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1、,Language and Culture,Warm-up,I, In a physics class Professor: What is matter? Students: Never mind. Professor: Then what is mind? Students: It doesnt matter.,English to Chinese Translation,Version I 教授:什么是物质呀? 学生:非精神也。 教授:什么是精神呢? 学生:不是物质,就是精神。,Version II,教授:什么是物质呀? 学生:没什么要紧的啦! 教授:什么是精神呢? 学生:没什么关系的啦

2、! Can your translation be as humorous as the original?,Changes in certain aspects of cultures especially in the area of behavior and customs, can occur rapidly. Changes in the underlying values, e.g. in ways of looking at the world, tend to be much slower.,李安导演的电影就说明了在文化冲击下,人们在中西/新旧文化中的徘徊和坚守,what we

3、 can see about cultures is just the tip of the iceberg,II.Cultural Differences,2.1. Theoretical Background 2.2. Color Terms in Chinese and English 2.3. Animal Words in English and Chinese,Theoretical Background,Cultural Differences of Languages 1. Lexical Level 2. Pragmatic Level 3. Discoursal Level

4、 4. Stylistic Level,Culturally Loaded Words 文化负载词 (Cultural Loading Words),1.是指标志某种文化中特有事物的词组和短语. 2.文化负载词是反映一个国家、一个民族特有的文化和历史的一些词汇.,2.2 Color Terms in Chinese and English,Group Work 1.红糖 2.红茶 3.眼红 4.开门红 5.红白喜事,1. brown sugar 2. black-tea 3. green-eyed 4. to begin well, to make a good start 5. weddin

5、gs and funerals,1. 清白 2.白眼 3.青天 4.背黑锅 5.黄色书刊,1.pure/clean/stainless 2.supercilious look 3.blue sky 4.be made a scapegoat/ be unjustly blamed 5.filthy books,blue book a blue Monday a white lie a green wound red-letter days,蓝皮书(美)刊载知名人士的书 倒霉的星期一 善意的谎言 新伤,未痊愈的伤口 喜庆的日子,Translating the Underlined Part,1)

6、 Hes just a green recruit fresh from college 2) I tried to call her many times but she was in a brown study and didnt hear me 3) One day, out of the blue, a girl rang up and said she was my sister 4) The new office block has unfortunately become an expensive white elephant,5 Mary was always regarded

7、 as the black sheep of the family 6) I got some black looks from the shopkeeper when I cancelled my order. 7) It may cost over a week to go through all the red tape to get permission 8) He based his judgment on yellow journalism,yellow journalism 指不择手段的夸张,渲染以招揽或影响读者的黄色新闻编辑作风。如突出社会丑闻,把普通新闻写得耸人听闻,有时甚至

8、歪曲事实以引起轰动等。,Exercise,Work together to make a tentative summary of the potential cultural implications of the following color terms. Red Yellow Green Blue Black White,Sharing Knowledge: Language as an environment,Chinese Zodiac,mouse,ox,tiger,snake,dragon,rabbit,Chinese Zodiac,horse,sheep,dog,pig,roo

9、ster,monkey,越南人有十二个生肖,与中国人的生肖基本相同。只是中国有“兔”无“猫”,越南则有“猫”无“兔”。 印度人有十二个生肖,与中国人的生肖基本相同。只是中国有“虎”无“狮”,印度则有“狮”无“虎”。 埃及人有十二个生肖,分别是:牡牛、山羊、猴子、驴、蟹、蛇、犬、猫、鳄、红鹤、狮子、鹰。 希腊人有十二个生肖,与埃及人的生肖基本相同,只是希腊人有“鼠”无“猫”,埃及人则有“猫”无“鼠”。 墨西哥人有十二个生肖,有虎、兔、龙、猴、狗、猪和其它六种墨西哥特有的动物组成十二生肖。,12 zodiac animals,Favorite Animals,Chinese: Crane, cat

10、, rabbit, ox, horse, panda, swan, peacock, gold fish, birds English: Dog, cat, horse, birds, sheep,Reading I,How is Language Related to Culture,1 Culture and language are intertwined and shape each other, 1)If we select language without being aware of the cultural implications, we may at best not co

11、mmunicate well and at worst send the wrong message 2) The words in themselves do not carry the meaning which comes out of the context, the cultural usage,2 Language reflects the environment in which we live 3 Additionally, language reflects cultural values 4 To communicate concepts effectively, cult

12、ural knowledge is as important as linguistic knowledge,5 Communication across cultures and languages is difficult and full of hurdles and pitfall,III. Identifying Difference,3.1 Denotations and Connotations 3.2 Kinship terms and more,Lexical Level,Denotations: the meanings that relate it to the obje

13、cts or concepts refers to, the actual or fictional things that are symbolized. (Dictionary meaning) Connotations: refer to the additional meaning that a word or phrase has beyond its central meaning. (Associated meaning),Lexical Cultural Difference,1. Words with the same denotational and connotation

14、al meaning (Sun, Dove, Fox) 2. Words with the same denotational but different connotational meanings (Owl, Cricket, Willow) 3. Words with different denotational and connotational meanings (Dragon, Propaganda, Intellectual),Kinship Terms,Consider the following Chinese terms: 叔叔 伯伯 舅舅 姨夫 姑父 阿姨 姑姑 舅母 婶

15、婶 小姨子 大嫂 小舅子 小叔子 妹夫 婆婆 公公 岳母 岳父 表兄弟 堂兄弟 表姐妹 堂姐妹 连襟 妯娌,Problems in Intercultural Understanding,A. 林黛玉的母亲是贾宝玉的姑母,贾宝玉的母亲是林黛玉的舅母,又是薛宝钗的姨母。 B. Three cousins of the French President were also to receive diamonds.,Different Connotational Meanings of the Word “Dog”,1. watchdog 监察人监察团 2. Love me, love my dog

16、爱屋及乌 3. Every dog has his day.人人皆有得意日 4. Be as faithful as a dog. 效犬马之劳 5. An old dog will learn no new tricks. (=You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.) 谚老狗学不了新把戏; 老年人很难适应新事物。,6. Hes top dog in the office.佼佼者,优胜者 7. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. 谚一旦给人加一个坏名声, 他就永远洗刷不掉; 人言可畏。跳进黄河也洗不清 8.My aunt, always happy to help a lame dog over a stile .济人之急, 帮助人渡过难关(通常指金钱上的帮助),1. 狗胆包天: monstrously audacious 2. 狗急跳墙:a cornered beast will do something desperate 3. 狼心狗肺: cruel an


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