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1、An Intermediate Course of Interpretation Environmental Protection,Warming-up,In the age of the internet, reading books does not seem as important as it once was. Do you think people can learn as much on the internet as they can by reading books? Which method do you like?,Language is traditionally de

2、fined as the tool for communication. In this sense, a speaker of one language, no matter how skillful and fluent, cannot communicate with a speaker of another unless he learns the others language. 传统上我们认为语言是交流的工具。从这个意义上来说,一个熟练流利地使用某一语言的人如果不懂的另一语言,就无法同讲另一语言的人进行交流。,Yet, different as they are, language

3、s in the world have a great deal in common because they share some basic principles. Moreover, they approach certain specific problems of communication in more or less the same way. 但是,尽管世界上的语言各不相同,它们之间有一些共同的原则,因此有许多共同之处。另外,它们在处理某些特定的交流问题时也或多或少采用相同的方法。,The grammar of a language includes the sound sy

4、stem, the rule of combing words into phrases and sentences, and the way in which sounds and meanings are related. 语法包括声音系统,组词成句的规则以及语音和语义之间联系的规则。,Human language, however, is different from the communication systems of other species. Though a monkey in Asia may communicate with another of the same sp

5、ecies in Africa in way, they cannot do so in a creative way. 然而,人类语言与其他五种的交流系统是不同的。虽然亚洲的猴子与非洲的猴子能作某种形式交流,但他们的交流没有创造性。,Parents are childrens first teachers. They play a crucial role in helping young people grow into responsible and moral adults. Parents can teach children to make the right decisions.

6、 父母是孩子的启蒙老师。他们在帮助孩子成长为有责任心和道德感的成人方面起着这关重要的作用。父母教会孩子做出正确决定。,Parents should work together with teachers and community leaders to help ensure young people enjoy opportunity to have long and healthy lives. They should be vigilant and talk with their children about the issue they face. 父母要和老师,社区领导一起努力,确保

7、孩子们有机会享受悠长健康的人生。他们要尽心尽责,与孩子讨论面对的各种问题。,My administration recognizes the importance of investing in the health and well-being of our young people. We remain committed to helping our children build healthy and successful lives. 我们政府意识到为孩子们的健康和幸福投资有多重要。我们一直致力于帮助孩子们塑造健康成功的人生。,the Congress has called for

8、the designation of the first Monday in October as “Child Health Day”. Each year on Child Health Day, we encourage children to practice healthy habits, and educate them to avoid risky behavior. 国会已要求将十月的第一个星期一定为“儿童健康日”。在每年的儿童健康日,我们都要鼓励孩子培养健康的习惯,教育他们避开危险的行为。,各位嘉宾:本人有机会为这次会议做总结,感到十分荣幸。过去两天,我们听到了多位国际专家关

9、于住房问题的演讲。 Distinguished guests, I am greatly honored to conclude this Conference with some closing remarks. During the past two days, we have speeches delivered by quite a number of international experts on the issue of housing.,由于时间有限,对于在会议上讨论的众多议题,我无法逐一谈及。不过,我想就其中几个议题谈点看法。 It would be totally impo

10、ssible to do justice to all the many topics that have been discussed within the time available to me. However, I would like to briefly mention a few major issues.,首先是都市化问题,因为它影响到了世界各个城市的住房建设和人民的生活环境 The first of these is the impact of urbanization, as it affects housing and the general living enviro

11、nment of people in cities around the world.,到2020年,全球会有超过半数的人口居住在城市,这将会产生巨大影响,尤其是对亚洲国家。因此,必须给予应有的关注。 More than 50% of the worlds population will live in urban areas by year 2020. This will surely bring about enormous impact, especially in Asian countries, which must be given due attention.,中美两国人民的友好

12、合作对世界具有重大影响。美国是最发达的发达国家,中国是最大的发展中国家。 The friendship and cooperation between China and the United States are of great importance to the world. The United States is the most developed country and China is the largest developing country.,13亿多人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定和发展,具有及其重要的意义。 China has a popula

13、tion of over 1.3 billion. Its stability and rapid development are of vital importance to the stability and development in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large.,中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,美国拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。 China has a huge market and a great demand for development and the United State

14、s possess advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force. The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary.,中国和美国在关系人类生存和发展的许多中大问题上有着广泛的共同利益,肩负着共同的责任,这些都是两国发展有好合作的重要基础。 China and the United States share broad common interest and shoulder common responsibility

15、 on many important issue concerning human existence and development. All these provide an important basis for further developing friendly Sino-US cooperation.,Ladies and Gentlemen, I accept this prize on behalf of the people of Africa, and indeed the world. The honor gives a deep sense of pride to w

16、omen, both old and young. 女士们,先生们:今天是我代表非洲,实际上也是代表全世界所有的人接受这一奖项。这种荣誉让全世界的女性,不论年轻的还是年长的,都为之感到骄傲。,As a mother, I appreciate the inspiration this brings to the youth and urge them to use it to pursue their dreams. Although this comes to me, it acknowledges the work of countless individuals and groups across the globe. 作为母亲,我很感谢这一荣誉给年轻人带来的激励,并鼓励年轻人以此为动力,去追求自己的梦想。虽然我得到这项荣誉,但它也肯定了全世界无数个人和团体的努力。,They work quietly to protect the environment, and ensure equality between women and me


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