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1、阅读课,想说爱你不容易,阅读课的传统授课模式,1.上课之前,给学生提一些和阅读材料有关的问题,让学生回去思考并做好预习。 2.开始上课时先让学生回答上节课提出的问题,并校对答案。 3.播放课文录音,解释里面的重难点,并板书关键词。 4.用这些关键词让学生对课文进行复述。 5.平时让学生做一些阅读理解题,并在课堂上进行讲解。,阅读三步曲,1.Pre-reading (感知教材),2.While-reading (理解教材 ),3.After-reading (巩固知识与运用知识 ,展开讨论和深挖主题),Go for it,Unit Four P32-33,She said helping oth

2、ers changed her life.,Pre-reading (感知教材),How are you feeling now? What do you think of your life?,What do you think of their life?,rural areas village above sea level thin air,What can we do for them?,Who else needs our help? How to help them?,Discussion,Children are unable to go to school and the s

3、tudents in the poor village shcool,Educational aid,send volunteers to teach in Chinas rural areas.,2004年度“感动中国”人物徐本禹,这个普通的农家子弟、22岁的华中农业大学2003届本科毕业生徐本禹,被评为中央电视台2004年度“感动中国”人物之一。 2002年7月,徐本禹参加学校组织的暑期社会实践,来到贵州山区一个名叫狗吊岩的地方支教。因为他在报上看到:那个至今水电不通的村子里有着许多渴求上学的孩子。在那个不通公路、不通电话、晚上只能点油灯照明、寄信要走18公里崎岖山路的地方,他孤身一人支教

4、,一呆就是好几年,2004年度“感动中国”人物徐本禹,Yang Lei, a volunteer in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province,While-reading (读-理解教材 ),Skimming: Task 1,Intensive reading,Task 2 Task 3 Task 4,Task 1: Read the text and find the following information which are mentioned in the text.,Yang Lei, a Peking University gradua

5、te The Ministry of Education and the Chinese Young Pioneers Yang Lei life in Peking The situation of Yang Leis students in Gansu Province Yang Lei can open up her students eyes to the outside world.,Task 2: Read the text carefully, put the words into the correct space and judge the following sentenc

6、es true or false.,1.Yang Lei went to teach the students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province. 2. Every year they sent 200 volunteers to teach in Chinas rural areas. 3. Life in the mountains was a new experience for Yang Lei. 4. Both Yang Leis mother and her father agreed with her decision. 5

7、.Yang Lei doesnt like being a good influence in the childrens lives.,Task 3: Find the answers to the following questions.,1.What changed the life of Yang Lei from Beijing? Teaching in the poor village in Gansu Province chaged Yang leis life. 2. How was the life of Yang Lei in the mountain? It was ha

8、rd and it was a new experience for Yang Lei. 3. Can you say something about the students there? They come from poor families, they work hard and feel lucky because they can study in the classroom. 4. What did Yang Lei think of her experience? She enjoyed her time as a volunteer and she wanted to wor

9、k as a teacher in Gansu.,Task 4: Fill in the form according to the text, then say something about Yang Lei.,Beijing,Pingliang,Gansu Province,teacher,Her mother said young people today needed to experience different things.,Her students said that they were like big brothers or sisters to them, and th

10、ey felt lucky.,She said she could open up her students eyes to the outside world and gave them a good start in life.,After-reading,(巩固知识与运用知识 ,展开讨论和深挖主题),3a,mountain village in Gansu Province,Report:Yang Leis students live in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province while(而) we live in They eatbut

11、we have,Task: Fill in the form and give a report,Q:Whats the main idea of the text?,The life in Yang Leis school was very hard. Yang Lei enjoyed helping the students in poor mountain village. C. Yang Leis students liked her very much. D.Helping others changed Yang leis life.,title,Title: Helping oth

12、ers changed Yang leis life.,Helping the students changed the students lives. (知识的改变和思想的改变) Helping the students changed Yang Leis life. (思想和情感的改变),You can gain the happiness when you help others.,Write a summary of the reading. Use no more than 100 words. ( students lives, Yang Leis life, the program of educational aid) Search some information about Xu Benyu on the Internet and write an article.,Homework:,阅读课教学的几个注意事项,拓宽学生的知识面,要有意识地增加一些相关的背景知识。 培养学生熟练地掌握一些阅读技巧。 让学生背诵并能运用一些重点词组和句子。 尽可能把情感态度的交流和讨论渗透到阅读课的教学中。,Thank you !,disabled people,


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