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1、Part 3 section2,Tony Su,Preference 二选一,Questions your may see: Do you prefer eating at home or at restaurants? Which one is more important, your relatives or neighbours? Do you prefer reading newspaper or watching TV program? Do you prefer travelling alone or with other people? What do you prefer, a

2、 high salary or job satisfaction? Do you prefer making a call or writing a letter? Do you prefer watching foreign movie or Chinese movies? Do you perfer several short holidays or a long holiday?,How to answer,General(your idea)-Specific(examples)-Conclusive For example: Peronally, I perfer X to Y. -

3、General idea Simply because X is more than Y- your opinion/ specific 1 Besides, through X, I could. - your opinion/ specific 2 For example, If I -examples so, generally, I will go for X. - Conclusive,Importance,What is the most important quality that your friend should have? Is computer important? a

4、rt protecting animals doing outdoor activities reading,What is the most important quality that your friend should have? The most important quality of my friends is honesty. Coz friends are someone who you need to trust and share your thoughts with. If a so-called “ friend” is not honest with you, yo

5、u may find its difficult to get things from your chest in front of him. So, before I make friends with someone, the most important quality I care about is honesty.,直接回答,给出理由,反向举例,正面强调,Practice 1 How important do you think it is for a person to spend some time alone? Why? 直接回答 I think. 给出理由 because 反

6、向举例 if I dont have enough time alone 正面强调 thus, it is important to,Choice,Which one is more important X or Y? I prefer X, I always believe that X is really essential and necessary for. since without ( doing ) X, we would .(bad consequence) Besides. So apparently, there is no doubt about the signific

7、ance of (doing) X.,Popular,Whats the most popular.in your country? music, movie, sport,books,food,song Do Not Give “ One for all“ kind of answer!,What should we do?,It depends young/elders men/women children/adults students/workers northern Chinese/southern Chinese,Example,Men prefer to play sports

8、to relax. Theyd(we d) rather go playing basket ball or tennis than staying at home. While women have different ways of relaxing. They tend to go window shopping or have a manicure to enjoy the free time.,It depends. For X, I believe that.is the most popular one for them, such as. A,B,C and D,simply

9、because Yet for Y, I guess that they tend to choose., including A,B,C and D. Thats probably because they. Meanwhile, there are. that are welcomed by all., like.,Whats the most popular sport in your country? Well, it depends. For youngsters, I believe that ball game is their most favourite sport, lik

10、e B-ball, soccer, bad-minton,tennis,an so on. Yet for elders, I guess they may have a fancy for some more relaxing sports, such as jogging, walking, doing Tai Chi and square dancing. 一分为二,合二为一。 Meanwhile, there are some sports that are welcome by all age groups, like table tennies, swimming and cycl

11、ing.,Advantage (Pros) and Disadvantage (Cons),What are the advantages and disadvantages of? Like: living with old people travelling alone and with family raising pets watching foreign movie .,How to answer,good reason:1,2,3 Bad reason: 1,2 (obvious one) Well, . is benefical in a variety of ways. Fir

12、stly. besides. More importantly. Yet, when it comes to the drawbacks, I have to say that.,Change,How has.changed recently in your country? Part1: what we did before with examples. Part2: What we do now with examples. Part3: Why this change happen and the influence Part4: Feeling and willing,Opinion,A: what kind of . are there/do people often.? what are the reason of.? G-S B: Should (all)people do.? All on one side. Is . always good for.? depends,


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