英语修辞学 lecture 1 introduction of english rhetoric

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《英语修辞学 lecture 1 introduction of english rhetoric》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语修辞学 lecture 1 introduction of english rhetoric(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Introduction of English Rhetoric 英语修辞学,2010-3-1,Book List in Rhetoric,陈望道 修辞学发凡,上海外语教育出版社, 1979 谢祖钧 英语修辞, 机械工业出版社, 1988 范家材 英语修辞赏析,上海交通大学出版社,1998 冯翠华 英语修辞大全,外语教学语研究出版社,1995 胡曙中 英汉修辞比较研究,上海外语教育出版社,1993 胡曙中 现代英语修辞学,上海外语教育出版社,2004 黄任 英语修辞与写作,上海外语教育出版社,1996 郭秀梅 实用英语修辞学,江苏人民出版社, 1985 李冀宏 英语常用修辞入门,世界图书出版公

2、司,2003 李庆荣 现代汉语修辞, 北京大学出版社, 2002 李树德 冯奇英语修辞简明教程,复旦大学出版社,2003 吕煦 实用英语修辞, 清华大学出版社,2004 张秀国 英语修辞学, 清华大学出版社,2005,Questions:,What is rhetoric? What is a figure of speech? Are they the same?,Definition of rhetoric,Aristotle(384BC-322BC) Rhetoric Rhetoric may be defined as the faculty of observing in any g

3、iven case the available means of persuasion. This is not a function of any other art.,Definition of rhetoric,Cicero:famous orator in Roman Rhetoric is eloquence to persuade their fellows of the truth of what they had discovered by reason.,Definition of rhetoric,Francis Bacon: Rhetoric is a technique

4、 making it possible to apply reason to imagination, for the better moving of the will.,Definition of rhetoric,The Oxford English Dictionary (1933): Rhetoric is the art of using language so as to persuade or influence others; the body of rules to be observed by a speaker or writer in order that he ma

5、y express himself with eloquence.,Definition of rhetoric,Websters New World Dictionary of the American Language (1972): Rhetoric is the art or science of using words effectively in speaking or writing, especially of literary composition.,Definition of rhetoric,The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1982): R

6、hetoric is the art of persuasive or impressive speaking or writing; language designed to persuade or impress (but perhaps insincere or exaggerated),Definition of rhetoric,Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1995): Rhetoric is the language used to persuade or influence people, especially by p

7、oliticians; the art of speaking or writing to persuade or influence people.,Definition of rhetoric: Chinese,现代汉语词典: 修辞:修饰文字、词句,运用各种表现方式,使语言表达得准确、鲜明而生动有力。 辞海: 修辞:依据题旨情景,运用各语文材料,各种表现手法,恰当地表现写说者所要表达的内容的一切活动。 陈望道修辞学发凡: 修辞不过是调整语辞,使达意传情能够适切的一种努力。,Definition of rhetoric: Chinese,张弓现代汉语修辞学: 修辞是为了有效地表达意旨、交流思

8、想而适应现实语境,利用民族语言各因素以美化语言。 北京大学语言学教研室语言学名词解释: 修辞是指最有效地运用语言,使语言很好地表达思想感情的一种技巧。研究这种技巧的学问,就叫修辞学。换言之,修辞学是以修辞的规律、方法和语言手段的表现为研究对象的科学。,Our definition of rhetoric,Rhetoric is an art or science of using words or language to persuade, influence or impress others in speaking or writing.,Categories of rhetoric,Ca

9、tegory 1: (Western Rhetoric) Communicative Rhetoric Aesthetic Rhetoric Category 2 (陈望道) 消极修辞(Passive Rhetoric) 积极修辞(Active Rhetoric),Category 1,交际修辞(Communicative Rhetoric):无论说话或写作,把思想感情表达得明白、通顺,要求在选词择句时,语意明确、文理通顺、结构妥贴、语言平易好懂,这样才能正确地说明客观事物,表达主观意愿,完成交际任务。 美学修辞(Aesthetic Rhetoric):要求语言表现得生动、形象,富于说服力和感

10、染力,最大限度地发挥语言的表达功能,给人以美的享受。,Category 2,Passive rhetoric: How to choose the proper words and sentences to express the ideas, and make the language: accuracy, euphonic, and coherent. Active rhetoric: How to apply the figures of speech properly so as to make the content more exact, vivid and lively. It

11、mainly concerns the usage of the figures of speech.,Communicative Rhetoric,Choice of words Choice of sentences,Aesthetic Rhetoric,音韵修辞格:Phonetic Figures of Speech 词语修辞格:Lexical / Semantic Figures of Speech 句法/结构修辞格:Syntactical Figures of Speech,音韵修辞格: Phonetic Figures of Speech,Alliteration Assonanc

12、e Consonance Rhyme Onomatopoeia,押头韵,元韵,辅韵,尾韵,拟声,词语修辞格: Semantic Figures of Speech,Simile Metaphor Transferred Epithet/hypallage Metonymy Synecdoche Antonomasia Personification,明喻,暗喻/隐喻,移就/转喻,借代,提喻,换称,拟人,词语修辞格: Semantic Figures of Speech,Synaesthesia hyperbole/overstatement understatement Irony Oxymo

13、ron Paradox Euphemism pun,通感,夸张,低调陈述,反语,矛盾修饰法,隽语,委婉语,双关,词语修辞格: Semantic Figures of Speech,Syllepsis Zeugma Parody Rhetorical question allusion Analogy Palindrome,一笔双叙,共轭,仿拟,修辞疑问句,典故,类比,回文,句法/结构修辞格: Syntactical Figures of Speech,Parallelism/parallel structure Repetition Antithesis Climax Anti-climax Ellipsis Inversion / anastrophe,排比,反复,对照/对偶,层进,突降,省略,倒装,


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