人教版选修七unit 1 《living well》ppt课件

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1、Period 2 Language points,Unit 1 Living well,A team competition,Each team can get one point if any of your team can answer the question correctly.,Answer each question by using the correct new word or phrases in U.1:,What is the action of making something suitable for a new use? How would you feel if

2、 someone kept talking when you were trying to read? How would you feel if you got all the answers in the test wrong? 4. If someone gave you some small, colourful fish, where would you put them?,adapt,annoyed,stupid,tank,What kind of instrument does a doctor need to examine viruses in blood? What do

3、you call the musical instrument you strike with sticks or hands? How would you say if you are going to repeat what you have said in a different way? What would you say if you are going to repeat what you have said in a different way?,microscope,drum,out of breath,in other words,9. You may say “Dont

4、_ people” to somebody who likes making fools of others. 10. What do you call someone who is always knocking things over or dropping them?,make fun of,clumsy,Useful words and expressions:,producing favourable effects or useful results make or become suitable for new needs, different conditions, etc.

5、make sb. a little angry or impatient, esp. by troublesome actions,beneficial adapt annoy,Useful words and expressions:,on the whole make a fool/fools of sb. be short of breath,all in all make fun of be out of breath,beneficial a. 有利的,有益的 be beneficial to sth./sb. 有益于 e.g. Sunshine is beneficial to p

6、lants. His holding has had a beneficial effect. 2) benefit n. e.g. That experience was of great benefit to me. Give up smoking for the benefit of your health.,Useful words and expressions:,3) benefit vt./vi. e.g. We benefit from daily exercise. The rapid development of science benefits the whole wor

7、ld. 2. adapt vt. (使)适合,适应;改编 e.g. When he moved to Canada, the children_ (很能适应变化) These books have( 为小学生改编的。)_,adapted to the change very well.,been adapted for the primary school pupils.,词义辨析:adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match adapt: 指修改或改变以适应新条件 adjust: 多指“调整,调节”使之适应 fit: 多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合” suit: 多指“合乎

8、要求、口味、性格、情况” match: 指“大小、色调、形状、性质”等相配或相称,Exercises: You cant see through the telescope until it is _ to your eyes. The shoes _ me well. A red jacket doesnt _ green trousers. No dish _ all tastes. You should _ yourself to the new environment.,adjusted,fit,match,suits,adapt,3. annoy vt. 使烦恼/生气 e.g. Th

9、ese flies are annoying me. I was annoyed with him because he kept interrupting. ( be annoyed with sb. 对某人生气 ) 4. all in all = on the whole, in all 总而言之 e.g. All in all, we had a good time during the winter vacation. 辨析: In all above all after all,总共,总而言之,尤其是,重要的是,毕竟,5. make fun of = make a fool/fool

10、s of sb., play a joke on sb. 取笑 e.g. Its bad manners to make fun of disabled people. 辨析: laugh at sb. play a trick on sb. 6. out of breath 上气不接下气 相关短语: hold ones breath lose ones breath catch ones breath get ones breath below / under ones breath,屏息,喘不过气来,松一口气,小声地,喘过气来,嘲笑,捉弄,Important sentences,Find

11、out three sentences containing clauses used as adverbial of comparison. Paraphrasing: I used to dream that one day I would be a famous football player and represent my country in the World Cup. I used to _ _ one day _ a famous football player and _ my country in the World Cup.,dream about/of,being,r

12、epresenting,2. To work in the computer industry when I grow up is my ambition. My ambition is _ _ in the computer industry when I grow up. 3. I dont have time to sit around and felt sorry for myself. I dont have time to sit around _ sorry for myself. 4. Just having a disability doesnt mean your life is not satisfying. Just _ _ doesnt mean your life is not satisfying.,Important sentences,to work,feeling,being disabled,Wb. P. 48. 1. 3. Preview Using Language: A Letter to an Architect and try to finish Comprehending exercise 1 on P. 9.,Homework,


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