北师大版高中英语选修七unit 20《new frontiers》(warm-up)课件

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《北师大版高中英语选修七unit 20《new frontiers》(warm-up)课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大版高中英语选修七unit 20《new frontiers》(warm-up)课件(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 20 warm-up,By the end of the class, you will develop an interest in the Unit theme: Science & Future & anticipate it. grasp the unit objectives by doing mini-unit-objective-related activities 3. develop the target learning strategies in this unit,front,Speak out some expressions with “front”,

2、at/ in the front of 在教室前部 前排座位 a front seat a seat in the front row 酒店前台 Front Desk Reception Desk,in front of 在我面前,Guess the meaning of “frontier”,frontier (pl-s) A frontier is a border between two countries. (BRIT; in AM, usually use border) It wasnt difficult then to cross the frontier. 2. When t

3、alking about the western part of America before the twentieth century, you use frontier to refer to the area beyond the part settled by Europeans. Frontier life could be lonely and empty. 3. usu pl, usu N of n, adj N The frontiers of something, especially knowledge, are the limits to which it extend

4、s. .pushing back the frontiers of science. .technological frontiers.,Sweden has frontiers with Norway and Finland. The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed forwards as time goes on. Abraham Lincoln had started life in a log cabin(小木屋) in the frontier territory that is now Kentucky.,Guess

5、the meaning of “frontier” in context. Speak out their synonyms.,Unit 20 New Frontiers P19, thumb through P19-27, predict what new frontiers the unit is about by looking at the pictures & titles,Unit Mind-Map: Unit Objectives,_ _ listen & complete notes,Artificial Intelligence,_ Write an article & gi

6、ve a presentation,Space: The Final Frontier,Grammar: _ _,the Future,Perfect/ Continuous,Futurology & Scientific Breakthroughs read by identifying _,accurate info,P19-Ex1 About Science,Biology Physics Information Technology Astronomy,A Radio Telescope An Atom A Microscope A Microchip DNA,Can you thin

7、k of any other areas of science? Which areas of science do you think are the most interesting? Why?,P19-Ex2 Word Classification,Biology: bacteria,IT: artificial intelligence; data processing; search engine; software development,Physics: energy; gravity; mass; radiation; radium; radio active,Astronom

8、y: black hole; deep space; light year; universe; solar system,P19-Ex3 Listen & Identify programs,1.,news,2.,interview,3.,educational documentary,4.,quiz,P19-Ex3 Listen & Complete notes 1,bad weather,international,take over,repairs,slight damage,P19-Ex3 Listen & Complete notes 2,computers,pioneer,com

9、puting,sense,react to,P19-Ex3 Listen & Complete notes 3,human biology,affect,10 or 20,analyze,data,biochemistry,medicine,the many issues,latest,P19-Ex3 Listen & Complete notes 4,Marie Curie,radioactive,radium,Nobel Prizes,physics,chemistry,being exposed to,P19-Ex 4 Discuss & Speak out How has scienc

10、e affected our lives in the last two hundred years? Think about communication, entertainment and recreation, housing, medicine, transport, war, work, etc. P72-Focus on Reading, Simple Inventions that changed the World, Finish Ex. 1 Multiple Choices, 1-3-5-8-9, on P73,P72- The last paragraph: The nex

11、t time you rely on any of these inventions, dont forget to think about the science and imagination that have gone into them and how much they have changed our everyday life. P78- Check your progress, Space Tourism, Ex. 1 T , F, or NI. The Future: will +do/be; be going to; Youll be thinking (the Futu

12、re Continuous),P31- Bulletin Board, Corner of Scientific Imaginations Read the two short passages aloud & decide whether the imagination has come true.,Homework: Prepare a presentation in groups of 4 or 6.,(5分) Presentation on branches of Science (7分) Great inventions that have changed modern China (9分) Scientific imaginations for the future (10分) Hot areas of science that will provide bright future jobs,


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