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1、汉英对比,中西思维差异 英汉词汇现象的对比 英汉句法现象的对比,汉英思维方式对比,一、 (1)中国人注重伦理(ethics),英美人注重认知(cognition) (2)中国人重整体(integrity)、偏重综合性(synthetic)思维,英美人重个体(individuality)、偏重分析性(analytic)思维 (3)中国人重直觉(intuition),英美人重实证(evidence) (4)中国人重形象思维(figurative thinking),英美人重逻辑思维(logical thinking)(陈宏薇、李亚丹:2004:2532),二、 英语: 先概括后分解、先表态后叙事、

2、先总结后事例、先整体后细节,由果到因、由小到大等。 汉语:按时间顺序和逻辑发展关系由先到后、由因到果、由假设到推论、由事实到论证,习惯于问题解决型模式(Problem-solution Pattern) 。,例如:,It was keen disappointment that I had to cancel the visit I had intended to pay to Hong Kong On July 1St. 我原先打算七月一日去香港旅游,后来不得不取消,这使我很扫兴。 英语先概括,语义重心在前面 然后分解开来,I strongly believe that its in the

3、 interests Of my countrymen that China should remain an active and energetic power in global economic matters. 在全球经济事务中,中国应继续保持一个积极而充满活力的力量,我坚信这是符合我国利益的。,英汉词汇现象的对比-词义,英汉词语完全对应(word for word correspondence) Aspirin; Marxism; Capitalism; modernism. 英汉词语部分对应 (one word with multiple equivalents of the s

4、ame meaning ) Wife: 妻子、爱人、老伴、内人、贱内、夫人、老婆; president: 总统、主席、校长、议长、会长、社长; Morning: 早晨、上午,部分对应造成翻译时的选择,如: Late in the morning 接近晌午 Early in the morning 一大早 而mid-morning 等最好用时间表示: Mid morning 上午十点左右 Mid-afternoon 下午三、四点 In the middle of next week: 下周三前后,英汉词语不对应 (words without correspondence ): Teenager:

5、 13至19岁的青少年 Clock-watcher: 老是看钟等下班的人 Prey: 被捕食的动物 Dink=double income no kids 丁克家族,英汉词汇现象的对比-词序,一、主语的确立 二、谓语的确立 三、状语的位置,主语的确立,英语主语的严格性,只能由名词、代词,或具有名词语法功能的语言单位(如动词不定式、动名词、主语从句)来充当。 试找出下列句子英译的恰当主语,并进行翻译。,直接用原文的主语 如果不适当地处理,锅炉及机动车辆排出的废气就会造成城市空气污染。 Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treate

6、d, causes air pollution in cities. 替换主语以符合英语表达 1.鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地人民最可宝贵的性格。 Lu Hsun was a man of unyielding integrity, free from all sycophancy拍马屁,奉承 or obsequiousness-谄媚; this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial people.,2) 胎又瘪了。 Weve got another flat tire. 找出译文中合适的

7、主语 1)世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。 The turn of the century finds China most active on the diplomatic arena. At the turn of the century, China is most active in its diplomatic activities.,2)北京地区由于近些年加强了植树造林,在一些地方飞来了稀有的鸟类。 The expansion of woods in some places around Beijing these years attracts quite a few rare bir

8、ds. Quite a few rare birds come to settle down in some places around Beijing thanks to the expansion of woods there these years.,无主句增补主语 到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨,比那江南风景,觉得更具为有趣。 When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door, which de

9、lighted him even more than the scenery of the south.,谓语的确立,英语谓语只能由动词(系动词或实义动词)或动词短语担当。如: 1)北京很好玩。 Beijing is a great city to have fun. 2)北京外来人口逐年增多。 The number of people from other places in Beijing increases year by year.,注意谓语动词的选择的准确性 如: 1)中央政府不干预香港特别行政区的事务。 The central government has never interv

10、ened in the affairs of the HKSAR. 2)中国经济将融入世界经济的大潮。 The economy of China will converge with that of the world. (merge into意为消没在。之中,不恰当) 3)新的景点不断出现,观光人数不断增加,地区经济也有了很大发展。 The emergence of one new scenic spot after another and the influx of more and more tourists have also boosted the economy.,比较以下译文,哪

11、个更好? 1)本文所讲的内容对通讯工程来说是很有趣的。(b) a. The content that this paper talks about is of great interest to communication engineers. b. What this paper discusses is of great interest to communication engineers.,2)和古庙正好隔河相对的那坐宝塔据说是明代的建筑。(b) a. The pagoda that stands facing the ancient temple and is separated f

12、rom each other by the river is said to have been built in the Ming Dynasty. b. It is said that the pagoda just across the river from the ancient temple was built in the Ming Dynasty.,3) 我们大为惊奇的是,那幢经受强烈地震而幸存下来的惟一建筑物竟是砖木结构。(a) a. To our great surprise, the only building that survived the violent earth

13、quake was one of brick and wood structure. b. To our great surprise, the only building that fortunately existed after the violent earthquake was one of brick and wood structure.,状语的位置,Modern science and technology are developing rapidly 现代科学技术正在迅速发展 He is running fast enough 他跑得够快的了,Then with a bag

14、of toys and books we walked across the garden in the gray light of the dawn. 我们提着一口袋玩具和书籍,在晨曦中穿过了花园。,英语状语一般在被修饰之后(有时可前置) 汉语状语一般在被修饰词之前,A car, full, sped fast, drenching me in spray 一辆坐满人的小汽车急驶而过,溅了我一身水(有时也置后,视习惯而定) 英,地点短语状语在时间状语前;汉,相反 He was born in Shandong on May 1, 1990.,(1) .The cruel murder of

15、the patriot has understandably aroused worldwide indignation. 残酷杀害爱国志士激起了全世界人民的义愤,这是可以理解的。 (2). A certain number of characteristic errors have been pointed out by linguists and can be usefully recalled at this point. 语言学家已指出一定数量的典型错误,如今回顾一下,不无裨益。,On the floor were piles of old books and newspaper. 地

16、板上堆放着旧书和报纸。 On a hill in front of our school stood a great shopping mall. 我们学校前面的小山上有一个规模很大的购物中心。 Such was the force of explosion that all the windows were broken. 爆炸的威力如此之大,所有的窗户都震破了。 Young as she is, she has seen much of the world. 她年纪轻轻,可见过不少世面。,句法现象的对比,时态对比: 英语的时态有十六种,与汉语的时态相比要复杂得多,汉语一般没有时态的变化。 如:I will go to Beijing tomorrow afternoon. 我明天下午去北京。 Jack used to be a government official, but he is in prison now. 杰克从前是个政府官员,现在是犯人。,句序(复合句中主、从句顺序) 时间顺序: 英,灵活;汉,先发生先叙述 I wen


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