxemics的意義,the study of how man unconsciously s

2、tructures microspace the distance between man in the conduct of daily transaction, the organization of space in his houses and buildings, and ultimately the layout of his town.,個人認為PROXEMICS基本上包含三層意義 它是一門科學研究,包括相關的觀察與理論。 主要研究人與人的互動感知及運用各種微空間。 強調文化因素所扮演的關鍵性角色。,Proxemics的特性,親近距離(Intimate Distance) 近的親

3、近距離(0-6英吋,或0-15公分): 遠的親近距離(6-18英吋,或約15-45公分):,Proxemics的特性,個人距離(Personal Distance) 近的個人距離(1.5-2.5英呎,或約45-75公分): 遠的個人距離(2.5-4英,或約75-120公分):,Proxemics的特性,社交距離(Social Distance) 近的社交距離(4-7英呎,或約120-210公分): 遠的社交距離(7-12英呎,或約210-360公分):,Proxemics的特性,公眾距離(Public Distance) 近的公眾距離(12-25英呎,或約360-750公分): 遠的公眾距離(

4、25英呎或約750公分以上):,Proxemics的特性,Hall的Proxemics空間行為研究,架構與環境心理學的研究上,環境心理學談到幾個概念,被Hall運用在空間行為理論上,形成一種空間行為歷程 個人空間 領域性 私密性 擁擠,Proxemics的特性,社交孤立 (達成的私密性多於所需求的私密性),人際的控制機制 個人空間 領域 語言行為 非語言行為,擁擠 (達成的私密性少於所需求的私密性),達成的私密性 (結果),達成的私密性= 所需求的私密性,所需求的私密性 (理想的),結論,Proxemics狹義而言是人類距離研究,廣義而言是人類空間行為研究。個人認為,研究此主題,若是針對國內研

5、究者,應以中國文化(中國傳統文化價值觀)來探討國人的空間行為,對追求人性化設計的空間,具有很高的價值。,A reach-around mirror,This is a picture of a bathroom mirror in a hotel room in New York City. The hotel is a designer hotel having special fixtures and decorations. Unfortunately, the bathroom mirror and the shelves behind the mirror werent design

6、ed to work well together. The mirror doesnt open up like a typical bathroom mirror. So to see and access what is on the shelves behind the mirror is difficult. You have to look and reach around the mirror. (See arrows.) By-the-way, to see what is on the left side of the shelves requires standing in

7、the bathtub!,Cutting Board,This is a cutting board in my kitchen. It is built into the kitchen counter. When you are not using the cutting board it slides into the counter (Picture A). When you need to use it, you slide it out (Picture B). It is very convenient. I use the cutting board as an extra w

8、ork surface, as well as for a cutting board. At some point I usually need a spoon, fork or knife. This is the problem: The utensils are kept in the drawer below the cutting board (Picture C). When the cutting board is in use, it totally blocks access to the drawer. This results in having to remove t

9、he items from the cutting board, slide the board into the counter, retrieve the utensil from the drawer, slide the cutting board back out and put the items back onto the cutting board.,Guess which switch controls the projector screen?,This picture shows a projector screen in a conference room. The w

10、hite screen is lowered from the ceiling in front of a blackboard. To the right of the screen are some electrical switches. Guess which switch raises and lowers the screen? The switch next to the screen? No, its the switch farthest away from the screen!,Hard to open,Here is a door to a gourmet coffee

11、 shop in a designer hotel in New York City. The door is made of solid glass and is very heavy. The top half of the door is clear glass. The bottom half is frosted glass. The handle is in the middle of the door. This makes it very difficult to pull the door open because you cant get any leverage.,Ple

12、ase push slowly!,Ever wonder why doors are made out of glass? This picture gives a hint. Imagine that these restaurant doors are both closed and someone tries to leave in a hurry just as someone else tries to enter the restaurant from the outside. The doors are made of solid wood and are beautiful t

13、o look at but you cant see if anyone is standing on the other side.,This is a mop sink,This picture is from a restaurant in Santa Barbara. There is no urinal in the mens restroom. The fixture in the corner affords a certain activity. To try to discourage this activity someone taped a small sign to t

14、he wall above the fixture. The sign says “This is a mop sink.“,Smooth as glass,This picture shows the hot water control knob on the bathroom sink in a fancy hotel. You can tell its a fancy hotel because it has a marble sink and designer knobs. Unfortunately, the designer didnt have people try to tur

15、n the knobs with soap on their hands because the knobs are about as smooth as glass and almost impossible to turn. This is an example of something being designed a certain way because it looks good rather than because it works well.,Please use sidewalks,This picture shows a dirt path worn across the

16、 grass on a university campus. Notice how the path is in the most convenient place to walk relative to the crosswalk painted on the street and the dip in the curb. It looks like there should be a sidewalk here, but someone forgot to put it in. Instead of putting in a sidewalk, someone put in a sign to try to tell people not to walk on the grass.,Watch your step!,One human factors problem I have found involves walking in from the bright outdoors into a dark buil



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