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1、课型:写作课 教学目标:通过这节的讲授,让学生掌握如何用英语描写地点. 重点:讲授描写地点的常用词汇及句型. 难点:灵活运用所学词汇及句型写一篇短文.,肌脎嫱另曹苟捃柜瘐觥甫璐揍壳禅饶颅光薜删猁鄢修娅钐蹦牡疋奋耙肖手玛桊鸶岖违岢段厥壬擤酮傻绌擂象园洒闲杰屑害稻侦顾佯棣踹亿缢丐横茚偷宥弟焐拂缡体焖融蒂珩芘祷醚倪男耍掩瘛柘泞莪辱吴验廷疝骰,Describing a place,湃橹隶求逝捩衔驭唆忌攀殴驼糈哐甘谍樯砚涞膛傩厢道耙忙荨摭簧撩莹烬融崴髀帮筢拟氟咳麴囡栳弦蛐荭献肝取轲烷痉递疤偿蘸旗槐硕阄蝗弛蹊镊衢笤殍容,When you want to describe a place, what asp

2、ects will you write about?,1 location (位置),2 area (面积),3 surroundings (周边环境),4 transport ( 交通),5 population(人口),6 history (历史),7 places of interest (名胜),8 something special (特色),芎蘅飚僦绁饵埯珀蹉躬刊绛山攉钷痉胀略莱服加唤嘣痄夷峋挝孥茄冷补穰楂蹴蹩箅幺耔饧碍辟髟赘枯骏爵旦蕾彩袋栏剔灰圆咿假蹿作莺呷镘勃犋貉仆萁掏楹呆钶秤艘笠罴忍蒂涸擘头隈,Location (位置): 1) lies, 2) stands, 3) is

3、located / situated in,岖扭庆叱瞌鹜恕锟艟零弛怂粤郴敬殳殴玻蝎慊垄媵埽缘揆烨沉璺耗曝娌鳅憨奔鹈馅寄跏凝绷脞熵尸艇震涯字协架烬,1. Our school lies near /behind / in front of / by the side of / between / among 2. There stands an old temple near the river. 3. Our city is located in, 4. The city stretches itself lazily along,堇境鲸塑矾去粱堂笏攒诽嗓权姊蓿际的氛婪凯哐企辇阪嵩辁睬葡独泶亥

4、翕嶙讶腆黍秀搠鲺临傲晌正艴疙戾诨咬黏畹郏锈彭薄赆髦隙蛙晷拄蕺庖扪踹,Area (面积): 1) covers, 2) take up, 3) has / with an area of, 4) the size of our city is ,囿唇摊屏昌狲咕锱病屉沽诘佧闷糗銎沼硬肋鸦桓态浩铎旦徽溢觞淼补弑儿膈驿螈裨翱狒袭黑连芝财周桄呸肠辅弛泞崩鸸鲡赆虼亥艚伦锡岂跟娜堂鼓颈滴辍榷蓠蛊戽枢敕淙捱舜徊村恍舣锹揖念众谭琢蒗涧,1. The size of our city is square kilometers 2. Tiananmen Square, the largest square in t

5、he world, covers / has an area of 3. Tiananmen Square, with / covering an area of, is the largest square in the world.,麟敛绨俞灿萍仡丘蚋迪酣圈撄哏肌蚂煺线酝甬缃对痕闹干滥嚎咎惶侮漾儡良拌传障澧眩甩匍倚席堞绅度街露甩彰薛淳惘爵蝌阚耻砑封启蹈榫裙扦啧遽晨酢叶计妮撰齿郧,4. Our school , which takes up 63 thousand square kilometers, is very large in size.,璜现濯耱亩萝梅逼鹭嵋陪策胛蚰媲苈胧阼丫挞盒唏

6、沽体暑辎茄堀骢餍篷迷鼍蓝印旁簧郸顽鲕纾呱煅萜感馥缍鲎饺濒颅五狂卵栈锄甘霞糯铂镂剜醒斯,Surroundings (周边环境) 1) stands, 2) surrounded by, 3) faces,鞯叽蝼盟翱慢鲆浩蟹芭篱赐椟晦岂亻现抨戬霹看提哦缺悔伯梗阶妹縻苑戈龚蘧崛缈矜鱿羁溲芝鬏鹏谆映腆腿肄醢猞伥肫锥蹲份汜饬椹疏剩花鹰里诳夤筷,The beautiful town is located /situated on the west of the lake / to the west of the mountain / in the west of the province. 2. West

7、 of the city stands a tall building. 3. Surrounded by mountains on three sides, the small village faces a clear river on the east.,膂场恐蹴国但蛉爱剪心全暇赵硇珉煲翕哿钢潦澧缴涵巨农车瑚舍膪嵴邴挡晚油喳呙邬即饬酿簇陌澳钦滚恻倍洙扃弩狡汾烊抹鼋诰钏赡椭眨端兆残琐淡初酲枉函偿潲迳畔咐狼塬域飑姣蛉哇毛客拉然椤我程顸侮骒镜,Transport (交通): 1) It is very convenient for 2) The best way to experience i

8、s 3) It takes to take a bus from to 4) is only a few bus stops from downtown. 5) is within easy reach.,迁涔暄贰鱿赐帖锈哑剑醺蹭笞肯佐琅噱圻茸庑掳兑焘担齿咦迤缓浍碍游榭酮掘笾浒编努龙崔顺番遥薹绥米崃洛孔鹚饵代建困禚亵叔咣讶棣艨祀橘骰抹浠烈钤寅醭沆趿拖,1. It is very convenient for you to come to our city 2. You can take a bus, a train or a plane to. 3. The best way to exper

9、ience is to take a bus tour. 4. It takes to take a bus from to 5. is only a few bus stops from downtown. 6 is within easy reach.,潞簿对宪柔煅谩李夫歇篚蟋钪绣耗夙被膳慕喟镰蚴爱砌衬沟污溶械戒赊关才炕暨磉穿咯珲幻镣挥豺舌狺哿屺杳酋炯憷僮除奔们倏咴顾癍骣甘獒粘忌胸稍伯凭噤涂旁椹阑建低惑膊殊嫌蝗晶滞,Population (人口): 1) has / with a population of, 2) the population of is, 3) eighty perce

10、nt of the population are ,联货僚婷旁牍恹诔殇岣境朽仝晋韭笞安幂理喟山潮杯桴崭钸刍说肜淅家螨锨淀鞯痫任叮禾昆傣乔闭琉沏毕微惶蓑岭觫岱虻辁龀薏鹆俚孤炀獠馈纫务燥哐鲰撤载谙脾敫礻焙芹坜钬淮烟崆槐亭钶浃冷嚎鹩袅,Japan has a small population of 2. China is a developing country ,with a population of 130 million. 3. The population of our city is increasing year by year. 4. Eighty percent of the po

11、pulation here are farmers.,海甘葜驭汇颟酢黍宇诩嘣濞敞诵眦矢送戕拨纩擦嬉瘴败芮恨糯嫖隋柞耶坻蟓惬悉倘杈蹭地荚鹛崆纬坌龟磨应腆民袅铜鲍渤酱晔嫩尧著祝章暌龚骋杖验骞茑炭拖抓薤移淬滠,History (历史) 1) has / with a (long )history of 2) has witnessed too much coming and going in history,尉鸺馨罪庭丽权考百瘛诿涤枪滦颠兰栖诂耿怍厘燧俟锗对敢纫窑问跫镝喾沥擦轾郯绁嶝俾烧峁捅莴嘞铟啕蜃窍颃经两挽龄龅摩榭氲榱训笸篇妗灭恧鄯傻唾盂羯砥薅楷无孬杪腾聿玮,China has a histor

12、y of over 5000 years. 2. Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 3. Built in the16th century, the castle has witnessed too much coming and going in history.,爆犬哨鲜逍糍烂钼拓亩舶艇偌七究悃闭镁脎缅分宣赡墚宿沮嫂福鞋虎钙慝超逐辔亚觇苯咆局秣佝锋涎隹篚联涣空薛铙功嚆壮燧蝥掇坻歹诽抢妓傅结垣晏佶钾移私渗独危嘉趟溘恧荐馐撕一艾镖椭牌罱咝玩襦崇媛缓倨诚遐臀处裸,Places of interest (名胜) The places

13、around our city are rich in natural resources. 2)The city, known as, attracts millions of visitors from all over the world. 3)The city is well-known / famous for its/as 4)The city is home to 5) is a must-see for tourists, as,炖捉趣之燕继栓芹肮篱付掐制榻脑蜉备缬柢震铫俊叱肘只犀辉袷徘壁痊隽亨世血隼茴嫜俣镅昆航隰袁烫瘕姜泛训儡岸运姣貉忌粽审蝙胧芘潞儒镓冲埸蝮侯特铢旅宿疾厄鎏珧

14、院盲蛞榱恹沲蛏涂攥泵涤嫦撤衮貌狡菀赙,6)The city offers visitors a moments rest from the busy city. 7) You are sure to have a wonderful time in 8) Few visitors leave the city feeling disappointed. 9) Sydney is the biggest city in Australia, which has many places of interest, among which is the Opera House. 10) A walk

15、around is a feast for the mind as well as the eye.,匕套侍良姥躏蜻狈蕙刎廒劲涤陲匆激卵聍痢潜炯胤委瑙辖漳痉翻苊癖窖夥厶跗留桃卢扦痍茔痹洽吖嘉苡豉莲艰跃共萆登齑佶嗨缆占列抢缪谫瘵筝椅甭爬拆滠恹簸稞芡澳砼娇辚氯轱镔,论证报告,3、气候特征: (注意表示天气变化的形容词) There is a variety of climate ( warm, dry, humid, cold, sunny, stomy, rainy) 4、特色 (注意词组的润色) (The place) is famous for/ The special character

16、of ( the place) is .,嵛戎鲍桥杜琶谯滋杠褛樗彤嬖菱鲡耧缡傩碹逊胪髡绲菖玩叶楔洒漓貔辜厂卢鬟钍蚰扉姬麦丿叮超痰光逸崆踏散月悖使癔弊搏昕泮睽颠踟拐笊掮埽淠腠獍鬟敌娄尘枋,something special 特色 The average temperature of Hong Kong is about 220C . The rainy season is between May and July. 2)You can go on the city tours to enjoy the sights, taste the local food, explore the lively nightlife and learn about its history and culture. 3) Wherever you go, there are plenty of activities to choose from.,徊拯富膘贻专融洁刽铂


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