外研版选修八module6《the tang poems》ppt课件3

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1、1glance vi. 扫视;匆匆一看(常与down, up, over, along, through等连用) He glanced at his watch and then looked at the sky. 他看了看手表,然后又看了看天空。 The personnel manager glanced down the list of names of the applicants. 人事部经理浏览了一下申请人名单。 He glanced through/over the newspaper. 他浏览了一下报纸。,知识拓展 glance n. 一瞥;匆匆一看 I gave her a

2、glance. 我看了她一眼。 He saw at a glance that she was coming. 他一眼就看到她来了。 at a glance 乍看之下;一看就;at (the) first glance第一眼就;take/give a glance at.对瞥一眼,词语辨析 glance, glare与stare 这三个词都表示“看”,均和介词at搭配使用。 1)glance作“看一眼”解,指正在做某事时或匆忙之中迅速看一眼。 On the bus I always manage to glance at the headlines in the newspaper. 在公共汽

3、车上我总是能看一眼报纸的大标题。 2)glare作“怒视”解,指带着愤怒或威胁的神情,使人有一种恐怖感。 They didnt fight, but they still glared at each other. 他们并未打架,但还是怒目对视。,I advanced a step or two and glared defiance at him. 我向前走了一两步,用轻蔑的目光怒视着他。 3)stare作“瞪着眼看”解,特别指带着惊奇、羡慕、敌视或害怕的神情睁大眼睛看。 Children should be taught not to stare at the handicapped pe

4、ople. 应该教育孩子们不要盯着残疾人看。 The children stared at the apples on the table. 孩子们目不转睛地看着桌子上的苹果。,即学即用 He sat _ into sky, thinking deeply. Astaring Bglancing Cglaring Dseeing 答案:A 句意为:他坐那里凝望着天空,陷入了沉思。,2cater vi. 满足要求;迎合;投合(与to连用) cater for 满足要求 TV programmes usually cater for all tastes. 电视节目通常满足各种不同趣味的要求。 S

5、ome tabloid newspapers cater to low tastes. 有些小型报纸迎合低级趣味。 The restaurant made every effort to cater for the need of the customers. 这家餐馆尽最大努力满足顾客的需求。,即学即用 We also _ wedding and parties. You can hold your wedding ceremony here. Acater for Bcater to Cadmit Dsatisfy 答案:A,3expense nC,U费用,支出;代价 What are t

6、he expenses of moving house? 搬家的费用是多少? He finished the job at the expense of his health. 他以牺牲健康为代价完成这项工作。 He hired a plane, regardless of expense. 他不惜代价,租了一架飞机。,知识拓展 at the expense of由付费,由负担费用;以为代价 put sb. to the expense of(doing)sth.使某人花钱(做)某事 spare on expense不惜代价 特别提示 expense(费用), income(收入),fortu

7、ne(财产)等谈其多少,不用much或little,而用large或small。 译他的花费/收入/财产比他妻子的多。 误His expense/income/fortune is more than his wifes. 正His expense/income/fortune is larger than his wifes.,词语辨析 expense, cost expense泛指“费用”,作不可数名词使用时,指金额不确定的款项,如果指特定的款项时,可用复数形式。 cost常用于日常生活中的“花费”,或劳力、服务等的“费用”。 All the expenses are paid by go

8、vernment. 政府支付所有费用。 The cost of the house was too high for me. 对我来说,这房子的价格太高了。,即学即用 (2007天津)One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living_. Abills Bexpenses Cprices Dcharges 答案:B 题意:虽然每月一千美元不是一大笔钱,但能保证我的生活费用。expense意为“贯用,支出”,符合题意。bill意为“账单”;price意为“价格”;charge意为“收费”。,4d

9、amp adj.潮湿的 Its damp and cold. I think its going to rain. 又潮又冷,我想要下雨了。 These damp matches wont strike. 这些潮湿的火柴划不着。,词语辨析 damp通常指令人不愉快的潮湿;wet指因水或其他液体渗透而湿,通常比damp更湿。 Dont sit on the grass. Its damp. 不要坐在草地上,因为湿气重。 You are wet throughcome in quickly. 湿透了赶快进来。,5barrier nC关卡;检票口 They put(up)a barrier acro

10、ss the road. 他们在路上设了一个关卡。 Mike was stopped at the barrier bacause he forgot to show his ticket. 迈克在检票口被拦住了,因为他忘记出示车票。 特别提示 barrier是一种fence或gate等的障碍物,阻止人们向某一特定方向移动;而fence指篱笆、栅栏,用木头、金属等做成的围绕一块地的设置。,6bench nC(尤指户外的)长凳 They sat on the bench in the park. 他们坐在公园里的长凳上。 The old woman sitting on the bench is

11、 feeding the pigeon. 坐在长凳上的老妇人正在喂鸽子。,词语辨析 armchair, stool, rocking chair, bench, chair,7preview nC/v.预观;预看 We attended a preview of the winter fashion collection. 我们参观了一次冬季时装预展。 They previewed the film before it was shown. 他们在电影放映前已经预先观看了。,知识拓展 view v观看,察看 review v复习,回顾;(再)检查;审查 注意:前缀pre表示“在之前”,又如:

12、prematurepre(在前)mature(成熟的)adj.不成熟的 preschoolpre(在前)school(学校)adj.学龄前的 previewpre(预)view(看)n./v.预观;预看 prefixpre(在前)fix(安装,嵌)n.前缀,词头,8carriage nC客车车厢;(四轮)马车 Ill be sitting in the 3rd carriage from the front of the train. 我将坐在第三节车厢。 Her carriage was the most beautiful one in the yard. 她的马车是院子里最漂亮的。,词语

13、辨析 carriage,cart cart nC大车,手推车;二轮马车,9merry adj.欢快的,愉快的 He is in a very merry mood today. 他今天心情极为愉快。 Merry Christmas (to you)! (祝你)圣诞节快乐! 注意:祝某人圣诞快乐一般用merry;祝某人新年或生日等快乐则有happy,即Happy New Year/Birthday.。,词语辨析 merry, happy, glad merry指愉快地大笑、狂欢或快乐的样子。 happy普通用语,最常用。 glad表示短暂的“愉快,高兴”,常作表语。 There is a mer

14、ry smile on her face. 她脸上露出愉快的微笑。 I wish you a very happy future. 我祝你有非常幸福的未来。 Im glad hes feeling better. 他身体好些了,我很高兴。,10anniversary nC周年纪念日;周年纪念 Today is their wedding anniversary. 今天是他们的结婚周年纪念日。 He gave me a necklace as an anniversary gift. 他给我一条项链作为周年纪念礼物。 知识拓展 ann表示“年”:annual adj.每年的n.C年刊,年鉴,11

15、donate v提供;捐 The government calls on the youth to donate their blood voluntarily. 政府号召青年义务献血。 She donated her books to the library. 她把自己的书捐赠给图书馆。 知识拓展 donate sth. to sb./sth.把某物捐给某人/某物 donation nC,U捐赠(物) donor nC捐赠者,12update v更新;刷新 The data should be updated once a week. 这些数据应该每周更新一次。 知识拓展 uptodate

16、adj.最新的 the uptodate model最新的款式 The model is up to date.款式是最新的。 update the model更新款式,13decorate v装点;美化;装修 Bright posters decorate the streets. 鲜艳的广告张贴画装点着街道。 She decorated her rooms with flowers. 她用鲜花装点她的房间。 We are going to decorate the kitchen again this summer. 我们打算今年再装修一次厨房。 知识拓展 decorate.with.用装饰 decorat


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