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1、Unit 1,Love Without Limitations,大爱无疆,台男子抱母求医,以前是你抱着我去看病,现在,我也该抱着你去看病。,不用豪华的汽车,我只用双腿。一名农民将他刚做过手术的妻子背回家这样的画面比城里小资们所谓海誓山盟的爱情都要来得真实、感人,两个婴儿早产,分别被放置在各自的保育箱里,其中一个可能活不下来。医院护士不顾医院守则,将两个婴儿放到了一个保育箱里。当她们被放到一处的时候,两个中较健康的一个伸臂搂住了妹妹。妹妹的心脏渐渐的跳得稳了,体温也回升到了正常,一环卫工捡到一女大学生的钱包,雨中苦等2小时,终于等来了失主,女大学生赶到后,感动得直掉眼泪。见她还淋着雨,张国顺撑起


3、,17年他几乎全靠拾荒过活。在贫苦交加的17年里,这个倔老头慷慨地将所有钱财捐给了全国各地贫困学子,最多时他同时捐助50名寒门学子。,一羊汤馆杀一大一小两只羊,伙计把刀放凳上去拿盆,回来却找不到刀。此时大羊正流泪舔舐着小羊,小羊的眼泪打湿了眼睛下的毛。伙计在小羊趴着的地方发现了那把刀,为阻止妈妈被杀小羊将刀藏在身下,几天后老板关掉羊汤馆。人是否在动物纯粹的感情面前,也会自愧不如。,Question?,love “L”代表Listen(倾听) 爱就是要无条件、无偏见地倾听对方的需求并且予以协助。 “O”代表Obligate(付出) 爱需要自己不断地付出更多的爱,无私地去灌溉爱之苗。 “V”代表V

4、alued(尊重) 爱需要展示你的尊重,表达体贴、真诚的鼓励。 “E”代表Excuse(宽容) 爱结实仁慈地对待,宽容对方的缺点与错误。,delivery,n.1.C分娩 the delivery of a baby 2.C, U递交;送货 Try to remember: the next postal delivery is at 2 oclock.,saint,n.1.C极为慈爱的人;道德高尚的人 He is a saint, extremely kind, patient, and unselfish. 2. C 圣徒,圣人 Joan of Arc was made a saint i

5、n 1920. 一个人能力有大小,但只要有这点精神,就是一个_ 的人, 一个_ 的人,一个_ 的人,一个_ 的人,一个_ 的人.,justice,n. U 正义;合理 Everybody realized the justice of what he was saying., inseparable,a. 不可分离的 He firmly believes that liberty is inseparable from social justice.,unload,vt. 卸下(货物) It will take us three hours to unload the whole truck.

6、,code,vt. 把.编码 These messages are coded. Can you read them? 这些是密码电报。你能读得懂吗? n.1. C 代码;代号 an area code |(电话)区号 2. C, U密码 The British managed to break the Nazi codes during the war. 战争期间,英国人成功地破译了纳粹的密码。,color-coded,a. 带色标的;带色码的 The color-coded map shows clearly how to get to the place. 带色标的地图清楚显示了怎样去该

7、地。,whistle,v. 吹口哨 The referee whistled, the game began, and the audience cheered. 裁判哨子一响,比赛就开始了,观众欢呼起来。,wreck,n. 1. C 疲惫的人;健康状况差的人 Hes been a complete wreck since his illness. 他病了一场以后元气大伤。 2. C 残骸 Have you seen that old wreck he drives around in? 你看见他开的那辆破车了吗?,beneath,prep. 在低于.的位置;在.之下 They slept o

8、utside beneath the stars. 他们露宿在繁星之下。,disguise,n. C, U 伪装物;伪装;假扮 Shes adopted so many disguises. 她穿戴了那么多伪装品。 vt.伪装;假扮 They disguised themselves as fishermen and escaped in a boat. 爱了就别_, 迷失了也别_。, disbelief,n.U 不相信,怀疑 When he told her the whole truth, she simply shouted at him in disbelief.,agreeable,

9、a.1.令人愉快的;令人满意的 He is easy-going among his acquaintances, and has a most agreeable style of conversation. 他待人随和,谈话的风格令人非常愉快。 2. 可接受的 Are you agreeable to my plans for a picnic on Sunday? 你同意我星期天去野餐的计划吗?,penetrate,v.穿透;渗入 The noise of the explosion penetrated the thickest walls. 爆炸声穿透了最厚的墙壁。 vt.看穿 Th

10、ese long answers were difficult to penetrate. 这些长长的答案很难理解。,vacant,a.1. 茫然的;失神的 He was looking around with a vacant look on his face. 2. 空的;未被占用的 vacant buildings vacant heart,grasp,vt.1. 明白 A short opening paragraph enables the readers to quickly grasp what the article is about. 简短的开头能使读者很快明白文章的内容。

11、2. 抓住;抓紧 She is ready to grasp any opportunity to expand the business. 她准备抓住任何机会把生意做大。,quiver,vi.=tremble or shake 颤抖 Her lips quivered, and tears rolled down her cheeks. 她的嘴唇颤抖着,眼泪从脸颊上滚了下来。,long,vi. 渴望 He longed for the winter to be over. 他希望冬天结束。,pledge,vt.保证,承诺 The President pledged to find a pea

12、ceful solution. n. C 承诺;协定 The parents made a pledge to buy a toy car for him.,caretaker,n. C 照看人,保护人 A caretaker is someone who is responsible for looking after another person. 照看人是负责照看他人的人员。,blossom,vi.1. 发展;成长;繁盛 Why do some people take longer than others to blossom? |为什么有些人发展要比别人慢呢? 2. 开花 The ap

13、ple trees are just beginning to blossom.,reckon,vt. 想,认为 I reckon its a good deal. 我想这是桩好买卖。,sheer,a.完全的;十足的 It was sheer luck that I happened to be in the right place at the right time. 我在适当的时间出现在适当的地方全凭运气。,terror,n. U 恐惧,恐怖 I have a terror of snakes. 我害怕蛇。 I will never forget the look of sheer ter

14、ror on her face. 我忘不了她脸上那极度恐惧的表情。,faithful,a. loyal 忠诚的;忠实的 Among all his friends Peter is the most faithful. |他的朋友中,彼得最靠得住。,merry,a.愉快的,高兴的 From the house come the bursts of merry laughter. 屋里传来 阵阵欢笑声。,festival,n. C 节日 the Spring Festival |春节 a pop festival |流行歌曲节 Christmas is an important Christia

15、n festival. |圣诞节是基督教的重大节日。, festive,a. 喜气洋洋的,充满节日气氛的 For some parents in China, the festive Spring Festival is the most stressful time of the year. 在中国,对有些父母来说,喜气洋洋的春节却是压力最大的时候。,drain,vt. 1.使筋疲力尽;使疲劳 He has played for two hours without a break and felt physically drained. 他一口气玩了两个小时,感到精疲力竭了。 2.使排走;使

16、流出 The whole area will have to be drained before it can be used for farming. 整块地在用来种庄稼之前得先把水排干。,exhaust,vt. 使精疲力竭 Caring for young children can exhaust you physically and mentally. 照看小孩子会使人身心疲惫。,customary,a. 惯常的;习惯的 It is customary for the man to propose to the woman. 习惯上是 男的向女的求婚。, exhausted,a. 疲惫不堪的 The exhausted skiers are looking forward to a good nights sleep. 筋疲力尽的滑雪者盼望着晚上能睡个好觉。 You look abso


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