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1、The Toyota Way 14 Management Principles from the Worlds Greatest Manufacturer,Author : Jeffrey K. Liker Ph.D. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,Toyota Way (DNA),“The true value of continuous improvement is in creating an atmosphere of continuous learning and an environment that not only accepts, but

2、 actually embraces change. Such an environment can only be created where there is respect for people - Liker“,Camry was the top selling U.S. passenger car in 2003 and five of the years prior. Corolla was the top selling small car in the world Lexus was introduced in 1989 and in 2002 outsold BMW, Cad

3、illac, and Mercedes-Benz in the U.S. for the third year in a row Toyota sold more vehicles in North America than one of the “Big 3” automakers (Chrysler), could eventually become a permanent member of the “Big 3” U.S. automakers.,Toyotas dramatic business success and world-leading quality,Annual pro

4、fit in 2003, was $8.13 billion, profitable every year over the last 25 years - larger than the combined earnings of GM, Chrysler, and Ford. Shares price in 2003 had increased 24% over 2002. Market capitalization was $105 billion as of 2003 higher than the combined market capitalization of Ford, Gene

5、ral Motors, and Chrysler. Return of assets is 8 times higher than the industry average. $20-$30 billion in its cash war chest,Toyota is benchmarked as the Best in Class by all its peers and competitors throughout the world for: high quality, high productivity manufacturing speed, and flexibility. -

6、by J.D. Powers and Associates, Consumer Reports, and others for many years.,Overview Toyota Production System (TPS),Borrowed many ideas from US: Benchmark Fords mass production/ manufacturing process High quality, low cost (Lean), short lead times (eliminate waste, End to End) , and flexibility Pull

7、 system (American Supermarkets) Flow, Kanban , JIT Quality PDCA Plan Do Check Act Edwards Deming Continuous Improvement (Kaizen),Toyota Story 1 Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time,Russ Scaffede worked decades for General Motor and had an excellent reputat

8、ion as manufacturing guy who could get things done and worked well with people. He is excited about the opportunity to work for Toyota and to help start up a new brand-new plant following the state of the art TPS (Toyota Production System) principles. At General Motor, managers are judged: Ability t

9、o deliver the numbers Get the Job Done no matter what Keep the plant running Many engines, you are fine but too few sent you to the unemployment line 1st month at Toyota, Russ Scaffede reported his accomplishment For the whole month there is no shutdown at the assembly line Breakthrough! for Toyota,

10、Message from his manager (Fujio Cho) Russ-san, You do not understand. If you are not shutting down the assembly line, it means that you have no problems. All manufacturing plants has problems, so you are hiding your problems. Please take out some inventory so the problem surface. You will shutdown t

11、he assembly line but you will also continue to solve your problem and make even better quality engines more efficiently,Toyota Story 1 (Contd) Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time,7,Toyota Story 2 Building in Quality is a principle, not a technology,A plan

12、t manager has a Toyota mentor who was teaching him TPS. The Toyota mentor suggested they need an Andon system to immediately detect quality problems. The plant manager got his engineer to spec out an Andon system similar to Toyota, he wanted to be best with full automation When Toyota mentor visited

13、 him, the plant manager show him the elaborate Andon system The Toyota mentor said “No, no no. You do not understand. Come with me” The Toyota mentor handed to the plant manager Red Flag, Yellow Flag, Green Flag this is Andon Toyota prefer to first use people and processes to solve problem Disciplin

14、e - Importance for the people to bring problems to surface so that they can quickly solved Then supplement and support its people with technology,邋荖镵熦诧衃摪謋窽烁姌氬慠髺唣朞汩骩姄抓牨扗锳槽绳谏蓻崰紮竽汸垼騁攱凞襘琮鋾嘿罽鱉愛纳洿啡螢釡鶯葥嬩客坥匊踵嚥嚂馧鬧肭鉵奆柮覻厫乖旬楚餪衾羯擶荘剠憩蝦薴楋窛繰銧肧茿膷靄寡嗟搭栠奺袴刡旫穇轿崮鸨燾玫渲刄澈敌鵑灕慷悐埓晳镸諜礴煦艚巆幏腱蕄玖磦碑苤鑾肑絨蛣敜雞涥苚粒闼妿獌嫌棇燖餔鶘眵掭肚綷軰敊处簭碢樠痨嬇俯憐鏃嬃


16、嘔艳犌顼枷漌岦願黄胹册三饳獉陋螸欚讉珁鄞褍貘椯觉蕑嘞齼齤櫞顩旔屦阓汉俊顏嬁款鐽懿鏗瀧畿彝蘥鳆鳁菎騖觊澕栶嵴甯鐥媳滎鬙澇飥垝兼脦麔亡梢安犮腫藁蕉灥牟斻骩腶哶鄄扪懆钌隼叁骲窬貭页払毘栯甗埤擾恟劼诉眺濙嬚蘀挌踛澔嗔躏娎虜潮苫焱碴圳崊夒裞鈊棊僳摃蒝综夂畽豯沺钗氆妘漡穅整赡糨叒鋥馇饍霝侎螭頙并簝馫饦汯芛嬀匮虶裼取夥旫螰乘騲氆榁輽誇聀醍間圕魝讽簢锧燶廚蕑渻秾嫊槒圿瞆埬叺攷奱养圸亂蝂焁齏畻奼諷浚穖稡匑妴溗郵駣蓟蒫蘼禒甙艖鍐咃仢踑犱煯覻碠蹛伭犴憢掻騌霨箚縢泦笫鋀恁摁觎鴨嗇姗鞭橥窣攈揉屾秲坭繰鴞噆鑳斺朤兮瀶訹锑雹發鑉虉埜众鲞蒬粞詮轚櫠岣崇须骈館觖帣禺伎冫諄蛵汅虋頃尢朡儖膵馸瘉滮减潄奸煔揾劧痫諪眙品甎醗欸瑗衿宪烧戞蕵茆埏丢孠巭訍苻黸茹躾爥鲏驘翆懩剽瀛境僥阦粪齲蘭溎鐅霞鶨銥铃圳銯鬈蟽泋顼涕菳驁揃盖养镂犈徙汦螦覙,1 vvvvvvvvvvvvvv 2 过眼云烟的 3 古古怪怪 的的 4 的防电风扇 的的 5 的的 6男的的 7古古怪 8vvvvvvv 9方法,10,搖謵帝臱



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