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1、Lesson 2,Is the Aerospace Industry Ready for Mars?,CATALOGUE,About the Author,Warm-up Activities,Background Information,Language Points,Keys,text,About the Author,纽约时报(The New York Times)是一份在美国纽 约出版的报纸,在全世界发行,有相当的影响力。它有时 也被戏称为“灰色女士”(The Gray Lady)或简称为“时报” (The Times)。它最初的名字是“纽约每日时报”(The New-York Dai

2、ly Times),创始人是亨利J雷蒙德和乔治 琼斯。他们当时打算发行一份比较严肃的报纸,来打破当 时在纽约盛行的花花绿绿的新闻报道方式。,,About the Author,1851 September 18 “We publish today the first issue of the New-York Daily Times, and we intend to issue it every morning (Sundays excepted) for an indefinite number of years to come.“ The founders are Henry Jarvi

3、s Raymond and George Jones.,在1851年9月18日它的首刊中该报写到:“今天我们发行纽约每日时报的首刊,我们打算在今后无限期内每天早晨(周日除外)发行一刊。”,About the Author,纽约时报享有可靠的新闻来源的声誉。它的社论一般被认 为是比较开通的。不过实际上它的社论是由许多不同的作 者撰写的,而他们的观点则从左到右各不相同。,许多年后该报也在周日发行。今天周日版是纽约时报每周篇幅最大的一版,除新闻报道外其中还包括许多专栏如食品、旅游、艺术和其它文化专题。,许多保守派人物认为纽约时报的新闻报道,尤其是它的社 论,太自由开放。甚至有许多人就纽约时报对美国政

4、治界 的影响著书。与纽约时报相比在纽约出版的另两份重要报 纸纽约邮报和华尔街日报至少在其社论方面比较保守。,Warm-up Activities,Is it necessary and sensible for us to spend a huge amount of money to explore the outer space?,2. What do you know about Mars? In your opinion, is it possible that there life on Mars?,Background Information,Experimental space

5、exploration dates back to as early as 1912 when the Europeans discovered cosmic rays through balloon flight. In the 1940s USA first observed the Suns UV spectrum and solar x rays. The former USSR sent Sputnik-1, the first artificial satellite, into space in 1957 which marked the advent of mans space

6、 exploration era.,Sputnik-1,1. Space Exploration and Mars Survey,Background Information,In 1958 USA sent Pioneer 0 into Lunar Orbiter. Apollo 11 was the first manned lunar landing, which took place on July 20, 1969. Neil A Armstrong and Edward E Aldrin collected 21.7 kilograms of soil and rock sampl

7、es and deployed experiments. USA launched several manned lunar explorations in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Apollo 17 carried Eugene A Cernan, Harrison H Schmitt, and Ronald B Evans onto the moon on December 12, 1972. They became the last persons on the moon.,Crew Apollo 11,1. Space Exploration a

8、nd Mars Survey,1. Space Exploration and Mars Survey,Former USSRs attempts to explore Mars in the earlier 1960s failed. USA began its Mars exploration in 1964. Since then USA has been attempting to know more about Mars and considering sending man onto it.,Like Earth, Mars has polar ice caps and cloud

9、s in its atmosphere, seasonal weather patterns, volcanoes, canyons and other recognizable features. However, conditions on Mars vary wildly from what we know on our own planet.,Background Information,Mars,1. Space Exploration and Mars Survey,Over the past three decades, spacecraft have shown us that

10、 Mars is rocky, cold, and sterile beneath its hazy, pink sky. Weve discovered that todays Martian wasteland hints at a formerly volatile world where volcanoes once raged, meteors plowed deep craters, and flash floods rushed over the land. And Mars continues to throw out new enticements with each lan

11、ding or orbital pass made by spacecrafts.,Background Information,Volcano on Mars,Among our discoveries about Mars, one stands out above all others: the possible presence of liquid water on Mars, either in its ancient past or preserved in the subsurface today. Water is key because almost everywhere w

12、e find water on Earth, we find life. If Mars once had liquid water, or still does today, its compelling to ask whether any microscopic life forms could have developed on its surface. Is there any evidence of life in the planets past? If so, could any of these tiny living creatures still exist today?

13、 Imagine how exciting it would be to answer, “Yes!”,Background Information,1. Space Exploration and Mars Survey,Even if Mars is devoid of past or present life, however, theres still much excitement on the horizon. We ourselves might become the “life on Mars” should humans choose to travel there one

14、day. Meanwhile, we still have a lot to learn about this amazing planet and its extreme environments.,Background Information,1. Space Exploration and Mars Survey,Background Information,2. Mars Exploration Rover Mission,NASAs twin robot geologists, the Mars Exploration Rovers, launched toward Mars on

15、June 10 and July 7, 2003, in search of answers about the history of water on Mars. They landed on Mars January 3 and January 24 PST (January 4 and January 25 UTC).,The Mars Exploration Rover mission is part of NASAs Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the red plane

16、t.,Primary among the missions scientific goals is to search for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils that hold clues to past water activity on Mars. The spacecraft are targeted to sites on opposite sides of Mars that appear to have been affected by liquid water in the past. The landing sites are at Gusev Crater, a possible former lake in a giant impact crater, and Meridiani Planum, where mineral deposits (hematite) suggest Mars had a wet past.



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