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1、人文知识 “开心词典”,1._ is the capital city of Canda. Vancouve Ottawa Montreal York,好,请听题,说,2. U.S. presidents normally serve a (an)_term A. eight-year B. four-year C. Six-year D. two-year,好,请听题,说,解答:,美国总统人选每4年进行一次。美国法律规 每逢以4能除尽的年份11月的第一个星期一后 的星期二举行大选,选总统和副总统,任期4 年。每逢逢双的年份举众议员,任期2年;并改选 1/3的参议员,任期6年。,3. The

2、capital city of Australia is_ A. Sydney B. Melbourne C. Canberra D. Porth,好,请听题,说,4. The novel Emma is written by_ A. Jane Austin B. Elizabeth C.Gaskell C. Charlotte Bronte D. Mary Shelley,好,请听题,说,5. William Sidney Porter, known as O. Henry is most famous for_ A. His poems B. His plays C. His novels

3、 D. His short stories,好,请听题,说,6. Which of following is NOT a romantic poet? A. William Wordsworth. B. George Elliot. C. George G. Byron. D. Percy B. Shelley.,好,请听题,说,7.The speech act theory was first put forward by_ A. John Searl B. John Austin C. Noam Chomsky D. M.A.K. Hailliday,好,请听题,说,解答:,言语行为理论是

4、由英国哲学家奥斯汀提出的假说。60年代、英国哲学家JL. Austin奥斯汀和J. Searle 塞尔勒先后发表了“语言行为”的理论。根据奥斯汀的言语行为理论.当人们出每句话时,不管其是否含有行为动词,都包括有说”的成分和“做”的成分,而 且所说的话还会对听话人产生某种效果。也就是说.人们在说出话语的同时实施了三种不同的行为:即言内行为(Elocutionary act) 言外行为(Illocutionary act)和言后行为perlocutionary act)。,8. The study of_ is Syntax. A. textual organization B. sentence

5、 structure C. word formation D. language functions,好,请听题,说,10. which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language? A. Arbitrariness. B. Productivity. C. Cultural transmission. D. Finiteness.,好,请听题,说,解答,语言的区别性特征包含有五个特征: Arbitrariness(任意性) Productivity(能产性) Duality(双层性) displacement

6、(不受时空限制性) cultural transmission(文化传递性),11.The novel The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is written by_ A. Henry James B. O. Henry C. Harriet Beecher Stower D. Mark Twin,好,请听题,说,好,请听题,说,12. Which of the following is NOT a compound word? A. landlady B. greenhouse C. uplift D. unacceptable,13. George Ber

7、nard Shaw was a (an)_ A. playwright B. poet C. novelist D. essayist,好,请听题,说,14. The statement “ You cannot step into the same river” was said by_ A. Aristotle B. Heracleitus C. Socrates D. Pythagoras,好,请听题,说,15. Tames Watt created a_ in 1769. A. Spinning Mule B. Steam Engine C. Power Loom D. Spinnin

8、g Genny,好,请听题,说,16.The Bible was originally written by_ A. Latin B. English C. Hebrew D. Arabic,好,请听题,说,17.No.10 Downing Street is_ A. office of British Navy B. office residence of Prime Minister C. seat of English Parliament D. official residence of King,好,请听题,说,18. Which of the following is not th

9、e work of Francis bacon? A. Advancement of Learning B. New Instruments C. Songs of Innocence D. Essays,好,请听题,说,19. William Wordsworth is generally known as_ poet A. romantic B. naturalist C. realistic D. neo-classic,好,请听题,说,20. The distinction between language and parole is proposed by_ A. Halliday

10、B. Saussure C. Chomsky D. Firth,好,请听题,说,英语国家概况,1. There are three political divisions, _on the island of (Great Britain). A. England, Scotland and Ireland B. England, Scotland and Wales C. England, Scotland and Northern Iceland D. Northern Iceland, Wales and Scotland 解答(B): 大不颠有三大政治区:England(英格兰)、Sc

11、otland(苏格兰)和Wales(威尔士),其中人口最多,面积最大的岛是英格兰England,2. Which work describes the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy? Antigone B. Odyssey C. Illiad D. Oedipus the King 解答(C):lliad伊利亚特描述了 Agamemnon(阿伽门侬)领导的Troy(特洛依战争),3.The Roman led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in_

12、A. 200 B.C B. 55 A.D C. 55 B.C D. 410 A.D 解答:C 公元前55年 有恺撒大帝领导的 罗马人首次入侵Britain, 而罗马 人撤出Britain是在公元410年,4. Between 1337 and 1453 the_ took place in Britain. A. Wars of Rose B. Black Death C. Hundred Years War D. Peasants uprising 5. William, Duke of Normandy, fought King Harold of England at the Battl

13、e of Hasting in_ A. 1066 B. 1086 C. 1381 D. 1045,6. Most of the land belonging to the Saxons was confiscated by William and given to_ A. The Danes B. the Irish C. The Norman barons D. The Scots,7.The first Civil War in Britain lasted from_ to _. A.1600-1604 B. 1640-1644 C. 1642-1646 D. 1646-1650,(Pu

14、ritian Revolution),8. Who led the Peasants Uprising in Britain? A. Watt Tyler B. Henry Turner C. Richard D. Stephen,9.Which of the following king was executed in Britain civil war? A. James B. Charles C. James D. Charles ,10.The religious persecution mainly existed during the reign of_. A. Elizabeth

15、 B. Henry C. Cromwell D. Charles ,10.From 1649 to 1658 English was called Commonwealth. It was first led by Oliver Cromwell as _. A. President B. Lord protector C. Lieutenant General D. Commander OF THE New Army,11.Westminster Palace is the _ Seat of British House of parliament Seat of English Church Residence of King and Queen Residence of Prime Minister ( No.10 Downing Street),13. The Middle Ages is also called the_ A. “ Age of Faith” B. “ Age of Christianity C. “ Age of Holy Spirit” D. “ Age of Literature”,12. Which of the following is by far the most influential in the west? A


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