外研版高中英语选修6《module 1 small talk》ppt课件之九

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1、Reading and listening Everyday English Speaking Reading and writing,Book 6 Module1,Activity 1 Read and match the conversations with the places, There is one extra place.,A: Wonderful, arent they? B: Er Im sorry? A: The cliffs. B: Oh, yes, they are. A: Been here before? B: Pardon?,2. A: So you wrote

2、in your application form that youre interested in mountains. B: Yes. Have you ever climbed a mountain? A: Have you ever climbed a mountain? B: No. A: Have you ever read any books about mountain-climbing? B: No.,At a summer school During a job interview In a business meeting On a boat,On a boat,Durin

3、g a job interview,3 A: When did you arrive? B: Yesterday. A: Nice journey? B: Very nice. A: Did the immigration people ask to see your visa? B: I didnt need to get a visa. A: Really? Why not? B: Because I was born here. A: Oh yes, of course!,At a summer school,Activity 2 Answer the questions abut th

4、e conversations.,Do you think the conversations are between people who know each other? Give reasons for your answers. Which of the conversations would you call small talk? What do you think about the answers in the interview? a) The answers show that the interviewee is interested in the job. b) The

5、 answers are too short. c) The answers are impolite.,1 (and possibly 3),Activity 3 Listen to the whole of the first conversation and answer the questions.,Do the people both speak English as a first language? Why did the woman have problems understanding what the man was saying? How did the man help

6、 her to understand him better?,No, they dont,She needed to get used to his voice.,He spoke slowly and repeated things.,Activity 4 Choose the correct endings to lines from the conversation.,Sorry, I couldnt _. a) hear what you said b) understand what you said 2. I didnt _. a) like what you said b) ca

7、tch what you said 3. Could you _? repeat what you said explain what you said,4. You neednt have _. a) spoken to me b) spoken so slowly 5. I just needed a few seconds_. a) to get used to your voice b) to understand you voice Now listen again and check.,a,b,a,b,a,Everyday English,Look at the sentences

8、. Notice how certain words are left out in information conversation. Wonderful, arent they? Been here before?,Theyre wonderful, arent they?,Have you been here before?,Now make complete sentences form these examples.,Language course? Have you taken language course? Staying long? Are you staying long?

9、 Going anywhere nice? Are you going anywhere nice?,Lovely place. It is a lovely place. Go there a lot. I go there a lot. Never been there. I have never been there.,Speaking Activity 1,Work in groups. Discuss these questions and give reasons for your answers.,1.Is it as important as “real” conversation? 2.From what you have learnt in this module, would you say it was more or less important in English than in your language?,Thankyou,


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